1 11/16/83 Summary of Common Multics Commands
3 The Multics commands most commonly used are grouped in six categories.
4 The commands are listed below by category with a brief description of
5 what each command does. To get more information on a particular
6 command, use the help command with the name of the command you are
7 interested in. For example, "help send_mail" will provide detailed
8 information on how to use the send_mail command. The list below does
9 not contain all Multics commands. For a complete listing and
10 description of commands refer to the Multics Commands and Active
11 Functions manual Order No. AG92.
14 Categories of Commands:
16 Segment and Directory Information, Manipulation, and Editing
17 Terminal and Printer Input/Output
18 Languages
19 Communication Among Users
20 Access Control
21 Other
24 Segment and Directory Information, Manipulation, and Editing:
25 Command abbreviation Function
27 add_name an Add an alternate name to a segment.
28 rename rn Rename a segment or directory.
29 delete_name dn Delete an add_name.
30 create cr Create a segment.
31 delete dl Delete a segment.
32 copy cp Copy a segment into another segment.
33 compare_ascii cpa Compare two text segments.
34 print_wdir pwd Show what the current working directory is.
35 change_wdir cwd Change your working directory.
36 create_dir cd Create a directory.
37 delete_dir dd Delete a directory.
38 copy_dir cpd Copy a directory to another point in the
39 hierarchy.
43 emacs Set up a screen-oriented text editor.
44 qedx qx Set up a general purpose text editor.
45 ted Set up an extended version of the qedx text
46 editor.
47 list ls List information about a directory's contents.
48 print pr Print a segment on the terminal.
49 link lk Create a link to a segment or directory.
50 unlink ul Delete a link to a segment or directory.
51 status st List information about segments or directories.
55 Terminal and Printer Input/Output:
56 Command abbreviation Function
58 dprint dp Queue a segment for printing on the printer.
59 list_daemon_request ldr List current printer requests.
60 cancel_daemon_request cdr Cancel a line printer request.
61 file_output fo Redirect terminal output to a segment.
62 revert_output ro Cancel the effect of file_output.
63 set_tty stty Set and print terminal characteristics.
66 Languages:
67 Command abbreviation Function
69 apl Interpret a program written in APL.
70 basic Compile a program written in BASIC.
71 cobol Compile a program written in COBOL.
72 fortran Compile a program written in FORTRAN.
73 pl1 Compile a program written in PL1.
76 Communication Among Users:
77 Command abbreviation Function
79 accept_messages am Accept messages upon receipt and notify of
80 incoming mail.
81 defer_messages dm Turn off notification of incoming mail and
82 messages.
83 delete_message dlm Delete a message.
84 print_messages pm Print messages. messages are one-liners.
85 send_message sm Send a one-line message.
86 have_mail Inform you if you have mail or not.
87 read_mail rdm Read mail.
88 send_mail sdm Send mail.
89 who List all users currently logged in.
90 executive_mail xmail Read and send mail by way of a menu-driven mail
91 facility.
92 forum Attend a meeting online.
95 Access Control:
96 Command abbreviation Function
98 delete_acl da Delete an entry from an Access Control List ACL.
99 delete_iacl_dir did Delete an entry from a directory's Initial ACL.
100 delete_iacl_seg dis Delete an entry from a segment's Initial ACL.
101 list_accessible lac List what a user has access to in a dir.
102 list_acl la List the Access Control List for a segment
103 or directory.
104 list_not_accessible lnac List what a user does not have access to.
105 list_iacl_dir lid List the Initial ACL for segments in a directory.
106 list_iacl_seg lis List the Initial ACL for directories in a
107 directory.
108 set_acl sa Set an ACL for a segment or directory.
109 set_iacl_dir sid Set the Initial ACL for segments in a directory.
110 set_iacl_seg sis Set the Initial ACL for directories in a
111 directory.
114 Other:
115 Command abbreviation Function
117 abbrev ab Turn on the use of abbreviations.
118 add_search_paths asp Add a pathname to a search path.
119 print_search_paths psp Print a search path.
120 delete_search_paths dsp Delete a pathname from a search path.
121 add_search_rules asr Add a pathname to the search rules.
122 print_search_rules psr Print the search rules.
123 delete_search_rules dsr Delete a pathname from the search rules.
124 calc Invoke a calculator on the terminal.
125 enter_abs_request ear Enter an absentee request.
126 list_abs_request lar List current absentee requests.
127 cancel_abs_request car Cancel an absentee request.
130 exec_com ec Execute a group of commands contained in a
131 segment.
132 help Print help about commands, subroutines, and other
133 system topics.
134 list_help lh List the names of help files matching a topic.
135 how_many_users hmu List the number of users logged in.
136 memo Add, delete, or list memos from your memobox.
137 program_interrupt pi Return to an interrupted program.
138 release rl Return to a previous command level.
139 start sr Restart the previous command.
140 resource_usage ru List a month-to-date resource usage report.
141 new_proc Destroy the current process and create a new one.