1 02/08/85  date_deleter
 3 Syntax as a command:
 4    date_deleter dir_path cutoff {star_names} {-control_args}
 7 Function: deletes segments and multisegment files (MSFs) older than a
 8 specified number of days or older than a given date-time.
11 Arguments:
12 dir_path
13    is the pathname of the directory in which the deletions are to
14    occur; dir_path can be -working_directory (-wd) to indicate the
15    working directory.
16 cutoff
17    is a positive integer number of days.  If it is an integer N, files
18    with a date more than N days old are deleted; if it is a date-time
19    DT, files with a date earlier than DT are deleted.
20    (See time_strings.gi.)
21 star_names
22    are the optional starnames of files to be deleted.  If you supply
23    none, all files older than the specified number of days are deleted;
24    otherwise only files matching one or more of the starnames, and
25    older than the specified number of days, are deleted.
28 Control arguments:
29 -absolute_pathname, -absp
30    prints the entire pathname of the entries listed by -long,
31    -query_all, and -query_each.  (Default: to print entrynames)
32 -all, -a, -branch, -br
33    deletes directories, segments, and multisegment files.
34 -date_time_contents_modified, -dtcm
35    uses the date/time value specified in the dtcm attribute to
36    calculate the deletion date.  (Default)
37 -date_time_dumped, -dtd
38    uses the dtd of each entry instead of the dtcm.
39 -date_time_entry_modified, -dtem
40    uses the dtem of each entry instead of the dtcm.
41 -date_time_used, -dtu
42    uses the dtu of each entry instead of the dtcm.
45 -directory, -dr
46    deletes directories only.
47 -entryname, -etnm
48    prints only the entrynames of the files listed by -long, -query_all,
49    and -query_each rather than the entire pathname.  (Default)
50 -file, -f
51    deletes segments and multisegment files.  (Default)
52 -long, -lg
53    prints a message of the form "Deleted <type> <path>" for each entry
54    deleted.
55 -multisegment_file, -msf
56    multisegment files only.
57 -name STR, -nm STR
58    specifies a starname STR that begins with a minus sign, to
59    distinguish it from a control argument.
62 -query_all, -qya
63    lists all entries to be deleted and queries whether they should be
64    deleted or not.
65 -query_each, -qye
66    queries for every entry to be deleted.
67 -segment, -sm
68    deletes segments only.