  2 02/26/86 command_query_
  4 The command_query_ subroutine is the standard system procedure invoked
  5 to ask the user a question and to obtain an answer.  It formats the
  6 question and then signals the condition command_question.  System
  7 conditions are described in the Programmer's Reference Manual.  The
  8 default handler for this condition simply returns control to the
  9 command_query_ subroutine, which writes the question on a specified I/O
 10 switch.  It then reads from another I/O switch to obtain the answer.
 11 Several options have been included in the commmand_query_ subroutine to
 12 support the use of a more sophisticated handler for the
 13 command_question condition.
 15 Since this procedure can be called with a varying number of arguments,
 16 it is not permissible to include a parameter attribute list in the
 17 declaration.
 20 Entry points in command_query_:
 21    (List is generated by the help command)
 24 :Entry:  command_query_:  02/26/86 command_query_
 27 Function: is the standard system procedure invoked to ask the user a
 28 question and to obtain an answer.  Formats the question and
 29 then signals the condition command_question.
 32 Syntax:
 33 declare command_query_ entry options (variable);
 34 call command_query_ (info_ptr, answer, caller, control_string,
 35      arg1, ..., argN);
 38 Arguments:
 39 info_ptr
 40    is a pointer to the query_info structure described in "Info
 41    Structure" below.  (Input)
 42 answer
 43    is the response (char(*) or char (*) varying) read from the I/O
 44    switch user_input.  (Output) Leading and trailing blanks plus the
 45    newline character have been removed.
 46 caller
 47    is the name (char(*)) of the calling procedure.  (Input) It can be
 48    either varying or nonvarying.
 49 control_string
 50    is an ioa_ subroutine control string (char(*)).  (Input) This
 51    argument is optional.  See "Notes" below.
 53 argi
 54    are ioa_ subroutine arguments to be substituted into control_string.
 55    (Input) These arguments are optional.  They can only be used if the
 56    control_string argument is given first.  See "Notes" below.
 59 Info structure;
 60 The following is the query_info structure (found in the include file
 61 query_info.incl.pl1):
 63    dcl 1 query_info                aligned,
 64          2 version                 fixed bin,
 65          2 switches                aligned,
 66            3 yes_or_no_sw          bit(1) unaligned,
 67            3 suppress_name_sw      bit(1) unaligned,
 68            3 cp_escape_control     bit(2) unaligned,
 69            3 suppress_spacing      bit(1) unaligned,
 70            3 literal_sw            bit(1) unaligned,
 71            3 prompt_after explanation
 72                                    bit (1) unaligned,
 73            3 padding               bit(29) unaligned,
 76          2 status_code             fixed bin(35),
 77          2 query_code              fixed bin(35),
 78          2 question_iocbp          ptr,
 79          2 answer_iocbp            ptr,
 80          2 repeat_time             fixed bin(71),
 81          2 explanation_ptr         ptr,
 82          2 explanation_len         fixed bin (21);
 86    Structure elements:
 87    version
 88       is the version number of this structure.  (Input) The version
 89       number must be set by the caller and identifies the format of the
 90       structure.  The current version is a static variable named
 91       query_info_version_6 in query_info.incl.pl1.
 92    yes_or_no_sw
 93       indicates whether an answer of a particular form is expected.
 94       (Input)
 95       "0"b accepts any answer.
 96       "1"b accepts only a yes or no answer.
 99    suppress_name_sw
100       controls whether the name of the calling procedure appears in the
101       question.  (Input)
102       "0"b includes name and following colon.
103       "1"b omits name and colon.
104    cp_escape_control
105       controls whether the command_processor_ escape mechanism is
106       enabled for this call.  (Input)
107       "00"b obeys the static default.
108       "01"b allows lines to begin with ".."  but does not interpret
109       them as
110             command_processor_ escapes.
111       "10"b disallows escape, ignores default.
112       "11"b allows escape, ignores default.
115    suppress_spacing
116       controls the insertion of a newline before the question and two
117       spaces after it.  (Input)
118       "0"b inserts extra space.
119       "1"b omits extra space.
120    literal_sw
121       is "1"b to suppress any special interpretation of characters (for
122       example, "..") and suppress stripping of leading whitespace.
123    prompt_after_explanation
124       is "1"b to repeat the original question after printing any
125       explanation indicated by a non-null explanation argument.
126    padding
127       is unused space.  (Input)
130    status_code
131       is either the standard status code that prompted the question or
132       0.  (Input)
133    query_code
134       is additional arbitrary qualifying information passed by the
135       caller of command_query_.  (Input) It is intended for use by
136       specialized handlers for command_question.
137    question_iocbp
138       is an iocb pointer for the I/O switch over which the caller wants
139       the question to be written.  (Input) A null pointer indicates
140       that the of the user_i/o switch is to be used by default.
141    answer_iocbp
142       is an iocb pointer for the I/O switch from which the caller wants
143       the answer to be read.  (Input) A null pointer indicates that the
144       user_input switch is to be used by default.
147    repeat_time
148       is the number of seconds to wait for an answer before repeating
149       the question on the switch pointed to by question_iocbp.  (Input)
150       A value less than 30 indicates that the question is not to be
151       repeated.
152    explanation_ptr
153       is a pointer to a string to be printed if the user answers "?".
154       (Input)
155    explanation_len
156       is the length of the explanation string.  (Input)
159 Notes:  The question prepared by the command_query_ subroutine has the
160 format:
161         caller: message
162 where the message is constructed by the ioa_ subroutine from the
163 control_string and argN arguments.  If the control_string and argN
164 arguments are not given, the message portion of the question is
165 omitted.
167 If the user answers with a single question mark (?), the
168 explanation_ptr field is examined.  If it is non-null and
169 explanation_len is greater than 0, the explanation string pointed to is
170 printed and the user is expected to answer again.  Otherwise, the
171 string "Answer: "  is printed and the user is expected to answer again.
174 In an absentee process with the yes_or_no_sw on, an answer other than
175 than yes, no or "?"  causes the absentee process to signal
176 command_query_error.
178 Case insensitive "yes", "y", "no", and "n" are acceptable responses
179 to a yes or no question.
181 If the answer to a question begins with "..", and the cp_escape feature
182 is enabled for the question, the rest of the answer following the ".."
183 is passed to the command processor.  Control then returns to
184 command_query_, which prompts with "Answer:  " after the command has
185 been executed.  The cp_escape feature is normally enabled in the
186 standard Multics environment; a subsystem, however, can elect to turn
187 it off, either globally or for a particular question.  The prompt of
188 "Answer:  " is used rather than repeating the question because the
189 question may be quite long and take significant time to print.  If it
190 is necessary to see the question again, answering "..repeat_query"
191 repeats it.
194 :Entry:  set_cp_escape_enable: 03/05/85 command_query_$set_cp_escape_enable
197 Function:  This entry sets the static default switch that allows or
198 disallows the command processor escape feature.  It also returns the
199 previous value for the switch.  Since escapes are disabled initially,
200 it is necessary to call this entry to enable the feature.  This entry
201 is called by process_overseer_, which sets it so that the escape is
202 permitted in a normal Multics environment.
205 Syntax:
206 declare command_query_$set_cp_escape_enable entry (bit(1) aligned,
207      bit(1) aligned);
208 call command_query_$set_cp_escape_enable (new_value, old_value);
211 Arguments:
212 new_value
213    is the new value for the default.  (Input)
214    "0"b feature is disabled by default.
215    "1"b feature is enabled by default.
217 old_value
218    is the old value of the default.  (Output) If it has never been set,
219    it is "0"b.
222 :Entry:  yes_no:  02/26/86 command_query_$yes_no
225 Function:  This entry asks the user for a yes or no answer.
228 Syntax:
229 dcl command_query_$yes_no entry options (variable);
230 call command_query_$yes_no (yes_sw, query_code, caller, explanation,
231      question, arg1, ..., argN);
234 Arguments:
235 yes_sw
236    is a bit (1) return value, ON for "yes" or "y" and OFF for "no" or
237    "n", case insensitive.  (Output) Other answers are not accepted
238    from the user.
239 query_code
240    is a standard status code.  (Input) If it is nonzero, the question
241    is preceded by the corresponding error message.
242 caller
243    is the character string name of the calling program.  (Input)
244 explanation
245    is an explanation of the question, printed when the user answers
246    "?".  (Input) The explanation is an ioa_ control string, in which
247    parameters are replaced by the values of the argN arguments.  For a
248    description of control strings, see the ioa_ subroutine.
251 question
252    is the question, also in the form of an ioa_ control string.
253    (Input) Parameters are replaced by the same argN arguments as for
254    the explanation.
255 argN
256    are character string arguments to the ioa_ control strings specified
257    by explanation and question.  (Input)
260 Notes:  The same arguments are substituted in both explanation and
261 question control strings.  Each control string can use ^s to skip
262 particular arguments.