1 03/13/80 apl help files 2 3 to see how to use the apl command, type help apl 4 to see a summary of the Multics apl language, type help apl_summary 5 to see the list of known apl bugs, type help >exl>info>apl.status 6 to see the differences from ibm vsapl, type help apl_vs_vsapl.incompat 7 to see the extensions to ibm vsapl, type help apl_vs_vsapl.extensions 8 to see the differences from old Multics apl, type help apl_vs_v1apl 9 to see how to call pl1 programs from within apl, type help apl_erf_.pl1 10 to report bugs, use the normal problem reporting facility for your site