1      You are now in the Multics Tutorial.  Above is a menu whose choices
 2 (usually called menu options) provide information that will enable you to
 3 understand and operate the Multics system.  To select a menu option, type the
 4 number on your keyboard associated with that option.  In the menu above, the
 5 first three options provide an explanation of the topic named and the last
 6 seven produce new menus, from which you can choose explanations of the topics
 7 listed.
 9      The options in the menu above are arranged in the sequence in which the
10 subjects are likely to be relevant to you as you begin using Multics.  To get
11 the most out of the Tutorial, you should read the explanations in the first
12 three options before proceeding.  Then you may go through the options in the
13 sequence listed above, or you may wish to choose another order.  Or you may
14 want to learn about one or two subjects now and come back another time to
15 learn about the others.