1 The project directory is the "directory" that contains the "home 2 directories" of everyone who works on your project. If you work in Marketing, 3 your project might be named Mktg on the computer. In terms of directory 4 hierarchy, the project directory you work under is directly above your home 5 directory. It would appear as follows in a path of directories: 6 7 project_directory>home_directory>sub_directory 8 9 To find out the name of the project you're working on, go to command 10 level by pressing the function key F2. Once you're there, type the print_wdir 11 command. It will print a line of directories such as one of the following: 12 13 >user_dir_dir>Pubs>Smith 14 15 or 16 17 >user_dir_dir>Mktg>Jones>survey 18 19 The project directory is the second one from the left.