1 10/20/86  add_dict_words, adw
 4 Syntax as a command:  adw path {words} {-control_args}
 7 Function:  adds words to a Wordpro dictionary.
10 Arguments:
11 path
12    is the pathname of the dictionary to which the words are added.  If
13    path does not have the suffix dict, one is assumed; however, dict
14    must be the last component of the dictionary segment name.  If the
15    dictionary does not exist, it is created.
16 words
17    are words to add to the dictionary.  At least one word is required
18    unless -input_file is specified.  If a word is already in the
19    dictionary with the same hyphenation and no-trim attribute, the word
20    is ignored without comment.  However, if the word is already in the
21    dictionary with different hyphenation or no-trim attribute, then a
22    warning is issued and the dictionary word is left unchanged unless
23    -force is specified.
26 Control arguments:
27 -count, -ct
28    reports the number of words added and the total number of words in
29    the dictionary.
30 -force, -fc
31    allows a word already in the dictionary to be replaced.  This
32    feature may be used to change the no-trim attribute or hyphenation
33    of a word in the dictionary.
34 -input_file path, -if path
35    adds to the dictionary words contained in the segment specified by
36    path.  Words in this segment must be separated by newlines.  This
37    control argument may be specified more than once.
38 -raw
39    suppresses the special interpretation otherwise given to hyphen and
40    circumflex characters.
43 -word STR
44    adds the word STR to the dictionary even though STR may look like a
45    control argument.
48 Notes:  The correct hyphenation of a word can be specified when it is
49 added to the dictionary.  Embedded hyphens indicate the hyphenation
50 points.  If no hyphenation points are specified, it is assumed that the
51 word cannot be hyphenated.  If a word is spelled with a hyphen, then
52 that hyphen must be followed by another hyphen or an equal sign.  The
53 character sequence "--" indicates that the word contains a hyphen and
54 that hyphenation may be performed at (after) the hyphen.  The character
55 sequence "-=" indicates that the word contains a hyphen, but the word
56 may not be hyphenated at the hyphen.
59 If the -raw control argument is specified, no special interpretation is
60 given to either hyphen or circumflex characters.  Each such character
61 found within a word is taken literally as a part of the word.
62 Therefore, words added with the -raw control argument cannot have the
63 no-trim attribute or hyphenation points.  Maximum word size is limited
64 to 256 "literal characters".  Only characters contained in the normal
65 spelling of a word are literal characters.  Thus, the special sequences
66 "--" and "-=" both represent the single literal character "-".  Literal
67 hyphens may appear anywhere within a word.  Hyphenation points,
68 however, may not appear beyond the 33rd literal character of a word.