1 10/20/86 copy_list, cpls
 3 Syntax as a command:  cpls path1 path2 {-control_args}
 6 Function:  creates a new list segment from an existing list segment.
 9 Arguments:
10 path1
11    is the pathname of the existing lister file.  The suffix lister must
12    be the last component of the list segment name; however, if path1
13    does not have a suffix of lister, one is assumed.
14 path2
15    is the pathname of the new list segment.  The suffix lister must be
16    the last component of the list segment name; however, if path2 does
17    not have a suffix of lister, one is assumed.
20 Control arguments:
21 -brief_errors, -bfe
22    suppresses error message when no records are selected.
23 -select STR, -sel STR
24    copies records specified by STR (the STR argument must be enclosed
25    in quotes).  If this control argument is not specified, then all
26    records are copied.
27 -totals, -tt
28    displays the number of records copied.
31 Notes:  The copy_list command sets the "lister" severity indicator.  A
32 severity of 2 is set when the copy was not performed or the invocation
33 of copy_list terminated abnormally.  A severity of 1 is set when the
34 copy was done but no records are copied, i.e., the input file had no
35 records or the selection expression found no match.  A severity of 0 is
36 set when the copy was done and at least one record was copied.