1 02/01/84  bill
 3 Syntax:  bill function {args}
 6 Function: allows the accounting administrator to call the biller.ec
 7 segment (in the directory >udd>SysAdmin>lib) to perform billing
 8 operations.  See MAM - Registration and Accounting (AS68) for
 9 detailed information.
12 List of functions:
13 prepare
14    prepares the billing data bases for billing.
15 run MM DD YY arg
16    runs the billing programs on the date specified in the form
17       month day year
18    arg is either an argument accepted by a command called to punch
19    cards or is an argument accepted by the site-dependent program
20    that produces billing output in the desired format.  The arg
21    argument should not be supplied unless directed to by the system
22    administrator.
25 accept arg
26    prints the bills, cleans up the old billing data bases, and
27    creates new one.  arg can be the name of a month, a Julian date, or
28    any name that uniquely identifies the billing run.  If errors are
29    detected in the bill, the "bill accept" command should NOT be
30    invoked.  Instead, contact the system administrator immediately.
31 delete
32    deletes the current months bills from the storage system.
35 Access required:  The billing programs and exec_coms set the required
36 access to all segments needed in order to run bills, but ONLY for
37 users registered on the SysAdmin project.  It is expected that the
38 person running bills will be logged in on this project.