1      Speedtype is a form of shorthand you can use when you are creating a
 2 "segment."  It enables you to type the text faster, and it usually improves
 3 accuracy because you can abbreviate words that you commonly mistype.
 5      The abbreviations used for speedtyping are stored in a symbols
 6 dictionary.  Such dictionaries are created with the use_symbols and
 7 add_symbols commands.  The first establishes a named segment to hold the
 8 symbols, and the second adds symbols to that segment.  Once you invoke the
 9 use_symbols command with the name of a dictionary, all the speedtype commands
10 automatically refer to that symbols dictionary until you invoke use_symbols
11 with another dictionary's name.  For example:
13 use_symbols my.symbols
15 add_symbols e the
17 The add_symbols command adds the abbreviation 'e' for 'the' to the dictionary
18 named 'my.symbols.'  All symbol dictionaries must have the suffix '.symbols'.
20      Once you've created a segment using speedtyping symbols, you can expand
21 those symbols with the expand_symbols command.  Once again, this command will
22 use the dictionary most recently named by the use_symbols command.  For
23 example, if you used symbols from the my.symbols dictionary in
24 'letter_seg.fdocin', they would be expanded when you issued the command line:
26 expand_symbols letter_seg.fdocin
28      There are also commands for listing, finding, changing, and deleting
29 symbols.  See the Guide to Multics WORDPRO For New Users (Order No. DJ18) or
30 the WORDPRO Reference Manual (Order No. AZ98) for more details.