1 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_
4 The before_journal_manager_ subroutine provides the means to
5 manipulate, and obtain information about, before journals. Before
6 journals are used to store before images of protected data management
7 DM files, for the purpose of rolling back modifications to these
8 files in the event of failure.
11 Entry points in before_journal_manager_:
12 List is generated by the help command
15 :Entry: close_bj: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$close_bj
18 Function: This entry point closes the specified before journal, making
19 it unavailable to the current process. A journal can be opened more
20 than once in a process, in which case the same opening id is returned
21 for each open request. In that case, the close operation merely
22 decreases by one the number of journal openings in the process. If a
23 close_bj request is issued by a process on a journal while the process
24 still has an active transaction in that journal, the journal cannot be
25 closed and an error code is returned to the caller. If the journal to
26 be closed was the default before journal for the process, the before
27 journal which was last opened in the process if any becomes the
28 default before journal see "Notes" under the set_default_bj entry.
31 Syntax:
32 declare before_journal_manager_$close_bj entry bit36 aligned fixed
33 bin35;
34 call before_journal_manager_$close_bj bj_opening_id code;
37 Arguments:
38 bj_opening_id
39 is the opening identifier of the before journal. Input
40 code
41 is a standard system error code. Output
44 :Entry: create_bj: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$create_bj
47 Function: This entry point creates a before journal file as specified
48 by the input arguments.
51 Syntax:
52 declare before_journal_manager_$create_bj entry char* char*
53 fixed bin fixed bin fixed bin35;
54 call before_journal_manager_$create_bj dir_name entry_name
55 n_control_intervals control_interval_size code;
58 Arguments:
59 dir_name
60 is the pathname of the directory in which the before journal is to
61 be created. Input
62 entry_name
63 is the entry name of the before journal to be created. The .bj
64 suffix must be included. Input
65 n_control_intervals
66 is the size of the journal expressed in the number of control
67 intervals. Input A before journal is a circular file; when
68 information is no longer useful i.e. before images for committed
69 or aborted transactions, it will be overwritten, allowing the space
70 to be reused. In estimating the size of a journal, you should
71 consider the number of transactions to be using the journal
72 simultaneously, as well as their profiles, i.e., their length in
73 time and the rate at which they modify data, to optimize
74 performance.
77 control_interval_size
78 is the size of the before journal control interval in number of
79 bytes. Input The size is currently fixed at 4096.
80 code
81 is a standard system error code. Output
84 :Entry: get_bj_path_from_oid: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$get_bj_path_from_oid
87 Function: This entry point returns the directory pathname and the
88 entry name of the specified before journal. For this operation to be
89 successful, the before journal must be open in the current process.
91 If a zero code is returned, the operation is successful and the
92 dir_name and entry_name arguments are set to the proper values. If a
93 nonzero code is returned, the operation did not succeed and the values
94 of dir_name and entry_name are left unchanged.
97 Syntax:
98 declare before_journal_manager_$get_bj_path_from_oid entry bit36
99 aligned char* char* fixed bin35;
100 call before_journal_manager_$get_bj_path bj_oid dir_name entry_name
101 code;
104 Arguments:
105 bj_oid
106 is the opening identifier of the before journal for which the
107 pathname is requested. Input
108 dir_name
109 is the pathname of the directory in which the before journal
110 resides. Output
111 entry_name
112 is the entry name of the before journal. Output
113 code
114 is a standard system error code. Output
117 :Entry: get_default_bj: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$get_default_bj
120 Function: This entry point returns the opening identifier of the
121 before journal to be used as the default in those cases where a before
122 journal specification is expected but not supplied. The rules for
123 determining this default before journal are described in "Notes" under
124 the set_default_bj entry point. If the journal which is to serve as
125 the default before journal is not open at the time of this call, it is
126 opened automatically.
129 Syntax:
130 declare before_journal_manager_$get_default_bj entry bit36 aligned
131 fixed bin35;
132 call before_journal_manager_$get_default_bj bj_oid code;
135 Arguments:
136 bj_oid
137 is the opening identifier of the current default before journal.
138 Output
139 code
140 is a standard system error code. Output
143 :Entry: open_bj: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$open_bj
146 Function: This entry point makes the before journal specified by the
147 pathname, ready for use by any transaction of the current process. A
148 process may have several before journals open at the same time, and may
149 also have the same journal opened more than one time. When a
150 transaction is started, one of the open journals must be associated
151 with the transaction, if the transaction needs a before journal. One
152 can expect that in most cases, a process will open only one before
153 journal, which will be used by all its transactions.
155 This entry may also change the default before journal for the process
156 to the newly opened journal see "Notes" under set_default_bj.
159 Syntax:
160 declare before_journal_manager_$open_bj entry char* char*
161 bit36 aligned fixed bin35;
162 call before_journal_manager_$open_bj dir_name entry_name
163 bj_opening_id code;
166 Arguments:
167 dir_name
168 is the pathname of the directory in which the before journal to be
169 opened resides. Input
170 entry_name
171 is the entry name of the before journal to be opened. The .bj
172 suffix must be included Input
173 bj_opening_id
174 is the opening identifier of the journal. Output This specifier
175 must be used subsequently by the current process to identify this
176 journal.
177 code
178 is a standard system error code. Output
181 Notes: When a before journal is opened, it is remembered in a per
182 system table containing the pathnames and unique identifiers of all
183 before journals opened in the system. This table is used after a
184 system crash to determine which journals must be reopened and examined
185 in order to perform a rollback operation. To preserve the integrity of
186 this table, it is written out to disk automatically each time it is
187 updated with a newly opened journal.
189 If a process opens the same before journal more than one time, the
190 opening identifier received from the open_bj will be the same for each
191 call. The process must close a before journal the same number of times
192 it opens it, to render the journal inaccessible through the same
193 opening identifier.
196 :Entry: set_default_bj: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$set_default_bj
199 Function: This entry point causes the specified before journal to
200 become the default before journal. When no before journal is
201 explicitly specified by the user at the beginning of a transaction, the
202 default before journal for the process will be assigned to the
203 transaction. The default before journal must be one of the before
204 journals open in the process.
207 Syntax:
208 declare before_journal_manager_$set_default_bj entry bit36 aligned
209 fixed bin35;
210 call before_journal_manager_$set_default_bj bj_opening_id code;
213 Arguments:
214 bj_opening_id
215 is the opening identifier of the before journal. Input
216 code
217 is a standard system error code. Output
220 Notes: Several before_journal_manager_ entries expect an opening id to
221 specify which before journal to use. If bj_opening_id is null, the
222 following default assignments are attempted, in the order in which they
223 are mentioned below, until one of them succeeds:
225 The current default before journal in this process, if there is
226 one; otherwise,
228 The most recently open before journal among those that are still
229 open, if there is one; otherwise,
231 The system before journal. If the system before journal has not
232 been opened yet in the current process, it is automatically
233 opened.
236 :Entry: set_transaction_storage_limit: 03/15/85 before_journal_manager_$set_transaction_storage_limit
239 Syntax:
240 declare before_journal_manager_$set_transaction_storage_limit entry
241 char * char* fixed bin 35 fixed bin 35;
242 call before_journal_manager_$set_transaction_storage_limit dir_name
243 entryname storage_limit code;
246 Arguments:
247 dir_name
248 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
249 entryname
250 is the entryname of the before journal. Input
251 storage_limit
252 is the maximum number of bytes a single transaction may use in the
253 before journal.
254 code
255 is a storage system status code. Output