1 02/28/84  cobol
  3 Syntax:  cobol path {-control_args}
  6 Function:  invokes the COBOL compiler to translate a segment containing
  7 the text of a COBOL source program into a Multics object segment.
 10 Arguments:
 11 path
 12    is the pathname of a COBOL source segment to be translated by the
 13    COBOL compiler.  If path does not have a suffix of .cobol, one is
 14    assumed; however, the suffix .cobol must be the last component of
 15    the name of the source segment.
 18 Control arguments:
 19 -brief, -bf
 20    causes error messages written to the user_output I/O switch to
 21    contain only an error number and statement identification, once the
 22    full message has been given on the first occurrence.
 23 -card
 24    removes meaningless trailing blanks from a standard fixed format
 25    COBOL source program in card image format.  Characters in the
 26    identification field (columns 73-80) are ignored.
 27 -check, -ck
 28    is used for syntactic and semantic checking of a COBOL program.  No
 29    code is generated.
 32 -expand, -exp
 33    translates a standard fixed format COBOL source program that
 34    possibly contains COPY and REPLACE statements into an equivalent
 35    source program that does not contain these statements.
 36 -format, -fmt
 37    translates a pseudofree form COBOL source program into a standard
 38    fixed format COBOL source program (see the expand_cobol_source
 39    command for details).
 40 -levelNM, -levNM
 41    causes L-type diagnostics at severity M to be written to the
 42    user_output I/O switch whenever a COBOL source line contains a
 43    language construct outside the subset specified by N (see "Notes
 44    on L-type diagnostics" below).
 47 -list, -ls
 48    produces a source program listing with symbols, followed by an
 49    assembly-like listing of the compiled object program.
 50 -map
 51    produces a source program listing with symbols, followed by a map of
 52    the object code generated by this compilation.  This control
 53    argument produces sufficient information to allow you to debug
 54    most problems online.
 55 -no_table, -ntb
 56    suppresses the generation of a full symbol table for use by symbolic
 57    debuggers.
 58 -profile, -pf
 59    generates additional code to meter the execution of individual
 60    statements.
 63 -runtime_check, -rck
 64    produces an object program in which parameters are validated
 65    according to number and type, performs bounds checking on all
 66    subscripted referenced, performs string range checking on all
 67    variable-length string references, and verifies the validity of
 68    every index name modification.
 69 -severityN, -svN
 70    does not write error messages whose severity is less than N (where
 71    N is 1, 2, 3, or 4) to the user_output I/O switch.  All errors are
 72    written into the listing.  If this control argument is not given, a
 73    severity level of 2 is assumed.
 74 -table, -tb
 75    generates a full symbol table for use by symbolic debuggers.  If
 76    -format, -expand, or -card is given with -table, the symbolic
 77    debuggers are not able to display the source statements.  (Default)
 80 -temp_dir path, -td path
 81    creates the compiler's internal work files in the specified
 82    directory rather than in the process directory.
 83 -debug, -db
 84    leaves the work files generated by the compiler intact after a
 85    compilation.  This control argument is used for debugging the
 86    compiler.  The command cobol$clean_up can be used to discard these
 87    files.  This causes severity 4 errors, which do not unwind and
 88    abort the compilation but rather invoke a new level of the command
 89    processor at the point of the error.
 90 -time, -tm
 91    prints the time (in seconds) and the number of page faults taken by
 92    each phase of the compiler; prints the total time at the end of the
 93    compilation.  This information is directed to the user_output I/O
 94    switch.
 97 Notes:  The only result of invoking the cobol command without control
 98 arguments is to generate an object segment containing a full symbol
 99 table.
102 Notes on L-type diagnostics:
103 The value M can be one through three and specifies the severity of the
104 diagnostic.  If M is omitted, severity 3 is assumed.  The value N can
105 be one through five, corresponding to the four levels specified by
106 the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, December 1,
107 1975 (FIPS PUB 21-1)and to the extended version of COBOL supported by
108 Multics.  These values are
109      1  low level
110      2  low intermediate level
111      3  high intermediate level
112      4  high level
113      5  Multics COBOL extensions
114 If a program compiles without any L-type diagnostics, it means the
115 program is an acceptable subset of Multics COBOL at the level
116 requested.  The default is level 5.