1 06/16/86  create_mrds_db, cmdb
  3 Syntax as a command:  cmdb source_path {database_path} {-control_args}
  6 Function:  This command creates an unpopulated MRDS data base from a
  7 data model source segment.
 10 Arguments:
 11 source_path
 12    is the pathname of a data model source segment.  If source_path does
 13    not have a suffix of cmdb, then one is assumed.  However, the cmdb
 14    suffix must be the last component of the name of the source segment.
 15 database_path
 16    is the pathname of the data base to be created.  If database_path is
 17    not given as an argument, then the data base is created in the
 18    working directory with the same name as the source segment with a db
 19    (rather than a cmdb) suffix.  If database_path is given as an
 20    argument, then the db suffix is added automatically if not given
 21    with the argument.
 24 Control arguments:
 25 -data_management_file {STR}, -dmf {STR}
 26    creates relation data files that are manipulated by the Multics Data
 27    Management System.  STR is an optional mode string that defines the
 28    characteristics of the data management files.  This mode string
 29    applies to all relations created in the data base.  See Notes for a
 30    list of valid modes.  The directories under which the listing
 31    segment and the data base directory are to be created must have
 32    append access for the user, similarly for the temp_dir if used.  The
 33    containing directory access must be "sm", if -force is used.
 34 -force, -fc
 35    causes an existing data base of the same pathname as the given or
 36    default pathname to be deleted and this new data base to be created
 37    in its place.
 40 -list, -ls
 41    a segment containing a listing of the data model source, followed by
 42    detailed information about each relation and attribute in the
 43    resulting data base.  This segment is created in the working
 44    directory and has the same name as the source segment with list
 45    (rather than cmdb) as the suffix.
 46 -no_force, -nfc
 47    does not allow a data base of the same pathname as the given or
 48    default pathname to be created when such a data base already exists.
 49    (Default)
 50 -no_list, -nls
 51    indicates that no listing is to be created.  (Default)
 52 -no_secure
 53    causes the data base to be created in the unsecured state.
 54    (Default)
 57 -secure
 58    causes the data base to be created in the secured state.  See the
 59    secure_mrds_db command for details on the secured state.  Also refer
 60    to Section 7 for information on the effect of the secured state on
 61    commands and subroutines.
 62 -temp_dir path
 63    provides for a directory with more quota than the default of the
 64    process directory when more temporary storage is needed to do a
 65    create_mrds_db on a source with many relations and attributes.  For
 66    example, doing a create_mrds_db on a 256 relation source requires
 67    this argument.  If the user gets a record quota overflow in the
 68    process directory during a create_mrds_db, then a new_process is
 69    required.  A retry of the create_mrds_db with the -temp_dir
 70    argument, giving a pathname of a directory with more quota than the
 71    process directory, can then be done.
 74 -vfile, -vf
 75    creates relation data files that are manipulated by vfile_.
 76    (Default)
 79 Notes:  The largest data base that can be created is 256 relations.
 80 MRDS allows 256 attributes per relation.
 83 If the mode appears in the mode string preceeded by "^", then the mode
 84 is set to off.  In the case of duplicate mode specifications, the last
 85 mode specified takes effect.
 88 The default for protection is on.  If protection is on, the default for
 89 concurrency and rollback is also on.  If protection is off, the default
 90 for concurrency and rollback is off.  If no mode string is specified in
 91 the -data_management_file control argument, a default mode string of
 92 "protection,concurrency,rollback" is used.
 95 List of modes:  (for use with -data_management_file control argument)
 96 protection
 97    creates relations as protected data management files.  Relations
 98    created with this mode can be accessed only if the process is in a
 99    transaction.
100 concurrency
101    provides concurrency control when accessing relations.  This mode is
102    valid only if protection is enabled.
103 rollback
104    provides rollback before images are taken when updating a relation.
105    This mode is valid only if protection is enabled.