1 02/08/85  compare_configuration_deck
 3 Syntax as a command:
 4    compare_configuration_deck path1 {path2} {-control_args}
 7 Syntax as an active function:
 8    [compare_configuration_deck path1 {path2}]
11 Function: compares either a saved copy of the configuration deck or
12 the configuration deck for the running system to a saved copy.
13 As an active function, returns either "true" or "false" to indicate
14 whether the two configuration decks are equivalent.
17 Arguments:
18 path1
19    is the pathname of a saved copy of the configuration deck.
20 path2
21    is the pathname of a copy of the configuration deck to be compared
22    against path1.  If not supplied, >sl1>config_deck (the configuration
23    deck for the running system) is used.
26 Control arguments:
27 -brief, -bf
28    suppresses informational messages and printing of the identifying
29    headers.
30 -label, -lbl
31    displays cards with mnemonic labels for each field.
32 -long, -lg
33    prints all output.  (Default)
34 -no_label, -nlbl
35    does not display field labels.  (Default)
38 Notes on output format (-long mode): The long output format consists
39 of up to four sections, each of which is printed with an identifying
40 header if it is not empty.  The four sections are added cards, deleted
41 cards, changed cards, and mem cards.  The section for mem cards is
42 printed only if the order or number of mem cards in the two decks
43 differs; otherwise only changed mem cards are printed.  The changed
44 cards are listed in pairs, such as:
45    Was:     mem  a  123.  on
46             mem  a  123.  off
47 The first line (prefaced by Was:) is the card from the saved deck and
48 the second is the current card.  If the two decks are different in
49 order or number, this is announced and both decks are printed entirely.
52 Notes on output format (-brief mode): The brief output format omits
53 the section headings and the message "The two decks are identical."
54 Cards are identified by preface--added cards are prefaced by "New:"
55 and deleted cards by "Old:".  Changed cards are listed in pairs, in
56 the same format as in the long output mode.  If the mem cards section
57 is printed, it is the last section.  The mem cards are listed in two
58 groups, with the first card in each group prefaced by Was: for the
59 first group or Now: for the second group, and all the other cards in
60 the group are listed with no preface.
63 Notes: This command is fairly accurate when identifying "changed"
64 cards--it knows about the cards (such as mem, cpu, etc.)  that may
65 appear several times and may specify multiple items and identifies them
66 by their operands as well as by name.  It decides that the two decks
67 are completely different if there appear to be more than 32 differences
68 between them.