1 01/11/88  add_search_paths, asp
 3 Syntax as a command:
 4   asp search_list search_path1 {-control_args} ...
 5        search_pathN {-control_args}
 8 Function:  adds one or more search paths to the specified search list.
11 Arguments:
12 search_list
13    is the name of the search list to which the new search paths are
14    added.
15 search_pathi
16    specifies a new search path, where search_path1 is a relative or
17    absolute pathname or a keyword (see "List of keywords" below).
20 Control arguments:  are used only after the search_path argument.  Only
21    one is allowed for each search_path.
22 -after STR, -af STR
23    positions the new search path after the search path denoted by STR.
24 -before STR, -be STR
25    positions the new search path before the search path denoted by STR.
26 -first, -ft
27    positions the new search path first in the search list.
28 -force, -fc
29    causes duplicate pathnames to be replaced in the search list at the
30    specified position.
31 -inhibit_error, -ihe
32    suppresses warning messages printed when a pathname is nonexistent
33    or is already in the search list.
36 -last, -lt
37    positions the new search path last in the search list.  (Default)
38 -no_force, -nfc
39    causes duplicate pathnames to be ignored.  (Default)
40 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe
41    causes warning messages to be printed.  (Default)
44 List of keywords: The following are keywords accepted as search paths
45    in place of absolute or relative pathnames:
46    -home_dir, -hd
47    -initiated_segments, -is
48    -process_dir, -pd
49    -referencing_dir, -rd
50    -working_dir, -wd
53 Notes:  In addition, a pathname can be specified with the Multics
54 active function [user name] or [user project].  A search path enclosed
55 in quotes is not expanded when placed in the search list.  It is
56 expanded when referenced in your process.  This feature allows
57 search paths to be defined that identify the process directory or home
58 directory of any user.
60 If a link target does not exist, the search facility continues to
61 search for a matching entryname.
63 The -initiated_segments keyword may only be supplied for the linker
64 search list.
67 List of related search facility commands:
68    delete_search_paths, dsp
69    print_search_path, psp
70    set_search_paths, ssp
71    where_search_paths, wsp