1 11/24/86  create_mrds_dm_table, cmdmt
 3 Syntax as a command:  cmdmt path {-control_args}
 6 Function:  This command is a display tool which creates a pictorial
 7 representation of a MRDS data base model/submodel.  Each box names an
 8 attribute in the relation, giving its PL/I data type with flags
 9 indicating if it is a key attribute and/or index attribute in the
10 relation.
13 Arguments:
14 path
15    is the relative or absolute pathname of the data model/submodel of
16    the data base, with or without the suffix.  The user must have "r"
17    access to some relation in the data base.  The pathname must be the
18    first argument.  If the data base is secured, then the path must
19    refer to a submodel in the secure.submodels directory under the data
20    base, unless the user is a DBA.
23 Control arguments:
24 -brief, -bf
25    suppresses the PL/I data type information normally displayed below
26    the attribute name inside each box.
27 -line_length N, -ll N
28    specifies the maximum line length (in characters) available for the
29    display of boxes across the page where 64<=N<=136).  (Default line
30    length is 136)
31 -long, -lg
32    causes the PL/I data type information to be displayed below each
33    attribute name, inside each box.  (Default)
35 -order rel_name1 rel_name2 ...  rel_namei
36    specifies that the displays generated for the relations whose names
37    follow this argument are to be placed first in the output segment in
38    the order of their names on the command line.  The displays for
39    relations not named in the ordered list are placed at the end of the
40    output segment in the order in which their names are defined in the
41    data model.  The names following the -order control argument are
42    separated by spaces.
44 -output_file filename, -of filename
45     specifies the name to be assigned to the output segment.
46 -page_length N, -pl N
47    specifies the number of lines allowed between new page characters in
48    the output segment where 30<=N<=127.  (Default is 59 lines)
49 -relation rel_name1 rel_name2...relnamei,
50      -rel rel_name1 rel_name2...relnamei
51    specifies the names of relations for which the display is to be
52    created.  The relations will appear in the output segment in the
53    order specified.  The names following -rel are separated by spaces.
54    The -rel control argument is incompatible with -order.
57 Notes:  The output is written to a segment whose name is constructed as
58 follows:
60      <entryname of the input path with the db or dsm suffix
61         removed>.table
63    or, if -output_file is specified:
65      <filename>.table
67 If the segment does not exist, it is created.
69 If both a data model and submodel of the same name are in the same
70 directory, then the model is found first if no suffix is given.
72 If the data base is secured and the user is not a DBA, then the key
73 head attribute is marked as "indexed" and remaining key attributes are
74 unmarked.
77 If a -decode_declare option exists on an attribute domain, then the
78 declaration appears in the table since this is the user view and the
79 data base storage data type is not of use.