1 03/07/85  Date/Time Error codes
  3 List of error codes: These are the error codes generated by the
  4 date/time system.
  5 error-table_$dt_ambiguous_time
  6    there is no language common to all words in the time
  7    string.
  8 error-table_$dt_bad_day_of_week
  9    the returned clock reading does not fall on the given
 10    day of the week.
 11 error_table_$badcall
 12    the environment was not set up properly before calling
 13    this procedure.
 14 error-table_$dt_bad_format_selector
 15    unrecognized selector in format string.
 18 error_table_$bad_time
 19    the time represented by hour, minute and second is
 20    invalid, e.g., 23:60 or negative time values
 21 error_table_$bad_conversion
 22    a conversion condition occurred while trying to convert
 23    a value.
 24 error-table_$dt_time_conversion_error
 25    For any of the following reasons:
 26     a.  General syntax error
 27     b.  Month without a day number.
 28     c.  Midnight or noon preceded by an hour other than 12.
 29     d.  Improper use of comma or period.
 30     e.  Improper use of offset.
 33 error-table_$dt_date_too_big
 34    the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.
 35 error-table_$dt_date_too_small
 36    the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.
 37 error-table_$dt_date_not_exist
 38    the date given is in the nonexistent range of
 39    1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14
 40 error-table_$dt_hour_gt_twelve
 41    the hour given exceeds 12.
 42 error-table_$dt_multiple_date_spec
 43    more than one instance of a date has been given.
 44 error-table_$dt_multiple_diw_spec
 45    day of the week specified more than once.
 48 error-table_$dt_multiple_time_spec
 49    more than one instance of a time has been given.
 50 error-table_$dt_multiple_meaning
 51    the time string does not have the same meaning in all
 52    potential languages, these being the intersection of
 53    all the languages possible for all words present.
 54 error-table_$dt_multiple_zone_spec
 55    the zone may only be specified once.
 56 error-table_$dt_no_format_selector
 57    the format string contains no selectors and is not a
 58    known keyword.
 59 error-table_$dt_no_interval_units
 60    no units given in which to express the interval.
 63 error-table_$dt_offset_too_big_negative
 64    an offset is so big that when it is applied, it
 65    yields a date before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.
 66 error-table_$dt_offset_too_big_positive
 67    a negative offset is so big that when it is applied,
 68    it yields a date after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.
 69 error-table_$picture_bad
 70    the picture supplied is in error.
 71 error-table_$picture_scale
 72    the picture scale factor not in the range -128:+127.
 73 error-table_$picture_too_big
 74    the normalized picture exceeds 64 characters.
 75 error-table_$dt_bad_dm
 76    day_in_month<1 or day_in_month>month_size.
 79 error-table_$dt_bad_dy
 80    day_in_year < 0 or day_in_year > year_size (which is
 81    355 for 1582).
 82 error-table_$dt_bad_fw
 83    fiscal_week < 1 or fiscal_week > year_max (which is 52
 84    or 53).
 85 error-table_$dt_bad_my
 86    month_in_year<1 or month_in_year>12.
 87 error-table_$size_error
 88    the size condition occurred during processing.
 89 error-table_$dt_size_error
 90    the size condition occurred while converting the time string.
 93 error-table_$too_many_tokens
 94    the time string contains more tokens than the
 95    routine is prepared to handle.
 96 error-table_$dt_conflict
 97    there is a conflicting combination of day-in-calendar,
 98    day-in-year, month-in-year, day-in-month and
 99    fiscal-week.
100 error_table_$unimplemented_version
101    a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.
102 error-table_$dt_unknown_time_language
103    the language specified by the caller was not found in
104    time_info_.
107 error-table_$dt_unknown_word
108    a word in a time string is not found in the time_info_
109    token list.
110 error_table_$unknown_zone
111    the time zone specified by the caller was not found in
112    time_info_.
113 error-table_$dt_year_too_big
114    the clock value given, when converted to the specified
115    time zone, is after the year 9999.
116 error-table_$dt_year_too_small
117    the clock value given, when converted to the specified
118    time zone, is before the year 0001.