1 04/11/83  cancel_imft_request, cir
  3 Syntax:  cir request_identifiers {-control_args}
  6 Function: cancels requests in the Inter-Multics File Transfer queues.
  9 Arguments:
 10 request_identifiers
 11    determine which requests in the selected queues
 12    (-queue/-all/-ds/-sc) belonging to the specified users (-own/-user)
 13    are cancelled.  See "Notes on request identifiers" below.
 16 List of request_identifiers:
 17 path
 18    cancels all requests from the appropriate queues and users whose
 19    source pathnames match the relative pathname path.  The star
 20    convention is allowed.
 21 -entry STR, -et STR
 22    cancels all requests from the appropriate queues and users whose
 23    source entry names match STR; the directory portions of the source
 24    pathnames are ignored.  The star convention is allowed.
 25 -id STR
 26    cancels all requests from the appropriate queues and users whose
 27    request IDs match the STR.  Type "help request_ids.gi" for a
 28    description of the syntax of STR.
 31 Control arguments:
 32 -destination STR, -ds STR
 33    cancels requests that are queued for transfer to the remote system
 34    identified by STR.  STR must be one of the names listed by the
 35    print_imft_sites command.
 36 -source STR, -sc STR
 37    cancels requests that are queued for transfer from the remote system
 38    identified by STR.  STR must be one of the names listed by the
 39    print_imft_sites command.  If neither -destination nor -source is
 40    specified, the default is -destination imft.
 41 -queue N, -q N
 42    cancels requests entered in priority queue N for the above
 43    destination or source where N is an integer between 1 and 4
 44    inclusive.  (Default -- depends on the destination or source
 45    specified)
 46 -all, -a
 47    cancels requests entered in all priority queues for the above
 48    destination or source.
 51 -brief, -bf
 52    suppresses messages telling that a particular request identifier did
 53    not match any requests or that requests were cancelled when using
 54    star names or the -all control argument.
 55 -long, -lg
 56    displays the above messages. (Default)
 57 -own
 58    cancels a matching request only if it was submitted by the user of
 59    this command.  (Default)
 60 -user STR
 61    cancels a matching request only if it was submitted by the user
 62    identified by STR.
 65 List of user specifications:
 66    the STR given to the -user control argument must have one of the
 67    following forms:
 68 Person.Project
 69    cancels only those matching requests entered by the specified user
 70    while logged in on the specified project.
 71 Person.*, Person
 72    cancels only those matching requests entered by the specified user
 73    while logged in on any project.
 74 *.Project, .Project
 75    cancels only those matching requests entered by any user logged in
 76    on the specified project.
 77 *.*, *
 78    cancels all matching requests regardless of who entered them.
 81 Access required: If -user is specified, the user must have at least
 82 "rd" extended access to the queue; otherwise, the user must have at
 83 least "o" extended access.
 86 Notes on request identifiers: Multiple -id STR request identifiers may
 87 be specified on the command line only if no path or -entry STR
 88 identifiers are given.
 90 If path or -entry STR request identifiers are given, only one -id STR
 91 request identifier may be given in which case only those requests which
 92 match one of the path or -entry STR identifiers and which match the
 93 -id STR identifier are cancelled.
 95 If a path or -entry STR request identifier matches more than one
 96 request and is not a starname, a message is printed telling how many
 97 matching requests were found but none of the requests are cancelled.
 98 The -id STR request identifier may be used to further qualify the path
 99 or -entry STR identifier to select the specific request to cancel.
102 Notes: If the request is already being transferred, this command will
103 print a message and refuse to delete the entry from the queue.  The
104 user will have to contact the operations staff to cancel the transfer.
106 If conflicting control arguments (eg: -long and -brief, or -destination
107 and -source) are given on the command line, the rightmost control
108 argument takes effect.