1 10/17/81  Documentation macros
  3 A set of compose documentation macros is available for general use.
  4 These macros may be a useful tool for users doing online documentation.
  5 The macros do such things as page formatting, generation of page
  6 headers and footers, font selection for section and paragraph titles,
  7 spacing, and generating a Table of Contents - all automatically.
  9 Each macro is 'called' by inserting one line in a compin segment.  The
 10 desired result is produced when the segment is composed.  (Type "help
 11 compose" for information on compose as compose knowledge is necessary
 12 in order to use these macros effectively.)  The macros follow current
 13 Honeywell standards and specific Multics documentation format rules.
 17 These macros are dynamic and are changed from time to time to provide
 18 new features and to take advantage of new features in compose.  Users
 19 who make copies in order to obtain their own format are warned to check
 20 each macro installation (with compare_ascii) to discover necessary
 21 updates to their private copies.
 23 This info segment briefly describes the actions of the various macros
 24 and lists the macros according to function (general purpose, figure and
 25 table, addenda, or miscellaneous).  More detailed information on a
 26 specific macro can be found in the info segment for that macro (e.g.,
 27 if you want information on preface, type "help preface.compin").
 30 Macro Actions:
 31 1. provide standard spacing around paragraph titles (e.g, 2 spaces
 32    above and 1 below for standard size page; see init.compin.info for
 33    more information)
 34 2. generate proper formatting of section and paragraph title, based on
 35    the following Honeywell standard:
 36       Level 0:  typed    - full caps, centered, new page
 37                 photoset - 18 pt Century Schoolbook Bold Italic,
 38                            initial caps, flush right, new page
 39       Level 1:  typed    - full caps, underlined, flush left
 40                 photoset - 10 pt Helvetica Bold Roman, full caps,
 41                            flush left
 42       Level 2:  typed    - initial caps, underlined, flush left
 43                 photoset - 10 pt Helvetica Bold Italic, full caps,
 44                            flush left
 45       Level 3:  typed    - full caps, flush left
 46                 photoset - 10 pt Helvetica Roman, full caps,
 47                            flush left
 48       Level 4:  typed    - initial caps, flush left
 49                 photoset - 10 pt Helvetica Medium Italic,
 50                            initial caps, flush left
 53 3. assure sufficient space on current page for new paragraph title and
 54    related text
 55 4. generate Table of Contents automatically, based on heading level
 56    macros used
 57 5. generate page footers
 58 6. generate page headers for command or subroutine descriptions
 59    (identified as 'module' text in macros; see l1h.compin.info for more
 60    information on modules)
 61 7. generate table header and figure caption titles with proper spacing
 62    between title and item
 63 8. keep a table counter and a figure counter so the number in the title
 64    is incremented automatically and user can make references without
 65    knowing the actual number of the table or figure
 68 9. generate a list of Tables and a list of Illustrations for the Table
 69    of Contents segments automatically, based on the table and figure
 70    macros used
 71 10.generate dot pages for addenda (e.g., pages 2.1 and 2.2 between
 72    existing pages 2 and 3; see dot_page.compin.info for further
 73    information)
 74 11.show command arguments and control arguments, and subsystem
 75    requests, using 10pt Helvetica Medium for literal fields and 10pt
 76    Helvetica Bold Italic for variable fields.
 79 Title splitting:
 80 All titles can be made to break at points of the users choice by
 81 inserting exclamation points (!)^? where the breaks are to occur.  The
 82 exclamation points are removed from Table of Contents entries and do
 83 not affect the splitting of such entries.  If no exclamation points are
 84 used, the titles will be split according the current line measure.
 87 General purpose macros:
 88 init, init_mpm, init_plm
 89      initialize macro environment (one of these should be used before
 90      any other macros are used, i.e., easiest to have an 'init' macro
 91      as the first line in each segment in which the user wants to use
 92      other macros)
 93 l0h
 94      generate section heading; initialize Table of Contents for new
 95      section
 96 l1h, l2h, l3h, l4h
 97      generate paragraph headings (including 'module' page headers; see
 98      l1h.compin.info for more information); generate Table of Contents
 99      entries
100 l1hbox, l2hbox, l3hbox, l4hbox
101      generate 'box' page headers as for 'module' text above
104 l0exact, l2exact, l2exact, l3exact, l4exact
105 l0toc, l1toc, l2toc, l3toc, l4toc
106      generate section and paragraph headings that contain special
107      strings (i.e., strings that are exceptions to the font selection
108      rules above); generate Table of Contents entries that contain
109      special strings
110 l0setup, l1setup, l2setup, l3setup, l4setup
111      generate page headers and footers so module segments can be output
112      properly without beginning on first page (only needed for 'module'
113      text; see l1h.compin.info for more information on modules)
114 toc_on
115      turn on Table of Contents generation
116 active_function
117      place a title reading "SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION" and show an
118      active function syntax line.
121 argument
122      show the syntax of a command argument.
123 argument_list
124      place a title reading "ARGUMENTS".
125 bullet
126      place a bullet hanging left by one indentation level.
127 command
128      place a title reading "SYNTAX AS A COMMAND" and show a command
129      syntax line.
130 controlargument
131      show the syntax of a control argument.
132 controlargument_list
133      place a title reading "CONTROL ARGUMENTS".
134 example, example_off
135      control the generation of an example terminal session contained in
136      a ruled box.
139 example_line_number
140      place a local reference line number hanging left by one
141      indentation level and advance the count of such line numbers.
142 examples
143      place a title reading "EXAMPLES".
144 message
145      show a system output message in ASCII.
146 module
147      begin a new level 2 section for a new program module.
148 par
149      begin new paragraph with first line indented one indentation
150      level.
151 par_flush
152      begin new paragraph with first line flush to left margin.
155 par_hanging
156      begin new paragraph with first line hanging to the left by one
157      indentation level.
158 request_list
159      place a title reading "REQUESTS".
160 request
161      show a subsystem request syntax line.
162 slug_off
163      cancel any existing page header (particularly, box headers).
166 Figure and table macros:
167 fig_on, tab_on
168      turn on list of Illustrations/Tables generation
169 fig, tab
170      reset 'dot' number counter, advance figure/table counter, generate
171      centered Figure caption/Tableheader, generate list of
172      Illustrations/Tables entry.
173 dot_fig, dot_tab
174      create or advance 'dot' number figure/table counter, generate
175      centered Figure caption/Table header, generate list of
176      Illustrations/Tables entry.
179 fig_index, tab_index
180      advance figure/table counter, generate List of
181      Illustrations/Tables entry
182 dot_fig_index, dot_tab_index
183      advance 'dot' number figure/table counter, generate List of
184      Illustrations/Tables entry
185 fig_get_no, tab_get_no
186      reference a figure/table other than the current one
187 dot_fig_get_no, dot_tab_get_no
188      reference a 'dot' number figure/table other than the current one
191 Addenda macros:
192 dot_page, dot_page_off
193      begin/end a set of addendum pages with page numbers of the form
194      <page_count>.<addendum_page_count> (e.g., 3.1) or
195      <section_number>-<page_count>.<addendum_page_count> (e.g., 5-3.1)
198 collating, coll_page, coll_cont
199      generate collating instruction page(s), including special footers
200      (Collating pages consist of instructions for removing and adding
201      pages in addendum.)
204 Miscellaneous macros:
205 preface, pf, pf_cont
206      generate preface page(s), including special footers
207 l1mh, l2mh, l3mh, l4mh
208      generate midpage paragraph titles for 'module' text; generate
209      Table of Contents entry
210 l1mhbox, l2mhbox, l3mhbox, l4mhbox
211      generate midpage 'box' paragraph titles and page headers as for
212      'module' text above
215 l0setup, l1setup, l2setup, l3setup, l4setup
216      perform all environment and 'side effect' processing as for the
217      equivalent level header macro above, but DO NOT emit title lines
218      or Table of Contents entries.
219 index_line.toc
220      generates a Table of Contents entry for the cross reference index
223 Special words:
224 There are many special words used thoughout the macros.  Anyone writing
225 variations of these macros or separate macros that will be used with
226 the documentation macros must be aware of these special words.
228 User interface words:
229     add_date                 draft_date
230     add_letter               section
231     draft                    style
234 Macro entryname words:
235     break_title              fig_get_no
236     coll_cont                fig_header
237     coll_page                fig_index
238     collating                fig_on
239     conditional_bar_3        index_line.toc
240     conditional_bar_4        init
241     conditional_bar_5        init_module_layout
242     conditional_bar_6        init_mpm
243     conditional_bar_7        init_plm
244     conditional_bar_8        init_prose_layout
245     conditional_bar_9        l0exact
246     conditional_space_1      l0h
247     conditional_space_2      l0setup
248     conditional_space_3      l0toc
249     conditional_space_4      l1exact
250     conditional_space_5      l1h
251     dot_page                 l1hbox
252     dot_page_off             l1mh
253     exact_output             l1mhbox
254     fig                      l1setup
257     l1toc                    l4toc
258     l2exact                  macro_util
259     l2h                      mpm_module_layout
260     l2hbox                   mpm_prose_layout
261     l2mh                     output
262     l2mhbox                  pf
263     l2setup                  pf_cont
264     l2toc                    plm_module_layout
265     l3exact                  plm_prose_layout
266     l3h                      preface
267     l3hbox                   setbox
268     l3mh                     split_title
269     l3mhbox                  tab
270     l3setup                  tab_get_no
271     l3toc                    tab_header
272     l4exact                  tab_index
273     l4h                      tab_on
274     l4hbox                   toc
275     l4mh                     toc_header
276     l4mhbox                  toc_on
277     l4setup
280 Internal words:
281 (In this list, "*" can take on any numeric value.)
282     ADD_DATE                 LAYOUT
283     ADD_LETTER               LENGTH
284     BLANK                    LEVEL
285     BOX_LENGTH               LEVEL_FILL
286     BOX_LINE                 LEVEL_SIZE
287     BOX_WORD*                LSN
288     BREAKER                  MACRO_INIT
289     COLON_INDEX              MARK
290     DOCUMENT_TYPE            MH
291     DOT_PAGE                 MHBOX
292     DotAddLetter             MPM_SPACE
293     ENTRY                    NEXT_FIG_NO
294     FIGING                   NEXT_FIG_TITLE
295     FIGURE_COUNT             NEXT_TAB_NO
296     FIGURE_IN_TOC            NEXT_TAB_TITLE
298     FONT                     PAGENO_SET
299     HALF                     PAGE_TAB
302     PART_LENGTH              add_date
303     SECTION                  add_letter
304     SECTION_INDENT           draft
305     SECTION_IN_TOC           draft_date
306     SECTION_MARK             figure
307     TABING                   figure_title
308     TABLE_COUNT              figure_title*
309     TABLE_IN_TOC             figure_title*L
310     TABLE_SECTION            figure_titleI
311     TEXT_TYPE                figure_titleL
312     THIS_FRONT               figure_titleN
313     TITLE                    section
314     TITLE*                   style
315     TITLE1                   table
316     TITLEI                   table_title
317     TITLEN                   table_title*
318     TOCING                   table_title*L
319     TOC_ENTRY                table_titleI
320     TOC_PAGE_WIDTH           table_titleL
321     TOC_REF                  table_titleN
323 (END)