1 :Info: cv_dmcf:  1984-07-24  cv_dmcf
  3 Syntax as a command:  cv_dmcf PATH
  6 Function:  This command converts a configuration source file to a
  7 configuration file (with suffix "dmct").  For the configuration file
  8 to be used in initializing a Data Management system, it must have the
  9 name "dm_configuration" on it and be located in the appropriate
 10 per-AIM directory (commonly, >site>dm>system_low).
 13 Arguments:
 14 PATH
 15    is the pathname of the configuration source file.  The file must
 16    have the "dmcf" suffix on its entry name, which will be added to
 17    the PATH argument if not present.
 20 Notes on source file:
 21 The source file is composed of a series of statements of the form:
 23    keyword:  value;
 25 with the final statement being:
 27    end;
 29 The statements may be in any order, and there may be any number of
 30 them.  Each keyword should appear only once.
 33 List of keywords:
 34 system_before_journal_size N
 35    sets the size of the system default before journal to N control
 36    intervals.  (DEFAULT -- 4000)
 37 max_processes N
 38    sets the maximum number of processes which can be using DM at the
 39    same time to N.  (DEFAULT -- 256)
 40 max_transactions N
 41    sets the maximum number of transactions which can be in progress at
 42    the same time to N.  (DEFAULT -- 128)
 45 default_before_journal PATH_SPEC
 46    specifies the location of the default before journal.  PATH_SPEC is
 47    composed of one or both of dir=DIR and entry=ENTRY.  DIR is either
 48    an absolute pathname of the directory in which the default bj is to
 49    reside, "aim_dir", or "bootload_dir".  dir=aim_dir places the
 50    default bj in the AIM directory for the DM system being initialized.
 51    dir=bootload_dir places the default bj in the per-bootload DM
 52    directory.  (DEFAULT -- dir=aim_dir, entry=system_default.bj)
 53 idle_timeout N
 54    sets the idle timeout of the daemon to wakeup every N minutes.  At
 55    every wakeup, the daemon cleans up any transactions which are
 56    waiting for its attention.  Generally, the daemon will keep
 57    transactions cleaned up as they need it because of other mechanisms
 58    (process termination notification, for instance).  The idle timeout
 59    mechanism is provided as insurance.  (DEFAULT -- 15 minutes)
 62 user_shutdown_delay N
 63    sets the delay from shutdown_warning to user_shutdown to N minutes.
 64    (DEFAULT -- 5 minutes)
 65 user_bump_delay N
 66    sets the delay from user_shutdown to user_bump to N minutes.
 67    (DEFAULT -- 5 minutes)
 68 daemon_logout_delay N
 69    sets the delay from user_bump to daemon logout to N minutes.
 70    (DEFAULT -- 5 minutes)
 73 prev_bootload_status OPTION_LIST
 74    determines how previous per-bootload DM system is handled when
 75    initializing a new DM system in the same AIM directory.
 76    Options in the OPTION_LIST are separated by commas.  Options are:
 77      hold - rename and retain the previous bootload directory.
 78             (DEFAULT -- off)
 79      adopt - if there is already a DM bootload directory for the
 80              current  Multics system bootload, adopt it.
 81              (DEFAULT -- on)
 82      recover - attempt to recover the DM files associated with the
 83              previous DM system. (DEFAULT -- on)
 84      recovery_check_mode - If on, continue recovering from a before
 85              journal in spite of most errors encountered (which are
 86              logged as they are encountered) processing images from
 87              the journal.  (DEFAULT -- off)
 90 current_bootload_enable STR
 91    specifies whether to force bringing up a new DM or not, in the face
 92    of errors in recovery.  If STR is "force" then the new DM will be
 93    enabled whether or not there are error encountered in recovering the
 94    old DM system.  If STR is "^force", then a new DM system will only
 95    be brought up if no errors were encountered while recovering the
 96    old DM system.  (DEFAULT -- ^force)
 97 log_proc_terms STR
 98    determines whether or not the Data_Management Daemon will log
 99    process terminations.  The values for STR are "on" or "off".
100    (DEFAULT -- on)
103 :hcom:
108   1) change(2020-12-14,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10088),
109      audit(2021-05-27,Swenson), install(2021-05-27,MR12.6g-0056):
110       A) Change "Syntax:" to "Syntax as a command:" in command info seg
111          last changed after 1984.
112       B) Correct line lengths per info seg guidelines.
113                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */