2 09/21/87 command_environment
3 Known errors in the current release of command_environment.
4 # Associated TR's
5 Description
7 0123 phx12861
8 abbrev reports profile segment creation via com_err_ instead of ioa_.
10 0111 phx19356
11 cu_$caller_ptr should ignore entrypoints whose stack frame's support
12 bit is set when finding the caller's caller. Otherwise, programs
13 which must know the identity of their caller e.g.
14 mseg_mbx_ms_gate_target_ will not work properly when traced.
16 0109 phx19226
17 The command line
18 string A1 B1C
19 produces as output "A1C" and "B1C". The first string should be
20 "A1". This problem may be related to error #0006 on this list.
22 0108 phx19201
23 The implementation of replaceable procedures in the ssu_ transfer
24 vector does not work if the entrypoint has been replaced by an
25 internal procedure. The display pointer neded by the internal
26 procedure to access its parent's storage is not passed on by ssu_.
28 0106 phx18895
29 The summarize_requests ? request should guarentee that a single
30 request's names all appear in the same column. However,
31 summarize_requests may split the names between columns if it needs to
32 use more than one line for a given request's names.
34 0105 phx18387
35 The summarize_requests ? request will attempt to divide by zero if
36 the user's terminal line length is unusually short.
38 0104 phx17970 phx18299
39 The "-exact" control argument of the standard list_requests request
40 will either print incorrect request descriptions or generate
41 out_of_bounds faults.
43 0103 phx17795
44 The method employed by ssu_$record_usage and ssu_$print_blast to
45 determine whether the user has write access to the "ssusage" segment
46 causes needless access violation audit messages on multi-level
47 systems. These entrypoints should use hcs_$fs_get_mode to determine
48 the user's access before attempting to write into the "ssusage"
49 segment.
51 0100 phx17389
52 The error message produced by the standard exec_com request when it
53 can not find the exec_com via the subsystem's search list is:
54 Entry not found. NAME
55 This message does not provide any information to allow a user to
56 determine what went wrong. The message should be:
57 NAME.SUFFIX not found via the LIST search list.
59 0097 phx16423
60 ssu_$execute_start_up does not validate that the optional arguments
61 for the start_up exec_com are all varying or non-varying character
62 strings. In addition, if the last argument is a varying string,
63 ssu_$execute_start_up must convert it to a non-varying string to pre-
64 vent exec_com from assuming that the start_up exec_com had been
65 invoked as an active function.
67 0093 phx16187 phx17997
68 If an active string within an iteration set returns a value which
69 contains iteration sets, the command processor will fault in the
70 read_list internal procedure. Eg:
71 string do "A B"
73 0091 phx14724
74 find_command_ should terminate the segment it found when it
75 reports an error for the segment such as "Linkage section not
76 found."
78 0090 phx14559 phx16555
79 The ".u" request expands beginning-of-line abbreviations in the
80 profile pathname; it shouldn't.
82 0089 phx14545 phx15560
83 The procedure which validates info directories does not ignore
84 error_table_$no_s_permission when returned by its call to
85 hcs_$status_long to get the directory's unique ID.
87 0086 phx14268 phx17126
88 The standard abbrev request does not accept "-pf" as the short form of
89 "-profile".
91 0085 phx15564 phx15412
92 The execute request should requote its arguments when building the
93 Multics command line/active string. In addition, when invoked as an
94 active request, execute should prevent Multics from rescanning the re-
95 sult of the active string so that any rescanning is done solely by the
96 request processor. This last change is necessary to allow use of
97 "||..." and "|..." constructs with the execute active request.
99 0084
100 If a fault occurs in ssu_usage_mgr_'s any_other handler, a recursive
101 loop may occur which causes a fatal process error.
103 0074
104 The help and list_help requests should special case the info names
105 "?", ".", and ".." if they have their standard meanings and
106 translate them into the proper info file names.
108 0041 phx06923
109 The active string "||..." should result in a single token
110 regardless of the amount of iteration or use of semi-colons
111 within the active string. IE:
112 format_line ||system next_down_time next_down_date
113 should print a single line rather than two lines.
115 0008 phx15550
116 Mismatched brackets and parentheses are not always detected
117 before some active strings are partially evaluated. For example:
118 string equal a b]
120 0006
121 The command line:
122 string a bcd e f
123 prints "e" followed by "bcf". It appears that it should be a
124 case of mismatched iteration sets.
126 0005 phx00862 phx05795
127 Command metering should use a set of ring-1 gates to record
128 usage. Otherwise, it 1 will not work with AIM and 2 is
129 subject to damage by malicious users.
131 0001 phx03190
132 abbrev should mask QUITs while updating the user's profile.