1 09/18/85  check_file_system_damage, cfsd
 3 Syntax as a command:  cfsd {path} {-control_args}
 6 Function: finds damaged segments and connection failures.
 9 Arguments:
10 path
11    is a pathname specifying what is to be checked.  It can be a star
12    name, an absolute or relative pathname, or -working_dir (-wd).  If
13    you provide -subtree, path cannot be a star name (i.e., it must be a
14    directory). If this argument is not given, then the -pathname
15    control argument must be specified.
18 Control arguments:
19 -brief, -bf
20    suppresses error messages about incorrect access to directories and
21    no star name matches.  (Default: to print these messages)
22 -call STR
23    executes "STR path damaged" for each damaged segment and "STR path
24    connection_failure" for each connection failure.  STR is a command
25    to be executed for each damaged segment.  The default when you don't
26    give -call is to print an error message for each damaged segment and
27    each connection failure.
28 -depth N, -dh N
29    looks only N directories down; if you supply it, -subtree is
30    implied.  (Default: to search downwards in all directories that are
31    eligible for searching)
34 -no_multisegment_file, -no_msf
35    does not check components of MSFs.
36 -multisegment_file, -msf
37    checks components of MSFs.  (Default)
38 -pathname path, -pn path
39    specifies that the next argument is to be used as a pathname, rather
40    than as a control argument.
41 -subtree, -subt
42    checks all segments in, and all directories below, the specified
43    directory.