1 01/30/87  compose builtin variables
 3 This file is a quick reference list of the built-in variables in
 4 compose.  Refer to the WORDPRO Reference Guide (AZ98) for additional
 5 detail.
 8 List of built-in variables:
 9 AlignMode           text alignment mode
10 ArgCount            count of args passed to an insert file
11 Argi (i=1,ArgCount) the insert file args
12 ArtMode             artwork block flag
13 CallingFileName     entryname of calling file
14 CallingLineNo       line number of .ifi in calling file
15 ChangeBar           currently active change bar
16 CommandArgCount     count of args given with -ag control arg
17 CommandArgi (i=1,CommandArgCount)  the command line args
18 Date                current date
19 Device              output device name
20 DeviceClass         output device class
21 Device Name         generic output device name
24 Eqcnt               equation reference counter
25 ExtraMargin         value given with -ind control arg
26 FileName            entry name of current command line file
27 FillMode            fill mode flag
28 FirstPass           ON (=-1) only during first pass
29 FontName            name of the current font
30 Footcnt             footnote counter
31 FootnoteMode        footnote mode flag
34 FootReset           footnote reset mode
35 From                value of -from parameter
36 FrontPage           flag showing front or facing page
37 Galley              galley mode flag
38 HeadSpace           blank lines following page or text header
39 Hyphenating         hyphenation mode flag
40 Indent              value of left margin indentation
41 IndentRight         value of right margin indentation
44 InputDirName        pathname of directory containing InputFileName
45 InputFileName       entryname of file being processed
46 InputLineno         line number within InputFileName
47 KeepMode            keep mode flag
48 LineInput           contents of next input file line
49 LinesLeft           text lines left on page
50 LineSpace           line spacing value
51 Measure             effect width available for text
54 NextPageNo          next page number
55 OutputFileOpt       -output_file option flag
56 PageCount           total number of output pages produced
57 PageLength          current page length
58 PageLine            line number on current page
59 PageNo              current page number
60 PageWidth           current line length
61 Parameter           passed parameter value
64 ParamPresent        passed parameter flag
65 Pass                -pass value
66 PointSize           current type size
67 Print               print flag
68 StopOpt             -stop option flag
69 SymbolDelimiter     symbol delimiter character
70 TableMode           table mode flag
71 Time                command invocation time
72 TitleDelimiter      <title> part delimiter character
73 To                  -to value
74 Undent              undent left margin value
75 UndentRight         undent right margin value
76 UserInput           contents of user_input line
77 VMargBottom         page bottom margin
78 VMargFooter         footer margin
81 VMargHeader         header margin
82 VMargTop            page top margin
83 WaitOpt             -wait control flag
84 Widow               current text widow size