1 06/25/90  cancel_daemon_request, cdr
 3 Syntax as a command:  cdr request_identifiers {-control_args}
 6 Function: deletes an I/O daemon request that is no longer needed.
 9 Arguments:
10    request_identifiers can be chosen from the following:
11 path
12    identifies a request to be canceled by the full or relative pathname
13    of the input data segment.  The star convention is allowed.
14 -entry STR, -et STR
15    identifies a request to be canceled by STR, the entryname portion of
16    the input data segment pathname.  The star convention is allowed.
17 -id ID
18    identifies one or more requests to be canceled by request
19    identifier.  You can use this identifier to further define any path
20    or -entry identifier (see "Notes").
23 Control arguments:
24 -all, -a
25    searches all priority queues for the specified request type starting
26    with the highest priority queue and ending with the lowest.  It is
27    incompatible with -queue.
28 -brief, -bf
29    suppresses messages telling that a particular request identifier was
30    not found or that requests were canceled when using star names or
31    -all.
32 -queue N, -q N
33    specifies that queue N of the request type contains the requests to
34    be canceled, where N is a decimal integer specifying the number of
35    the queue.  If you omit it, all the queues are searched.
38 -request_type STR, -rqt STR
39    indicates that the request to be canceled is to be found in the
40    queue for the request type identified by STR.  If you don't supply
41    -request_type, the default is "printer."  The print_request_types
42    command lists the request types.
43 -user User_id
44    specifies the name of the submitter of the request to be canceled if
45    it is not the same as the group identifier of the process.  The
46    User_id can be equal to Person_id.Project_id, Person_id, or
47    .Project_id.  Both r and d extended access to the queue are
48    required.  This control argument is primarily for operators and
49    administrators.
52 Access required: You need o extended access to the queue to cancel
53 your own request and r and d extended access to cancel somebody else's
54 request.
57 Notes: If you supply -id, only one path or -entry is allowed.  If you
58 give -id in addition to a path or -entry, they must match the same
59 request.  If you provide any path or -entry STR request identifiers,
60 only one -id ID request identifier is accepted and it must match any
61 requests selected by path or entryname.
63 You can specify multiple -id ID identifiers in a single command
64 invocation only if you give no path or -entry request identifiers.
66 When you don't use star names and a single request identifier matches
67 more than one request in the queue(s) searched, none of the requests
68 are canceled; however a message is printed telling how many matching
69 requests there are.
72 Normally, deletion can be made only by the user who originated the
73 request.
75 If the request is already running, the running request will not be
76 stopped and the request's entry will not be removed from the queue.
77 A warning message will be displayed to warn the user of this action.
79 See the dprint, dpunch, and enter_output_request commands.