1 08/13/84  create_mrds_dsm, cmdsm
 3 Syntax as a command:  cmdsm source_path db_path {-control_args}
 6 Function:  This command creates a MRDS data base submodel from a data
 7 submodel source segment.  The path of the resulting data submodel can
 8 be specified as an argument to the dsl_$open subroutine or the
 9 mrds_call open or LINUS open commands instead of the path to a data
10 base directory.  This command is intended for use by data base
11 administrators (DBAs) when defining a view of a data base for a given
12 application.  The submodel created only works against the data base
13 whose path was in the command and not against similar data bases with
14 other pathnames.
17 Arguments:
18 source_path
19    is the pathname of a data submodel source segment.  If source_path
20    does not have a suffix of cmdsm, then one is assumed.  However, the
21    cmdsm suffix must be the last component of the name of the source
22    segment.
23 db_path
24    is the pathname of the data base with which the resulting data
25    submodel is to be associated.  This data base must exist.
28 Control arguments:
29 -force, -fc
30    overwrites an existing submodel with the same name without querying
31    the caller to be sure that the old submodel can be destroyed.
32 -install, -ins
33    creates the submodel in the secure.submodels directory that is under
34    the data base directory rather than in the working_dir.  The use of
35    this control argument causes a directory named secure.submodels to
36    be created under the data base directory if it does not already
37    exist.  This control argument is restricted to DBAs.
38 -list, -ls
39    creates a segment containing a listing of the submodel source,
40    followed by information about the submodel to model mapping, in the
41    working directory.  The segment also contains a list of any errors
42    found while creating the submodel.
45 -no_force, -nfc
46    if a submodel with the same name already exists, queries the user as
47    to whether it can be overwritten.  This control argument undoes the
48    effects of a -force.  (Default)
49 -no_install, -nins
50    creates the submodel in the working_dir.  (Default)
51 -no_list, -nls
52    specifies that a listing segment is not created.  (Default)
55 Notes:  The data submodel is a multisegment file with the same name as
56 the submodel source but with a dsm (rather than cmdsm) suffix.
58 Error messages are written to the error_output I/O switch as they
59 occur.  These messages are also included in the listing segment if one
60 is produced.
62 Only a DBA can run this command against a secure data base.  If the
63 data base is secure and the -install control argument is not used, the
64 submodel will be created in the DBA's working directory and a warning
65 that the submodel is not secure will be issued.