1 .fin
 2 .all
 3      Multics enables you to specify operations to be performed automatically
 4 everytime you "log in," operations such as checking your mail and reading the
 5 Multics message of the day.  These tasks are performed by your start_up.ec.
 6 The suffix .ec stands for exec_com, which is a facility on Multics for
 7 executing "commands" as a group.  To have this group of commands executed, you
 8 must name the "segment" they are in start_up.ec, and you must place that
 9 segment in your "home directory."
11      Commands that many users include in their start_ups are:
12 .fif
14 abbrev -- so that you can use your personal "abbreviations" during each
15           terminal session
16 print_motd -- so that Multics prints the message of the day when you haven't
17               seen it before
18 read_mail -- so that you are informed immediately how much mail you have
19 accept_messages -- so that you receive messages from other users while online
20 .fin
22      If you want to log in without executing the commands in your start_up.ec,
23 you can use the -no_start_up "control argument" with the login command.
25      To learn the details of constructing a start_up.ec, see Section 6 of the
26 New Users' Introduction to Multics, Part II (Order No. CH25).