1 02/06/84 chprog
3 Syntax: chprog Person_id prog_no
6 Function: allows the accounting administrator to change the programmer
7 number for a user. The programmer number must be all numeric and
8 can be up to sixteen characters long. Some installations use the
9 employee number assigned by the company in this field. If the new
10 programmer number is not supplied, the old value is displayed and a
11 change is accepted.
14 Arguments:
15 Person_id
16 is the Person_id of the user whose programmer number is to be
17 changed.
18 prog_no
19 is the new programmer number. If this argument is omitted, the
20 chprog command prints the old programmer number and then waits for
21 the accounting administrator to either enter the new programmer
22 number or a null line to retain the old number.