1 01/12/82  active_fnc_err_
 4 Entry points in active_fnc_err_:
 5    (List is generated by the help command)
 8 :Entry: active_fnc_err_: 01/12/82 active_fnc_err_
11 Function: is called by active functions when they detect unusual
12 status conditions.  It formats an error message and then signals
13 the condition active_function_error.  The default handler for this
14 condition prints the error message and then returns the user to
15 command level.  (See "List of System Conditions and Default Handlers"
16 in Section 6 of the MPM Reference Guide for further information.)
18 Since this subroutine can be called with a varying number of arguments,
19 it is not permissible to include a parameter attribute list in its
20 declaration.
23 Syntax:
24 declare active_fnc_err_ entry options (variable);
25 call active_fnc_err_ (code, caller, control_string, arg1, ..., argN);
28 Arguments:
29 code
30    is a standard status code (fixed bin(35)).  (Input)
31 caller
32    is the name (char(*)) of the calling procedure.  (Input) It can be
33    either varying or nonvarying.
34 control_string
35    is an ioa_ subroutine control string (char(*)).  (Input) (The ioa_
36    subroutine is described in the MPM Subroutines.)  This argument is
37    optional.  See "Notes" below.
38 argI
39    are ioa_ subroutine arguments to be substituted into control_string.
40    (Input) These arguments are optional.  (However, they can only be
41    used if the control_string argument is given first.)  See "Notes"
42    below.
45 Notes:  The error message prepared by the active_fnc_err_ subroutine
46 has the format:
47    caller:  system_message user_message
48 where:
49    caller
50       is the caller argument described above and should be the name
51       of the procedure detecting the error.
52    system_message
53       is a standard message from a standard status table corresponding
54       to the value of code.  If code is equal to 0, no system_message
55       is returned.
56    user_message
57       is constructed by the ioa_ subroutine from the control_string
58       and argI arguments described above.  If the control_string and
59       argI arguments are not given, user_message is omitted.
62 :Entry: suppress_name:  01/12/82  active_fnc_err_$suppress_name
65 Function:  This entrypoint is functionally the same as active_fnc_err_,
66 but it suppresses the caller name and the colon at the beginning of the
67 error message.  The caller name is nevertheless passed to the
68 active_function error handler.
71 Syntax:
72 declare active_fnc_err_$suppress_name entry options (variable);
73 call active_fnc_err_$suppress_name (code, caller, control string,
74      arg1,...argN);
77 Arguments:
78 code
79    is a standard status code (fixed bin(35)).  (Input)
80 caller
81    is the name (char(*)) of the calling procedure.  (Input) It can be
82    either varying or nonvarying.
83 control_string
84    is an ioa_ subroutine control string (char(*)).  (Input)  This
85    argument is optional.
86 argI
87    are ioa_ subroutine arguments to be substituted into control_string.
88    (Input) These arguments are optional.  (However, they can only be
89    used if the control_string argument is given first.)