1 06/27/86  area_info_
 4 Entry points in area_info_:
 5    (List is generated by the help command)
 8 :Entry: area_info_: 02/13/84  area_info_
10 Function: returns information about an area.
13 Syntax:
14 declare area_info_ entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
15 call area_info_ (info_ptr, code);
18 Arguments:
19 info_ptr
20    points to the area_info structure defined by the system include
21    file, area_info.incl.pl1.  (Input)
22 code
23    is a system status code.  (Output)
26 :Entry: get_block_data_info: 06/27/86  get_block_data_info
28 Function: returns a pointer and length for the first block or next
29 block in an area, and whether or not it is free.  This allows a program
30 to step through an area looking at each block in turn.  Extensible
31 areas are handled correctly.
33 Syntax:
34 declare area_info_$get_block_data_info entry (ptr, bit (1), ptr, ptr,
35           ptr, fixed bin (18), bit (1), fixed bin (35));
36 call area_info_$get_block_data_info (area_ptr, next_ptr_flag,
37           block_data_ptr, output_area_ptr, next_data_ptr, data_size,
38           block_allocated_flag, code);
41 Arguments:
42 area_ptr
43    is a pointer to the area in which the data block will be found.
44    (Input)
45 next_ptr_flag
46    if "1"b, then return information about the block after the one
47    pointed to by block_data_ptr.  If "0"b, then return information
48    about the block pointed to by block_data_ptr.  (Input)
49 block_data_ptr
50    pointer to a data block in the area.  If it is null then it will be
51    internnaly initialized to the first block in the area.  (Input)
54 output_area_ptr
55    is a pointer to the area which actually contains the block about
56    which information is returned.  It will be equal to area_ptr unless
57    the area is extensible and the returned block information required
58    going to the next segment in the area.  When stepping through the
59    blocks in an area, this pointer should be used as input (i.e.
60    area_ptr) for the next call.  (Output)
61 next_data_ptr
62    is a pointer to the block about which nformation is returned.  It
63    will be equal to block_data_ptr unless next_ptr_flag was set, in
64    which case it will point to the block after the one pointed to by
65    block_data_ptr.  (Output)
68 data_size
69    is the size, in words, of the returned data block.  (Output)
70 block_allocated_flag
71    If "1"b, then the block is allocated.  If "0"b, then the block is
72    free.  (Output)
73 code
74    is a standard system status code.  It is returned as
75    error_table_$end_of_info if the block about which information is
76    requested is in virgin storage in the area (i.e. the end of the area
77    has been reached).  (Output)