  4 GB58 (Multics Common Commands)
  6 03/17/89 Errata information for MR12.2
  8 Page 3-55;   change   the   description    of   "path"   in   the
  9 enter_abs_request command to the following:
 11      path
 12         specifies  the pathname  of the  absentee control segment
 13         associated  with  this  request.   The  absin  suffix  is
 14         assumed.  If a pathname is given, it identifies the absin
 15         segment.   If  only  an  entryname  is  given,  the absin
 16         segment is located using the exec_com search list.
 18      Add the following  control arguments to enter_abs_request
 19      command:
 21      -authorization STR, -auth STR
 22         sets the  authorization of the process  to that specified
 23         by STR.  STR is a  character string composed of level and
 24         category names  for the desired  authorization, separated
 25         by commas.  STR cannot contain  any embedded blank or tab
 26         characters.  (The short names for each level and category
 27         always  contain  no  blanks  or  tabs,  and  can  be used
 28         whenever the  corresponding long names contain  blanks or
 29         tabs.)   STR  must  represent  an  authorization  that is
 30         within the range of  minimum and maximum authorization of
 31         Person_id  on  the   Project_id.   If  -authorization  is
 32         omitted, your current login  authorization is used.  (See
 33         the  Programmer's Reference  Manual for  more information
 34         about  process  authorizations.)   Allowed  authorization
 35         range can be displayed via the "user auth_range" command.
 36      -home_dir path, -hd path
 37         sets the  home directory of  the absentee process  to the
 38         path specified, if the  project administrator allows such
 39         changes.  The "user  attributes" command displays allowed
 40         attributes.   The vhomedir  attribute is  required to use
 41         the -home_dir  control argument.  The specified  home dir
 42         cannot exceed  64 characters and must be  specified as an
 43         absolute pathname.
 44      -no_start_up, -ns
 45         instructs  the standard  process overseer  not to execute
 46         the start_up.ec  segment in the absentee  process, if the
 47         project administrator  allows it.  The  "user attributes"
 48         command  displays  allowed   attributes.   The  nostartup
 49         attribute is required to use this control argument.
 50      -process_overseer path, -po path
 51         sets the process overseer for the absentee process to the
 52         procedure  given  by  path  if  the project administrator
 53         allows this.   If path ends in  the characters ",direct",
 54         the specified procedure is called directly during process
 55         initialization    rather    than    by    the    standard
 56         system-provided procedure.   This means that  the program
 57         used by path must perform  the tasks that would have been
 58         performed by  the standard procedure.  The  length of the
 59         process_overseer  path should  not exceed  64 characters.
 60         The   "user   attributes"    command   displays   allowed
 61         attributes.  The  vinitproc attribute is required  to use
 62         this control argument.
 63      -ring N, -rg N
 64         sets the initial ring to N  if this ring number is within
 65         the  range of  the  registered  minimum ring  and maximum
 66         ring.   This  range  may   be  displayed  via  the  "user
 67         ring_range" command.
 68      -start_up
 69         instructs  the standard  process overseer  to execute the
 70         start_up.ec segment if it exists.  Default.
 72 Page 3-57;  add  the  following  to  the  Notes  section  of  the
 73 enter_abs_request command.
 75      When -proxy is given, no attempt  is made by ear to validate
 76      attribute  dependent control  arguments.  Since  the job  is
 77      submitted on behalf of another  user, the attributes for the
 78      proxy user  will be validated only by  the answering service
 79      when  it  attempts  to  run  the  job.   Attribute dependent
 80      control arguments are:
 81             -no_start_up
 82             -home_dir
 83             -authorization
 84             -process_overseer
 85             -ring
 87 Page 3-139; change program_interrupt to:
 89      Name:  program_interrupt, pi
 91      Syntax as a command:  pi {-control_arg}
 94      Function:   informs a  suspended invocation  of a  subsystem
 95      that the user wishes to abort the current request.
 98      Control arguments:
 99      -no_restore, -ns
100         does  not  restore  the  standard  I/O  attachments  (see
101         "Notes").
104      Notes:    The  program   interrupt  command   is  used  with
105      interactive subsystems.  Interactive subsystems are commands
106      that  accept user  requests from  the terminal.   To abort a
107      subsystem request the  user uses the quit (or  break) key to
108      interrupt  execution, and  then gives  the program_interrupt
109      command.   If   the  subsystem  supports  the   use  of  the
110      program_interrupt  command, it   will abort  the interrupted^L
113      request and  ask the user for  a new one.  If  the subsystem
114      does not  support the use of  program_interrupt, the command
115      will  print an  error message.    The user  may then  either
116      restart the interrupted operation  with the "start" command,
117      or abort the entire  subsystem invocation with the "release"
118      command.
120      This  command restores  the attachments  of the  user_input,
121      user_output,  and  error_output  switches  and  the  mode of
122      user_i/o to their values at  the time of interruption unless
123      you give -no_restore.
125      If there is  more than one suspended command  in your stack,
126      the  stack   is  searched  for  a   program  that  supposrts
127      program_interrupt   and   any   interventing   programs  are
128      released.