1 08/22/83  bisync_
  4 Syntax for Attach Description:
  5    bisync_ device {-control_args}
  8 Function: The bisync_ I/O module performs stream I/O over a binary
  9 synchronous communications channel.
 11 Entry points in this module are not called directly by users; rather,
 12 the module is accessed through the I/O system.
 15 Arguments:
 16 device
 17    is the name of the communications channel to be used for
 18    communications.
 21 Control arguments:
 22 -ascii
 23    uses the ASCII bisync protocol.  This is the default.
 24 -bid_limit N
 25    sets to N the number of times a line bid is retried.  The default is
 26    30 times.
 27 -breot
 28    causes the get_chars operation to return any block of data ending
 29    with an end-of-transmission (EOT) character (see "Get Chars
 30    Operation" below).
 31 -bretb
 32    causes the get_chars operation to return any block of data ending
 33    with an end-of-text block (ETB) character.  The default is to return
 34    only blocks ending with an end-of-text control character (ETX) or an
 35    intermediate text block (ITB) control character (see the discussion
 36    of the get_chars operation below).
 39 -ebcdic
 40    uses the EBCDIC bisync protocol.
 41 -hangup
 42    causes an automatic hangup when the switch is detached.
 43 -multi_record {N}
 44    specifies that blocking of logical records is done by the I/O
 45    module.  If specified, N is the maximum number of records per block.
 46    If N is not given, the number of records per block is as many as
 47    fit.
 48 -nontransparent
 49    uses the nontransparent bisync protocol.
 50 -size N
 51    sets to N the number of characters to be transmitted in each bisync
 52    block.  The default is 256 characters.
 53 -transparent
 54    uses the transparent bisync protocol.  This is the default.
 57 -ttd_limit N
 58    sets to N the maximum number of TTDs that are sent before sending an
 59    EOT.  The default is 30 TTDs.
 60 -ttd_time N
 61    sets to N the number of seconds of temporary text delay (TTD)
 62    transmissions if output is delayed.  The default is two seconds.
 65 Open Operation:
 66 The bisync_ I/O module supports the stream_input, stream_output, and
 67 stream_input_output opening modes.
 70 Put Chars Operation:  The put_chars entry splits the data to be written
 71 into blocks according to the -size control argument in the attach
 72 description.  The appropriate bisync control characters are added to
 73 the beginning and end of each block.  Each block except the last is
 74 transmitted with an ETB control character at the end.  The last block
 75 is transmitted with an ETX control character at the end.
 78 Get Chars Operation:
 79 The get_chars entry reads and decodes bisync blocks, removes the
 80 control characters, and returns the message text to the caller's
 81 buffer.
 83 Characters are returned up to the next logical bisync break character.
 84 Normally this is ETX.  If -bretb is specified in the attach
 85 description, ETB is also considered to be a break character.  If
 86 -multi_record is given, the interrecord ITB characters are also
 87 considered to be break characters.  In addition, if -breot is
 88 specified, error_table_$end_of_info is returned when an EOT is read.
 91 Get Line Operation:
 92 The get_line entry reads and decodes bisync blocks, removes the control
 93 characters, and returns the message text to the caller's buffer.
 94 Characters are returned until either a newline character is placed in
 95 the buffer or the buffer is filled.  The get_line entry does not
 96 distinguish between blocks ending in ETB or ITB and blocks ending in
 97 ETX.
100 List of Control Operations:
101    Several of the control operations supported by the bisync_ I/O
102    module are identical to those supported by the tty_ I/O module
103    and are documented there.  They include:
105 abort
106 event_info
107 hangup
108 read_status
109 resetread
110 resetwrite
111 write_status
114    The following control operations are also supported by bisync.
115 end_write_mode
116    causes the I/0 module to block until all outstanding output has been
117    written.
118 get_bid_limit
119    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary bid limit that is set either
120    to the value specified at attach or in the last set_bid_limit order.
121 get_bsc_modes
122    returns the structure described under set_bsc_modes.
125 get_chars
126    performs a get_chars operation and returns additional information
127    about the input.  The info_ptr points to a structure of the
128    following form:
129    dcl 1 get_chars_info,
130          2  buf_ptr ptr,
131          2  buf_len fixed bin(21),
132          2  data_len fixed bin(21),
133          2  hbuf_ptr ptr,
134          2  hbuf_len fixed bin(21),
135          2  header_len fixed bin(21),
136          2  flags,
137              3  etx bit(1) unal,
138              3  etb bit(1) unal,
139              3  soh bit(1) unal,
140              3  eot bit(1) unal,
141              3  pad bit(32) unal;
144    where--
145    buf_ptr, buf_len
146       define an input buffer for the text of the message.  (Input)
147    data_len
148       is set to the number of characters of text read.  (Output)
149    hbuf_ptr, hbuf_len
150       define an input buffer for the header of the message.  (Input)
151    header_len
152       is set to the header's length in characters.  (Output)
153    etx
154       indicates that text is terminated with an ETX character.
155       (Output)
156    etb
157       indicates that text is terminated with an ETB character.
158       (Output)
161    soh
162       indicates that the data includes a header.  (Output)
163    eot
164       indicates that an EOT is received.  (Output)
165    pad
166       is unused space in this structure.  (Output)
167 get_multi_record_mode
168    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary record count.  This order
169    returns the multirecord record count.  A 1 indicates single-record
170    mode.
171 get_size
172    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary buffer size and returns the
173    current size.
176 hangup_proc
177    sets up a procedure to be called if the communications channel hangs
178    up.  The hangup_proc input structure has the following form:
179       dcl 1 hangup_proc  aligned,
180             2 entry      entry variable,
181             2 datap      ptr,
182             2 prior      fixed bin;
183    where--
184    entry
185       is the entry to call when a hangup is detected.
186    datap
187       is a pointer to data for the hangup procedure.
188    prior
189       is the ipc_ event call priority to be associated with hangup
190       notification.
193 runout
194    has meaning only in multirecord mode and writes the current
195    partially filled block.
196 send_nontransparent_msg
197    writes the data specified in nontransparent bisync mode, regardless
198    of the current transparency mode.  This order is used to send short
199    nontransparent control sequences while in transparent mode.  The
200    info_ptr points to a structure of the following form:
201       dcl 1  order_msg,
202              2  data_len fixed bin,
203              2  data char (order_msg.data_len);
204 set_bid_limit
205    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary bid limit to replace the
206    bid_limit specified in the attach description.
209 set_bsc_modes
210    where info_ptr points to a structure of the following form:
211       dcl 1  bsc_modes,
212              2  transparent bit(1) unal,
213              2  ebcdic bit(1) unal,
214              2  mbz bit (34) unal;
215    The setting of the transparent and ebcdic bits then replaces the
216    values specified in the attach description.
217 set_multi_record_mode
218    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary record count.  If the count
219    is 1, the I/O module enters single-record mode; otherwise,
220    multirecord mode is entered, and the count specifies the maximum
221    number of records per block.  Zero (or a null info_ptr) specifies no
222    fixed limit; i.e., as many records as fit are blocked.
223 set_size
224    where info_ptr points to a fixed binary buffer size.  This new size
225    replaces the size specified in the attach description.  It cannot be
226    larger than the size originally specified in the attach description.