1 02/06/84  condition_interpreter_
 4 Entry points in condition_interpreter_:
 5    (List is generated by the help command)
 8 :Entry: condition_interpreter_:  02/06/84 condition_interpreter_
11 Function: is used by subsystem condition handlers to obtain a
12 formatted error message for all conditions except quit, alrm, and
13 cput.  Some conditions do not have messages and others cause special
14 actions to be taken.  These are described in "Notes" below.  (For more
15 information on conditions, see the Programmer's Reference Manual.)
18 Syntax:
19 declare condition_interpreter_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin,
20      ptr, char(*), ptr, ptr);
21 call condition_interpreter_ (area_ptr, m_ptr, mlng, mode, mc_ptr,
22      cond_name, wc_ptr, info_ptr);
25 Arguments:
26 area_ptr
27    is a pointer to the area in which the message is to be allocated, if
28    the message is to be returned.  The area size should be at least 300
29    words.  If null, the message is printed on the error_output I/O
30    switch.  (Input)
31 m_ptr
32    points to the allocated message if area_ptr is not null; otherwise
33    it is not set.  (Output)
34 mlng
35    is the length (in characters) of the allocated message if area_ptr
36    is not null.  If area_ptr is null, the length is not set.  Certain
37    conditions (see "Notes" below) have no messages; in these cases,
38    mlng is equal to 0.  (Output)
41 mode
42    is the desired mode of the message to be printed or returned.
43    (Input) It can have the following values:
44    1   normal mode
45    2   brief mode
46    3   long mode
47 mc_ptr
48    if not null, points to machine conditions describing the state of
49    the processor at the time the condition was raised.  (Input)
50 cond_name
51    is the name of the condition being raised.  (Input)
54 wc_ptr
55    is usually null; but when mc_ptr points to machine conditions from
56    ring 0, wc_ptr points to alternate machine conditions.  (Input)
57 info_ptr
58    if not null, points to the information structure described in the
59    Programmer's Reference Manual.  (Input)
62 Notes:  The following conditions cause a return with no message:
64      command_error
65      command_question
66      finish
67      stringsize