1      Wordprocessing is the process of preparing and producing letters,
 2 reports, and other documents.  It can also include, as it does in Multics, the
 3 compilation of records that can be reproduced in various forms in documents.
 4 On Multics, the list processing facilities enable you to assemble information
 5 in records and then rearrange and even reconstruct the records when they are
 6 included in documents such as letters and reports.
 8      The first step in wordprocessing is creating a "segment" that contains
 9 the information you wish to appear in the final document.  This is done with
10 one of the Multics "text editors," and the process is made easier by
11 speedtyping, a facility which lets you devise a typing shorthand.  When
12 creating a segment, you also specify how the finished product is to be
13 formatted.  Then you can use a dictionary to search out spelling mistakes and
14 to hyphenate words at the end of lines.  When the document is fully prepared,
15 it can be produced in a final, usually printed, form with one or two easy
16 commands.