1 09/22/86  archive_
  3 The archive_ subroutine is used to access individual components in
  4 archives, list the components of an archive, and obtain information
  5 about archive components.
  8 Entry points in archive_:
  9    (List is generated by the help command)
 12 :Entry: get_component:  03/18/81  archive_$get_component
 15 Function:  This entry, given a pointer to an archive and its bitcount,
 16 and the name of the desired component in the archive, returns a pointer
 17 to the component and the bitcount of the component.
 20 Syntax:
 21 dcl archive_$get_component entry (pointer, fixed bin (24), char (*),
 22       pointer, fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35));
 23 call archive_$get_component (archive_ptr, archive_bc, component_name,
 24       component_ptr, component_bc, code);
 27 Arguments:
 28 archive_ptr
 29    is a pointer to the base of the archive segment to be searched.  It
 30    need not point to the base of a segment; it is converted to a
 31    segment base pointer by archive_, so a pointer to anywhere in the
 32    segment may be given here.  (Input)
 33 archive_bc
 34    is the bitcount of the archive segment.  (Input)
 35 component_name
 36    is the name of the component to be searched for.  It may be up to
 37    32 characters long.  (Input)
 38 component_ptr
 39    is a pointer to the first word of the archive component if the
 40    specified component was found, or null otherwise.  It is a pointer
 41    into the segment pointed to by archive_ptr.  (Output)
 44 component_bc
 45    is the bitcount of the archive component pointed to by
 46    component_ptr.  It describes a region of the archive segment which
 47    contains the specified component; if an attempt is made to reference
 48    past the end of this area, invalid data may be referenced.  (Output)
 49 code
 50    is a standard system status code, one of the following:  (Output)
 51       error_table_$no_component
 52       error_table_$not_archive
 53       error_table_$archive_fmt_err
 56 :Entry: get_component_info:  03/18/81  archive_$get_component_info
 59 Function:  This entry, given a pointer to an archive and its bitcount,
 60 and the name of the desired component in the archive, fills in a
 61 caller-supplied structure with information describing the archive
 62 component.  Also see archive_$get_component and
 63 archive_$next_component_info.
 66 Syntax:
 67 dcl archive_$get_component_info entry (pointer, fixed bin (24), char
 68       (*), pointer, fixed bin (35));
 69 call archive_$get_component_info (archive_ptr, archive_bc,
 70       component_name, archive_component_info_ptr, code);
 73 Arguments:
 74 archive_ptr
 75    is a pointer to the base of the archive segment to be searched.  It
 76    need not point to the base of a segment; it is converted to a
 77    segment base pointer by archive_, so a pointer to anywhere in the
 78    segment may be given here.  (Input)
 79 archive_bc
 80    is the bitcount of the archive segment.  (Input)
 81 component_name
 82    is the name of the component to be searched for.  It may be up to
 83    32 characters long.  (Input)
 86 archive_component_info_ptr
 87    is a pointer to a user-supplied archive_component_info structure,
 88    described below.  The caller must have previously set
 89    archive_component_info.version to the appropriate version number,
 90    currently ARCHIVE_COMPONENT_INFO_VERSION_1.  The structure is filled
 91    in with information describing the selected archive component if it
 92    can be found.  (Input)
 93 code
 94    is a standard system status code.  (Output)  It may be one of the
 95    following:
 96       error_table_$no_component
 97       error_table_$not_archive
 98       error_table_$archive_fmt_err
 99       error_table_$unimplemented_version
102 Structure:
103 The archive_component_info_ptr points to the following structure
104 (described in the archive_component_info.incl.pl1 include file):
106       dcl 1 archive_component_info aligned based
107             (archive_component_info_ptr),
108             2 version fixed bin,
109             2 comp_bc fixed bin (24),
110             2 comp_ptr ptr,
111             2 name char (32) unaligned,
112             2 time_modified fixed bin (71),
113             2 time_updated fixed bin (71),
114             2 comp_lth fixed bin (19),
115             2 access bit (36) unaligned;
118 List of structure elements:
119 version
120    must be set to ARCHIVE_COMPONENT_INFO_VERSION_1 by the
121    caller.  All other structure elements are output.
122 comp_bc
123    is the bit_count of the archive component.
124 comp_ptr
125    is a pointer to the base of the component.
126 name
127    is the name of the component.
130 time_modified
131    is a clock reading corresponding to the date/time contents
132    modified of the segment from which this component was most
133    recently updated.  This is the value reported in the
134    "modified" column by the "ac tl" command.  It may be
135    inaccurate by several hours if the archive was updated in a
136    different time zone from the current time zone.
137 time_updated
138    is a clock reading corresponding to the date/time when this
139    component was last updated in the archive.  This is the
140    value reported in the "updated" column by the "ac tl"
141    command.  It may be inaccurate by several hours if the
142    archive was updated in a different time zone from the
143    current time zone.
146 comp_lth
147    is the size, in words, of the component.  Both the size in
148    words and the bit_count are provided as a convenience to
149    the caller.  The size in words is derived from the
150    bit_count.
151 access
152    is the representation of the effective access mode recorded
153    with the archive component.  The first bit is "r" access,
154    the second is "e", and the third is "w".  Even if "a"
155    access appears in the archive itself, it will be ignored.
158 :Entry: next_component:  03/18/81  archive_$next_component
161 Function:  This entry, given a pointer to an archive and its bitcount,
162 and a pointer to the base of a component (or null), returns a pointer
163 to the next component in the archive, its name, and its bitcount.  If
164 there are no components remaining in the archive, the pointer is
165 returned null on output.  The first time this is called for a
166 particular archive, the component pointer should be supplied as null.
169 Syntax:
170 dcl archive_$next_component entry (pointer, fixed bin (24), pointer,
171       fixed bin (24), char (*), fixed bin (35));
172 call archive_$next_component (archive_ptr, archive_bc, component_ptr,
173       component_bc, component_name, code);
176 Arguments:
177 archive_ptr
178    is a pointer to the base of the archive segment to be searched.  It
179    need not point to the base of a segment; it is converted to a
180    segment base pointer by archive_, so a pointer to anywhere in the
181    segment may be given here.  (Input)
182 archive_bc
183    is the bitcount of the archive segment.  (Input)
184 component_ptr
185    on input, this is a pointer to the previous component in the
186    archive, or null to indicate that the next component should be the
187    first component in the archive.  On output, this is a pointer to the
188    next component in the archive, or null if there are no components
189    remaining after the one it pointed to on input.  (Input/Output)
192 component_bc
193    is the bitcount of the selected component.  (Output)
194 component_name
195    is the name of the selected component.  (Output)
196 code
197    is a standard system status code, one of the following;   (Output)
198             error_table_$not_archive
199             error_table_$archive_fmt_err
202 :Entry: next_component_info:  03/18/81  archive_$next_component_info
205 Function:  This entry, given a pointer to an archive, the bitcount of
206 the archive, and a pointer to the base of a component (or null),
207 returns a pointer to the next component in the archive and fills in a
208 archive_component_info structure to describe it.  If there are no
209 components remaining in the archive, the pointer is returned null on
210 output.  The first time this is called for a particular archive, the
211 component pointer should be supplied as null.  See also
212 archive_$get_component_info and archive_$next_component.
215 Syntax:
216 dcl archive_$next_component_info entry (pointer, fixed bin (24),
217       pointer, pointer, fixed bin (35));
218 call archive_$next_component_info (archive_ptr, archive_bc,
219       component_ptr, archive_component_info_ptr, code);
222 Arguments:
223 archive_ptr
224    is a pointer to the base of the archive segment to be searched.  It
225    need not point to the base of a segment; it is converted to a
226    segment base pointer by archive_, so a pointer to anywhere in the
227    segment may be given here.  (Input)
228 archive_bc
229    is the bitcount of the archive segment.  (Input)
230 component_name
231    is the name of the component to be searched for.  It may be up to
232    32 characters long.  (Input)
235 archive_component_info_ptr
236    is a pointer to a user-supplied archive_component_info structure,
237    described in the description of the archive_$get_component_info
238    entrypoint.  The caller must have previously set
239    archive_component_info.version to the appropriate version number,
240    currently ARCHIVE_COMPONENT_INFO_VERSION_1.  The structure is filled
241    in with information describing the selected archive component if
242    component_ptr is returned non-null.  (Input)
243 code
244    is a standard system status code.  (Output) It may be one of the
245    following:
246             error_table_$not_archive
247             error_table_$archive_fmt_err
248             error_table_$unimplemented_version
251 :Entry: list_components:  03/18/81  archive_$list_components
254 Function:  This entry, given a pointer to an archive and its bitcount,
255 and a pointer to an area, allocates an array of archive_component_info
256 structures in the area to describe all the components in the archive,
257 and returns a pointer to and the size of this array.
260 Syntax:
261 dcl archive_$list_components entry (pointer, fixed bin (24), fixed bin,
262       pointer, pointer, fixed bin, fixed bin (35));
263 call archive_$list_components (archive_ptr, archive_bc, info_version,
264       area_ptr, archive_component_info_array_ptr, n_components, code);
267 Arguments:
268 archive_ptr
269    is a pointer to the base of the archive segment to be searched.  It
270    need not point to the base of a segment; it is converted to a
271    segment base pointer by archive_, so a pointer to anywhere in the
272    segment may be given here.  (Input)
273 archive_bc
274    is the bitcount of the archive segment.  (Input)
275 info_version
276    is the version number for the archive_component_info structure array
277    which will be allocated and returned.  The only supported version is
281 area_ptr
282    is a pointer to a caller-supplied area in which the returned array
283    of archive_component_infos will be allocated.  If area_ptr is null,
284    no list will be allocated, but n_components will still be set; this
285    can be used when it is desired to merely count the components in the
286    archive.  (Input)
287 archive_component_info_array_ptr
288    is a pointer returned which points to an array of
289    archive_component_info structures describing all the components in
290    the archive.  It should be declared as follows:  (Output)
292       dcl 1 archive_component_info_array (n_components) aligned
293             like archive_component_info based
294             (archive_component_info_array_ptr);
297 n_components
298    is the number of components in the archive.  This may be zero if the
299    archive is empty, and is still valid.  (Output)
300 code
301    is a standard system status code, one of the following;   (Output)
302             error_table_$not_archive
303             error_table_$archive_fmt_err