1 03/14/84  compare_object, cob
 3 Syntax:  cob oldpath newpath {-control_args}
 6 Function: compares two object segments and optionally prints out the
 7 changes made to the segment specified by oldpath to yield the segment
 8 specified by newpath.  The assumption is that the first segment is
 9 older than the second and that they were both produced from the same
10 source segment but, potentially, by different versions of a language
11 processor.
14 Arguments:
15 oldpath
16    is the pathname of the first segment.
17 newpath
18    is the pathname of the second segment.  The equal convention is
19    allowed.
22 Control arguments:
23 -all, -a
24    compares the text, definition, linkage, and any static sections.
25    (Default)
26 -brief, -bf
27    prints out by section a summary of discrepancies in the object
28    segments, suppressing detailed listing of the discrepancies.
29 -defs
30    compares the definition sections.
33 -link, -lk
34    compares the linkage sections.
35 -static
36    compares the static section of two segments with separate static;
37    otherwise, compares the linkage sections.
38 -text
39    compares the text sections of the two segments.
42 Notes: If no control arguments are given, all the sections are
43 compared but the static.
45 In comparing the lengths of the symbol sections the command uses a
46 heuristic to determine whether a discrepancy is serious or trivial
47 (e.g., caused by differences in pathnames of include files).  This
48 heuristic overcautions and is inaccurate for large object segments.