1 01/30/84 channel_comm_meters
3 Syntax: channel_comm_meters channel_name -control_args
6 Function: prints out metering information for a specified
7 communications channel or channels.
10 Arguments:
11 channel_name
12 is the name of the channel for which information is to be printed.
13 If it is the name of an FNP, totals for that FNP are reported. If
14 channel_name is a starname, information for every channel matching
15 the starname is printed.
18 Control arguments:
19 -brief, -bf
20 causes a reduced amount of information to be printed for each
21 specified channel.
22 -error
23 causes only those meters to be printed that reflect error
24 conditions.
25 -since_bootload, -boot
26 prints the meters accumulated since each channel's parent
27 multiplexer or in the case of an FNP the system was last loaded.
28 This control argument is incompatible with -since_dialup below.
31 -since_dialup, -dial
32 prints the meters accumulated since the channel last dialed up.
33 This is the default. This control argument is incompatible with
34 -since_bootload above.
35 -summary, -sum
36 causes a one-line summary to be printed for each specified channel.
37 This control argument may not be specified if either -brief or
38 -error is specified.
41 Notes: If a single channel is specified, the caller must either be the
42 current user of the specified channel or have access to either the
43 metering_gate_ gate or the phcs_ gate. If a starname is specified, the
44 user must have access to one of the above-named gates.
46 If -brief and -error are both specified, then only those error
47 indications that would be printed with -brief are printed. See the
48 example below.