1 07/27/80  controlargument.compin
 3 Syntax:  .ifi controlargument "long control arg" "short control arg" ...
 4       OR .ifi ctlarg          "long control arg" "short control arg" ...
 7 Function:
 8 This macro formats control arguments as members of a list of control
 9 arguments (see controlargument_list.compin.info concerning intializing
10 the control argument list).
13 Macro action:
14 1) inserts control argument separation white space as appropriate for
15    the device
16 2) formats "long control arg" and any number of "short control arg"s in
17    10pt Helvetica Roman (also see Notes) undented (hanging) by one in-
18    dentation level, each on a line by itself
21 Notes:
22 1) A call to this macro should be followed by text describing the con-
23    trol argument.
24 2) If "long control arg" and "short control arg" contain white space,
25    they must be given as quoted strings.
26 3) "long control arg" and "short control arg" may contain both literal
27    fields and variable fields.  These fields are distinguished in the
28    output by presenting the variable fields in 10pt Helvetica Bold
29    Italc instead of Roman.  Variable fields are denoted by enclosing
30    them between tilde (~) characters.  For example
32       "-pathname ~path~"
34    will present "pathname" in Roman and "path" in Bold Italic.
36 (END)