1 11/19/85  Card Input
  3 Since this info segment is long, you may want to print a hard copy of
  4 it.  (See also card_access_control.gi.info.)
  6 There are two modes of Multics punched card input--bulk data input and
  7 remote job entry (RJE).  Bulk data input is used to copy data from
  8 punched cards into the Multics storage system.  RJE allows a
  9 registered user to submit an absentee job from a card deck.
 12 Card input formats: Facilities are provided to read punched card decks
 13 into Multics files.  There are several conventions for interpreting
 14 the punched codes used in your card deck.  The central site reader is
 15 capable of reading any punch codes, including binary data.  Remote
 16 terminal card readers normally cannot read binary code.  There are
 17 four types of card formats that you can input to Multics: Multics card
 18 codes (mcc), remote Multics card code (rmcc), 7punch, and raw.
 19 mcc
 20    defined in "Punched Card Codes" in Appendix C of the Multics
 21    Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91).  It consists of a superset of
 22    the EBCDIC card punch codes and can be produced by 029 key punches.
 23    Each column is interpreted as one character.  The 12-bit card codes
 24    are converted to 9-bit ASCII codes.
 27 rmcc
 28    does not concern itself with punch codes, but rather with the
 29    characters that are transmitted.  Selection of punch code is
 30    determined on the basis of hardware configuration.  Conversion and
 31    translation is specified by the -terminal_type control argument to
 32    the remote_input_ I/O module (see the Subroutines manual).  Unlike
 33    mcc format, punch codes are not specified because various remote
 34    terminals use different codes for the same characters, and it is
 35    the character, not the punch code, that is transmitted.
 36 7punch
 37    are binary representations of existing files with checksums and
 38    sequence numbers added, and the data portions of the cards are read
 39    in exactly as they were punched out.  The format of a 7punch deck
 40    is described in Appendix C of AG91.
 43 raw
 44    are read into Multics files without any conversion and without
 45    regard to format; that is, the 960 bits on each card are read into
 46    the file in column order and without padding.  You can then perform
 47    any desired conversion.
 49 The flip cards prepared when a deck is punched and other sorts of
 50 labeling cards from other systems are not read correctly and should be
 51 removed from decks.
 54 Control cards: Control cards are used to tell the card input process
 55 how to read your data and what to do with it.  Each control card
 56 consists of a key (e.g., ++FORMAT) and possibly some data fields.  The
 57 control card key must start in column 1 and cannot contain any spaces.
 58 Data fields are separated from the key and from each other by one or
 59 more spaces.
 61 All letters punched on the control cards are mapped to lowercase
 62 except those immediately following an escape character (backslash or
 63 cent sign.)  For example, \SMITH.\SYS\MAINT is mapped into
 64 Smith.SysMaint.
 67 At the central site, you submit card decks to operations personnel for
 68 processing.  At remote sites that have a card reader terminal, you may
 69 have to physically place the card deck in the reader, in which case
 70 be sure to include some additional control cards that must be
 71 placed before and after your card deck.  For more information on
 72 these additional control cards (++EOF and ++UID, for example) see
 73 ...
 76 Bulk data input: Bulk data input is the mode of card input used to
 77 read a punched card deck and write its contents into a card image
 78 segment in the Multics storage system.  You are able to read the card
 79 image segment from your normal Multics process (interactive or
 80 absentee).  For security reasons, card image segments are created in
 81 system pool storage rather than in your directory.  Once the data has
 82 been read, you can copy the card image segment into your directory
 83 using the copy_cards command (see the Commands manual).  You must make
 84 the copy within a reasonable time, as these segments are periodically
 85 deleted from the system pool.
 87 The user identified on the ++DATA card is notified by mail when his
 88 card deck has been successfully read.
 91 Here is a complete card deck for bulk data input.
 97    ++INPUT
 98       .
 99       .
100    (user data cards)
102 The only control cards required are the first, which is an identifier
103 card; the second, which is a password card; and the last, which is the
104 end of control input.  For an explanation of all the control cards,
105 see "Bulk data control cards" below.
108 You should submit a complete card deck to operations.  The deck must
109 follow the format specified in "Card input formats" above.
111 Normally you can omit the ++AIM cards when the access_class is
112 system_low, but not when it is greater than system_low.
115 Bulk data control cards: In the following discussion of control cards,
116 parameters you must enter are shown as all uppercase characters.  You
117 can keypunch either uppercase or lowercase characters when preparing
118 card decks; internal conversion of uppercase to lowercase is forced by
119 the system.  You can use the escape convention if you wish to input
120 uppercase characters.  The control card format is:
121    1. it begins with ++ in columns 1 and 2
122    2. a keyword begins in column 3
123    3. balance of the card after the keyword is free form
124    4. continuation cards are not permitted; each control card must be
125       contained within 80 columns
126    5. cards are read with lowercase, nocontin, noaddnl modes (see "Card
127       input conversion modes" below).
130 ++DATA  (Required)
131 tells the card input process that the deck is to be read as bulk data
132 input.  It must be the first control card of the deck.  Specify all
133 three fields of this control card in the order shown.
134 Usage
136 where:
137    1. DECK_NAME
138       is the name used to separate each deck and to identify the card
139       image segment in system pool storage.  It should be unique
140       among the user's decks recently submitted.  In case of name
141       duplications, the card-reading process appends a numeric
142       component to the end of the name supplied and creates a
143       duplicate card image segment for DECK_NAME unless you give the
144       OVERWRITE control option on the ++CONTROL card.
147    2. PERSON_ID
148       is the registered name of the submitter.  Only this person is
149       able to read the card image segment from the pool.
150    3. PROJECT_ID
151       is the registered project of the submitter.
152       Notes: Multics person and project names normally begin with
153       uppercase.  Such names must have an escape character punched
154       before each uppercase as described under "Control cards" above.
157 ++PASSWORD  (Required)
158 used to specify your card input password.  It must immediately follow
159 the ++DATA card.
160 Usage
161    ++PASSWORD  <xxxxxxxx> {-control_arg}
162 where:
163    1. xxxxxxxx
164       is the card input password registered for you.  This password is
165       normally different from your login password.  It is maintained by
166       the system administrator.  The printing mechanism on the keypunch
167       should be usually turned off when creating this card.  Users who
168       have r access to >sc1>rcp>card_input_password.acs don't need to
169       be registered for card input or type a card input password to
170       have input accepted.  In this case, xxxxxxxx should be blanks.
173    2. -control_arg
174       is -change_password STR (-cpw STR) to change the password, where
175       STR is a new password of up to eight characters.
177 ++CONTROL  (Optional)
178 used to control the way the card reading software operates.  If you
179 specify the control string OVERWRITE, then if the DECK_NAME specified
180 on the ++DATA card already exists in the system card pool, the segment
181 is truncated before input is started.  This feature is useful when
182 communication line error or operator error requires multiple inputs of
183 the same card deck.  (See also ++CONTROL card for remote job entry.)
184 Usage
188 ++AIM  (Optional)
189 used to specify the AIM access class of the data on the cards in your
190 deck.  If you don't specify it, the access class system_low is assumed.
191 Usage
192    ++AIM  <ACCESS CLASS>
193 where ACCESS CLASS is the access class of the data.  The access class
194 field can contain embedded spaces and commas.  If the complete access
195 class does not fit onto a single card, you can use additional ++AIM
196 cards.  The access class fields of all the ++AIM cards must define a
197 valid access class when concatenated in deck order.  Trailing blanks
198 are stripped off before concatenation is done.  Concatenation to form
199 a valid access class is performed on successive access class strings,
200 separated by a blank.
203 The access authorization of the process that runs the remote device
204 must be the same as the access class given in ++AIM for the deck to be
205 accepted by the system.
207 ++FORMAT  (Optional)
208 used to define the punch code conversion used to interpret the data in
209 your card deck (not control cards).  If you omit it, the MCC punch
210 code conversion is assumed for local card readers and RMCC mode for
211 remote card readers.
214 Usage
216 where:
217    1. PUNCH_FORMAT  (Required)
218       is the punch code conversion to use in reading the card deck.
219       It must be either MCC, RMCC, VIIPUNCH, or RAW.  (Not all card
220       readers support each of these conversion modes.)
221       Note: Most remote card readers are able to read in the RMCC
222       conversion mode only.
225    2. MODES  (Optional)
226       it can be any of the following.  It is meaningful only for MCC
227       and RMCC formats.  (See "Card input conversion modes" below.)
228          TRIM           (default)
229          NOTRIM
230          LOWERCASE
231          NOCONVERT      (default)
232          ADDNL          (default)
233          NOADDNL
234          CONTIN
235          NOCONTIN       (default)
238 ++INPUT  (Required)
239 marks the end of the control cards.  The next card is the first card
240 of your data to be placed in the card image segment.
241 Usage
242    ++INPUT
245 User data cards: All user data cards following the ++INPUT card are
246 copied into the card image segment.  The data can consist of any card
247 punch combinations acceptable for the specified punch code conversion
248 mode, except for an end-of-file marker, which is defined as a card with
249 "++EOF" in columns 1 through 5 and blanks in columns 6 through 80.
250 This marker defines the end of your data.  The ++EOF card is supplied
251 by the operator.  If you give it, the card deck is not read in
252 successfully and the card deck aborts.
255 Remote job entry: RJE on Multics is a mechanism that allows a
256 registered user to submit an absentee job via a card deck.  The card
257 deck must contain standard Multics commands exactly as an interactive
258 user would put into an absentee input (absin) segment.  Your card deck
259 is copied into an absentee input segment created in the normal system
260 pool storage used for bulk data input.  When your deck has been
261 successfully read, an absentee request is submitted on your behalf.
264 A special header is added to the absentee input segment so that a
265 dprint request of the absentee output segment is automatically
266 generated using the request type associated with the remote terminal
267 or the request type of the local printer, depending on the input
268 device.  The header consists of the following lines:
269    &command_line off
270    rje_args$set prt_rqt X
271    rje_args$set pun_rqt Y
272    rje_args$set station Z
273    set_epilogue_command "eor -dl -rqt [rje_args prt_rqt] [user absout]"
274 where:
275    X  is the printer request type of the submitting station.
276    Y  is the punch request type of the submitting station.
277    Z  is the station ID of the submitting station.
280 If the remote terminal does not have a printer request type, the
281 dprint of the absentee output segment is issued for the central site
282 printer.
284 The absentee process is created as Person_id.Project_id.p at the AIM
285 authorization specified on any ++AIM control cards.  The absout file
286 is put in your home directory unless otherwise specified on the
289 The user identified on the ++RJE card is notified by mail when his
290 absentee input card deck has been read and his RJE job has been
291 successfully queued.
294 Here is a complete card deck for RJE--
302    ++INPUT
303       .
304       .
305    (user absentee file)
308 The only control cards required are the first, which is an identifier
309 card; the second, which is a password card; and the last, which is the
310 end of control input.  For an explanation of all the control cards,
311 see "RJE control cards" below.
313 You should submit a complete card deck to operations.  The deck must
314 follow the format specified in "Card input formats" above.
316 Normally you can omit the ++AIM cards when the access_class is
317 system_low, but not when it is greater than system_low.
320 Remote job entry control cards: The following is a list of RJE control
321 cards.  The format is the same as for bulk data cards discussed in
322 "Bulk data control cards" above.
324 ++RJE  (Required)
325 tells the card input process that the deck is to be read as a set of
326 RJE absentee commands and submitted as an absentee job for
327 Person_id.Project_id.  It must be the first card of the deck.  Specify
328 all three fields of this control card in the order shown.
331 Usage
333 where:
334    1. DECK_NAME
335       is the name of your absentee input segment.  If it does not end
336       in .absin, the suffix is supplied.  The name should be unique
337       among all RJE decks you have recently submitted.  In case of name
338       duplications, the card reading process adds a numeric component
339       just preceding .absin and creates a duplicate absentee input
340       segment for DECK_NAME.
341    2. PERSON_ID
342       is the registered name of the submitter.  This is the person name
343       under which the absentee job is run.
346    3. PROJECT_ID
347       is the registered project of the submitter.  This is the project
348       name under which the absentee job is run.
349       Notes: Multics person and project names normally begin with
350       uppercase letters; therefore these names must have an escape
351       character punched before each uppercase letter as described in
352       "Control cards" above.
355 ++PASSWORD  (Required)
356 used to specify your card input password.  It must immediately follow
357 the ++DATA card.
358 Usage
359    ++PASSWORD  <xxxxxxxx> {-control_arg}
360 where:
361    1. xxxxxxxx
362       is the card input password registered for you.  This
363       password is normally different from your login password.
364       It is maintained by the system administrator.  The printing
365       mechanism on the keypunch should be usually turned off when
366       creating this card.  A blank password is not allowed.
367    2. -control_arg
368       is -change_password STR (-cpw STR) to change the password, where
369       STR is a new password of up to eight characters.
372 ++AIM  (Optional)
373 same as for bulk data input described above.
375 ++RJECONTROL  (Optional)
376 used to specify control arguments that you can give to the
377 enter_abs_request command.  You can use multiple ++RJECONTROL cards if
378 all the control arguments do not fit on a single card.
379 Usage
380    ++RJECONTROL  <ARG1> <ARG2>...<ARGn>
381 where ARGi is any control argument acceptable to enter_abs_request,
382 except for -argument (-ag).  If you used multiple ++RJECONTROL cards,
383 the order of the control arguments is the concatenation of each ARGi
384 string (separated by a space) in deck order.  Don't split a control
385 argument across cards; put leading hyphens (where appropriate).
388 ++RJEARGS  (Optional)
389 used to pass arguments to the absentee process, as would normally be
390 done by using -argument with enter_abs_request.  If there are more
391 arguments than can fit on a single card, you can use additional
392 ++RJEARGS cards.  Don't split an argument across cards.
393 Usage
394    ++RJEARGS  <ARG1> <ARG2>...<ARGn>
395 where ARGi is the ith argument to be passed to the absentee process
396 (used in substitutions of the form &i).  If you use multiple ++RJEARGS
397 control cards, the order of the arguments is the concatenation of each
398 ARGi string (separated by a space) in deck order.
401 ++EPILOGUE  (Optional)
402 overrides the default command string
403    eor -dl -rqt [rje_args prt_rqt] [user absout]
404 (which is executed at logout time) with the one supplied.  This allows
405 you to control what action is taken just prior to logout of your
406 absentee process.
407 Usage
409 where COMMAND_LINE is any command acceptable in an absentee process.
410 If you use multiple ++EPILOGUE cards, a single command line is
411 generated by concatenating the values contained on the ++EPILOGUE
412 cards separated by spaces.
415 ++ABSIN  (Optional)
416 allows you to use an already-online absentee input segment instead of
417 including one in your deck.  If any user-supplied cards follow the
418 ++INPUT card, the input is aborted.
419 Usage
421 where PATHNAME is the absolute pathname of the absentee input segment.
422 If you supply SYSTEM, then pathname is assumed to be the entryname of
423 the absentee input segment in >system_library_tools.
426 ++CONTROL  (Optional)
427 used to control the way the card-reading software operates.  If you
428 supply the control string CANCEL, then if the DECK_NAME specified on
429 the ++RJE card was submitted as an absentee job, the old job will be
430 canceled.  (See also ++CONTROL card for bulk data input.)
431 Usage
434 ++FORMAT  (Optional)
435 same as for bulk data input described above.
437 ++INPUT  (Required)
438 same as for bulk data input described above.
441 User absentee cards: All cards following the ++INPUT card for remote
442 job entry are copied into the absentee input segment as commands.  The
443 command lines are translated according to the modes specified on the
444 ++FORMAT card, if present, or by the default modes, which are TRIM,
445 LOWERCASE, and ADDNL (see "Card input conversion modes" below).  You
446 can give any command lines except for an end-of-file marker, which is
447 defined as a card with "++EOF" in columns 1 through 5 and spaces in
448 columns 6 through 80.  The end-of-file marker defines the end of your
449 data.  (See "Card input formats" above.)
452 Card input conversion modes: Card input is reformatted according to
453 the conversion modes specified on the ++FORMAT control card.  In all
454 discussions it is assumed that prior to translation a card consists
455 of 80 characters with trailing blanks as required.  The action of each
456 translation mode is as follows:
457    TRIM       strips off trailing blanks.  (Default)
458    LOWERCASE  converts all uppercase characters to their lowercase
459               equivalent unless preceded by the escape character (\).
460    ADDNL      appends a newline character after the last character of a
461               card.  This operation takes place after trimming if you
462               requested trimming.  (Default)
463    CONTIN     if the last character on the card is \, then if you give
464               the ADDNL mode, a newline character is not added.  This
465               operation takes place after trimming if you requested it.
468 These modes cause the above actions not to occur--
469    NOTRIM     the trailing blanks of the card image are not removed.
470    NOCONVERT  no uppercase-to-lowercase conversion is performed.
471    NOADDNL    a newline character is not appended after the last
472               character.
473    NOCONTIN   no action is taken if the last character on the card is
474               \.
476 If you are reading a deck, using edit-directed I/O, into a PL/I
477 program that expects card images to be fixed-length records, you
478 should use the latter modes.
481 Deck size: Decks being read in mcc or rmcc format may exceed the
482 maximum length of a Multics segment; if they do, the input will
483 automatically be stored in a multisegment file (MSF).
486 Errors: The operator returns a note with the deck if any errors take
487 place during the read.  In general, the error should be corrected and
488 the deck resubmitted.