1      The working directory is the "directory" you are working in at any
 2 particular time.  It may be one of your personal directories or any directory
 3 in the Multics system that you can go to.  When you first get on the computer
 4 and are in your "home directory," that is your working directory.
 6      To refer to "segments" in your working directory, you need give only the
 7 name of the segment.  When you wish to refer to segments in some other
 8 directory, you must specify the path of directories between the working
 9 directory and that segment.  For example, if you are working in directory_1
10 and want to print a segment that is located two directories from there, you
11 would type:
13 print directory_2>directory_3>segment
15      To find out which directory you are working in, you use the print_wdir
16 "command."  It will print a line of directories; your working directory is the
17 one at the right hand end.  To find out what segments the directory contains,
18 simply type the list command without arguments.  You also use the list command
19 to find out which directories are immediately under the working directory.  To
20 do that, you type:
22 list -directories
24      To try out these commands on the directory you're working in now, go to
25 "command level" by pressing the function key F2.