1 02/28/84  convert_characters, cvc
 3 Syntax:  cvc key1 {oldpath} {newpath}
 4     or:  cvc key2 char_string
 7 Function:  allows the rapid editing of a segment in the case where a
 8 one-for-one replacement of certain characters by certain other
 9 characters must be done.  An example of its use is the conversion of
10 all uppercase characters in a segment to lowercase characters.
11 Keywords specify the conversion to take place.  For certain of the keys
12 convert_characters maintains a from_string and a to_string that define
13 the conversion to be made.  The converted segment is the same as the
14 original except that every instance of the i'th character of
15 from_string present in the original segment is replaced by the i'th
16 character of to_string.
18 The conversion for the key "sp" uses a from_string and to_string that
19 must have been previously set by use of the "from" and "to" keys.
22 Arguments:
23 key1
24    are any of the keys listed below in "List of keywords."
25 oldpath
26    is the pathname of a segment to be converted.  If omitted, the
27    from_string and to_string related to key1 are printed.
28 newpath
29    the pathname of the output segment.  If omitted, newpath is assumed
30    to be the same as oldpath and the converted copy replaces the
31    original.
34 key2
35    is either "to" or "from" to set to_string or from_string for the
36    "sp" key.
37 char_string
38    is the string to be set as to_string or from_string.  If it contains
39    blanks, it must be enclosed in quotes.
42 List of keywords:
43 lc
44    converts alphabetic characters to lowercase.
45 uc
46    converts alphabetic characters to uppercase.
47 mp
48    converts from Multics PL/I format to IBM 360 PL/I.
49 bcd
50    converts BCD special characters to ASCII/EBCDIC equivalents.
53 dart
54    converts Multics special characters to corresponding Dartmouth
55    special characters as follows:
56       ^     '
57       -     =
58       >     "
59       +     <
60       =     >
61       '     :
62       {     +
63       "     ?
64       ?
65 sp
66    uses conversion strings set earlier by the from and to keys: cvc
67    from char_string1;cvc to char_string2.
70 Notes: The most recent setting of from_string and to_string in your
71 process is used for conversion with the "sp" key.  No conversion is
72 attempted for the "sp" key unless both the from_string and the
73 to_string are of the same nonzero length.  Any character not present
74 in the from_string is not changed.