1 IMPORTANT - There can be no completely blank lines inside of fields.
2 Always have a few spaces then a NL instead of just a NL.
3 Order No.: AG90-03
4 Manual Name: Introduction_to_Programming_on_Multics
5 Short Name: Programming_Intro, MPM-Intro, Intro_to_Programming,
6 Introduction_To_Programming, Programming_Intro, Programming_Introduction
7 Description: Describes the process of writing applications programs on
8 Multics.
9 Audience: Applications programmers learning to program on Multics.
10 Table of Contents:
11 The Multics Approach
12 Programming on Multics
13 Dynamic Linking
14 Input/Output Processing
15 A Debugging Tool
16 A Performance Measurement
17 Absentee Facility
18 Reference to Commands by Function
19 Using Multics to Best Advantage
20 A Simple Text Editor
21 Multics Subsystems
22 The Edm Editor
23 New Features: This manual has been completely rewritten; its purpose,
24 audience, and table of contents have all changed.
25 Release Supported: MR9.0
27 Order No.: AG91-04
28 Manual Name: Multics_Programmer's_Reference_Guide
29 Short Name: Ref_Guide, Ref, Reference, Reference_Guide, MPM_Ref_Guide,
30 Programmer's_Reference, Programmers'_Reference, Programmers_Reference
31 Description: Documents the overall mechanics, conventions,
32 and usage of the Multics system. It contains general
33 information about the Multics command and programming
34 environments, and describes the command language, storage
35 system, and the I/O system. In addition, it contains a
36 glossary of Multics terms.
37 Audience: Programmers who need to understand the overall mechanics,
38 conventions, and usage of Multics.
39 Table of Contents:
40 Multics Concepts and Characteristics
41 Multics Storage System
42 Naming, Command Language, and Terminal Usage
43 Multics Programming Environment
44 Input and Output Facilities
45 Access Control
46 Handling Unusual Occurrences
47 Backup
48 Administrative Controls
49 Multics Character Sets
50 Defining Terminal and Naming Communication Channels
51 Punched-Card Input and Output and Returned Output Control Records
52 Standard Data Types
53 List of Names with Special Meanings
54 Standard Magnetic-Tape Format
55 Standard Object Segment with Symbol Table Organization
56 Standard Execution Environment
57 Data Base Descriptions
58 Standard Request Tables and Standard Requests
59 New Features:
60 Revision 4 changes:
61 New data management facility--FAMIS
62 New tape I/O
63 Date/time strings
64 New file system entry types
65 Release Supported: MR11.0
67 Order No.: AG92-05B
68 Manual Name: Multics_Commands_and_Active_Functions
69 Short Name: Commands, MPM_Commands, MPM_C_and_Af, C_and_Af,
70 Commands_And_Active_Functions, Active_Functions,
71 Commands_and_Active_Functions, Multics_Commands
72 Description: Describes the standard Multics commands and active
73 functions and shows the proper syntax for each.
74 Audience: Programmers and nonprogrammers who use Multics commands
75 and active functions.
76 Table of Contents:
77 Manual Use and Term Definition
78 Commands and General Information
79 Commands and Active Functions
80 Access to the System
81 Appendix A - Obsolete Commands
82 New Features:
83 Addendum B changes:
84 The following commands and active functions are new:
85 access_class s4 calendar_clock
86 clock check_file_system_damage
87 date_time_interval format_string
88 pascal get_effective_access
89 pascal_area_status pascal_convert_source
90 pascal_display_area pascal_create_area
91 pascal_file_status pascal_reset_area
92 pascal_set_prompt pl1_macro
93 sort_strings terminal_id
94 display_time_info print_time_defaults
95 watch
96 Release Supported: MR11.0
98 Order No.: AG93-05
99 Manual Name: Multics_Subroutines_and_Input/Output_Modules
100 Short Name: Subroutines, Multics_Subroutines, Subs_and_I/O,
101 Subroutines_and_I/O
102 Description: Describes the standard Multics subroutines, including the
103 declare statement, calling sequence, and usage of each. It also contains
104 a section describing the I/O modules.
105 Audience: Programmers using Multics system subroutines.
106 Table of Contents:
107 Introduction to Standard Subroutines
108 Subroutine Descriptions
109 System Input/Output Modules
110 New Features:
111 Revision 5 changes:
112 New subroutines, entry points, and I/O modules:
113 aim_util_ metering_util_
114 spg_util_ meter_gate_
115 spg_ring_0_info_ convert_date_to_binary
116 request_id_ decode_clock_value_
117 cv_fstime_ encode_clock_value_
118 file_manager_ before_journal_manager_
119 file_manager_ transaction_manager_
120 get_process_authorization_
121 hcs_$validate_processid
122 Changed subroutines and entry points:
123 date_time_
124 Subroutines with new names:
125 convert_authorization_ is now convert_access_class_
126 convert_authorization_ is now display_access_class_
127 get_authorization_ is now get_process_access_class_
128 get_max_authorization_ is now get_process_max_authorization_
129 Release Supported: MR11.0
131 Order No.: AG94-02E
132 Manual Name: Multics_PL/1_Language_Specification
133 Short Name: pl/1_Spec, pl/1_Language_Spec, Multics_pl/1_Spec,
134 pl1_Spec, pl1_Specs, pl/1_Specs, pl1_Language_Spec, Multics_pl1_Spec
135 Description: Provides detailed information on the syntax and semantics
136 of Multics PL/1. This manual is very useful for the programmer who is
137 already familiar with PL/1. It is not recommended as a tool for learning
138 the PL/1 language; however, it is the final word in the description of
139 Multics PL/1.
140 Audience: System and applications programmers.
141 Table of Contents:
142 Structure of a PL/1 Program
143 Dynamic Behavior of a PL/1 Program
144 Data of PL/1
145 Declarations
146 References
147 Expressions
148 Conversion of Data Types
149 Promotion of Aggregate Types
150 Conditions, Signals and On-Units
151 Input/Output
152 Syntax And Semantics of Statements
153 Built-In Functions
154 Differences Between Multics PL/1 and Standard PL/1
155 New Features:
156 Addendum E changes:
157 Clarification manual only of operand conversion for the
158 exponentiation operator.
159 Clarification manual only of the by-name option in an
160 assignment statement.
161 Release Supported: MR8.2
163 Order No.: AG95-00
164 Manual Name: Multics_Virtual_Memory
165 Short Name: Virtual_Memory, Virtual_Mem, Multics_Memory
166 Description: Presents technical papers that describe the theory of
167 Multics virtual memory implementation. This manual is of historical
168 value only, i.e., the concepts are valid, but the implementation has
169 changed.
170 Audience: Users interested in the theory of Multics virtual memory.
171 Table of Contents:
172 General Properties of the Multics Virtual Memory
173 Overview of the Implementation
174 Directory Structure
175 Making a Segment Known to a Process
176 Segment Fault Handling
177 Page Fault Handling
178 Secondary Storage Management
179 Device Interface Modules
180 Access Control to the Multics Virtual Memory
181 Series 6000 Features for the Multics Virtual Memory
182 Abbreviations and Acronyms
183 New Features: This manual is a collection of technical papers and has
184 not been changed since 1972.
185 Release Supported: N/A
187 Order No.: AK50-03
188 Manual Name: Multics_System_Administration_Procedures
189 Short Name: MAM-System, System_Administrator, System,
190 System_Administrators'_Manual, System_Administrator's_Manual,
191 System_Administrators_Manual, System_Administration,
192 Administration_Procedures, Admin_Procedures
193 Description: Describes procedures used in administering the resources
194 of a Multics system. This guide to the overall administration
195 discusses the contents of administrative directories and data bases,
196 special user identities, installation parameters, system logs, and
197 the tasks of the system administrator. The function of the system
198 security administrator is also explained.
199 Audience: Administrators of Multics systems, whether they have
200 programming experience or not.
201 Table of Contents:
202 Introduction
203 Overview of System Administration Responsibilities
204 Hardware Overview
205 Overview of System Tables/Data Bases
206 Software Overview
207 Understanding Resources
208 Managing I/O Resources--RCP
209 Managing I/O Resources--RCPRM
210 Managing the Resource Type Master File
211 Managing I/O Resource Registries
212 Setting Prices for Resources
213 Understanding System Directories
214 Managing Quota
215 Managing Storage System Disk Volumes
216 Managing Logical Volume Access
217 Using a Logical Volume
218 Using a Quota Account
219 Assuring the Security of the File System
220 Assuring the Security of RCPRM
221 Assuring the Security of Communication Channels
222 Assuring the Security of the I/O Daemons
223 Assuring the Security of the Absentee Facility
224 Assuring the Security of Privileged Operations
225 Logging and Auditing
226 Miscellaneous Security Tasks
227 Understanding I/O Daemons
228 Setting Up the I/O Daemon
229 Managing I/O Daemon Output
230 Managing I/O Daemon Input
231 Running I/O Daemons
232 Project Registration
233 Managing Users
234 Managing Shifts
235 Managing System Load/Allocating Processor Resources
236 Managing Absentee Usage
237 Automatic Mode and Unattended Service
238 Managing Accounting Operations
239 Managing Accounting Reports/Billing
240 Managing Settable Parameters
241 Delegating Responsibilities
242 Miscellaneous Tailoring Tasks
243 Mail Table
244 New Features:
245 Revision 3 changes:
246 This manual has been reorganized. It now contains all procedural
247 descriptions previously contained in the MAM-System, Resource Control,
248 Registration and Accounting, and Bulk I/O manuals.
249 Release Supported: MR11.0
251 Order No.: AK51-01F
252 Manual Name: Multics_Administrators'_Manual--Project
253 Short Name: MAM-Project, Project_Administrator, Project,
254 Project_Administrator's_Manual, Project_Administrators'_Manual,
255 Project_Administrators_Manual
256 Description: Describes the capabilities and functions of the project
257 administrator. This guide to the operation of programs related to
258 project administration is also helpful to both accounting and system
259 administrators.
260 Audience: Administrators of Multics projects or systems, whether
261 they have programming experience or not.
262 Table of Contents:
263 System Administration
264 Project Administration
265 Glossary
266 Directory Structure and Data Bases
267 Project Master File
268 Project and User Registration and Deletion
269 Resource Control
270 Load Control and Preemption
271 Tailoring the User Environment
272 Logical Volume Quota Manipulation
273 Master Directory Creation and Deletion
274 Commands Used by a Project Administrator
275 New Features:
276 Addendum F changes:
277 Ring and ring special environment keywords redefined
278 cv_pmf command has -severity control arg
279 Release Supported: MR10.1
281 Order No.: AK92-02D
282 Manual Name: MPM_Subsystem_Writers'_Guide
283 Short Name: swg, Subsystem_Guide, Subsystem_Writers'_Guide
284 Description: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
285 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
286 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
287 Input/Output Modules AG93.
288 Audience: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
289 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
290 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
291 Input/Output Modules AG93.
292 Table of Contents:
293 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
294 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
295 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
296 Input/Output Modules AG93.
297 New Features:
298 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
299 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
300 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
301 Input/Output Modules AG93. The last edition of the manual is AK92-02D.
302 Release Supported: MR10.0
304 Order No.: AK95-01A
305 Manual Name: APL_Users'_Guide
306 Short Name: APL, APL_Users, APL_UG
307 Description: Describes the Multics APL language. Currently this
308 manual is unavailable; a revision describing the new version of APL
309 is being prepared.
310 Audience: Applications programmers with basic knowledge of Multics
311 but not necessarily knowledge of APL.
312 Table of Contents:
313 Introduction
314 Communicating With Multics APL
315 The APL Language
316 Functions
317 System Commands
318 File System
319 Glossary
320 Commands
321 New Features:
322 Addendum A changes:
323 Internal codes:
324 Octal 042, 044, 134, 136, 204, 245, 253, 303
325 Factorial Operator
326 Binomial Coefficients Operator
327 Catenate Operator
328 Format Operator
329 Execute Pseudo-Operator
330 The )ERRS System command apl and apl_start command
331 Release Supported: MR8.0
333 Order No.: AL39-01B
334 Manual Name: Multics_Processor_Manual
335 Short Name: Processor, Proc, Processor_Manual
336 Description: Describes the processor used by the Multics system. It
337 includes processor capabilities, modes of operation, functions, machine
338 instructions, data representation, program-addressable registers, virtual
339 memory addressing concepts, faults and interrupts, hardware ring
340 implementation, and cache operations.
341 Audience: System programmers writing interfaces with virtual memory
342 and fault and interrupt hardware, and those writing machine instructions;
343 also site support personnel who analyze crash conditions in system dumps.
344 Table of Contents:
345 Introduction
346 Data Representation
347 Program-Accessible Registers
348 Machine Instructions
349 Addressing--Segmentation And Paging
350 Virtual Address Formation
351 Faults and Interrupts
352 Hardware-Ring Implementation
353 Cache Memory Operation
354 Operation Code Map
355 Alphabetic Operation Code List
356 Address Modifiers
357 New Features:
358 Addendum B changes:
359 Section 3--register information on DPS 8M processor
360 Release Supported: N/A
362 Order No.: AM81-03
363 Manual Name: Multics_System_Maintenance_Procedures
364 Short Name: MOH, Operator's_Handbook, Operators'_Handbook,
365 Operators_Handbook, Maintenance_Procedures, System_Maintenance,
366 Maintenance
367 Description: Provides the reference material needed to ensure
368 successful system operation. The manual emphasizes detailed descriptions
369 of operations concepts and functions.
370 Audience: System maintainers, system administrators, system
371 programmers, machine room supervisors, and very experienced operators who
372 have an interest in learning more about operating Multics or need
373 in-depth information about a given topic.
374 Table of Contents:
375 Introduction
376 System Description
377 Configuration
378 I/O Device Operation
379 Bootload Operating System
380 Bootload Command Environment
381 Multics Configuration Description
382 System Startup and Shutdown
383 The Multics Backup Systems
384 Recovery from System Failure
385 Dynamic Reconfiguration Procedures
386 Storage System Maintenance Operations
387 System Messages
388 Metering and Tuning
389 Bulk Input Output
390 Summary of Selected Privileged Multics Commands
391 Summary of Initializer Commands
392 Summary of BOS Commands
393 Summary of BCE Commands
394 Summary of Configuration Cards
395 DPU and DPM/VIP Operating Procedures
396 Operator's Startup Checklist of Switch Settings
397 Names of Communication Channels
398 Continuous Operation Exec_Coms
399 Sample System Startup
400 Volume Management
401 New Features:
402 Revision 3 changes:
403 This manual has been reorganized. It now contains material previously
404 included in the MOH and the System Metering manual, except for
405 commands, which have been moved to a new manual--Multics
406 Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands GB64.
407 Bootload Command Environment BCE
408 New restrictions on unauthorized operator input on bootload consoles
409 New dbmj card and new parameter for parm card
410 Release Supported: MR11.0
412 Order No.: AM82-01A
413 Manual Name: BASIC
414 Short Name: BASIC, BASIC_Manual
415 Description: Describes the Multics BASIC language, including
416 capabilities, rules and definitions, user interfaces, statements, and
417 input/output.
418 Audience: Applications programmers and end users with programming
419 experience.
420 Table of Contents:
421 Structure of a BASIC Program
422 Types of Data
423 Expressions
424 Files
425 Statements
426 Print-File-Using-Statement
427 Array Statements
428 Sample Programs
429 Fundamentals of Multics for BASIC Programmers
430 ASCII Character Set
431 Compatibility with Non-BASIC Programs
432 BASIC File Attachments
433 New Features:
434 Addendum A changes:
435 Basic programs without line numbers
436 String function "pos" with optional number of arguments
437 New string functions:
438 mid$a$ij
439 left$a$i
440 right$a$i
441 Release Supported: MR11.0
443 Order No.: AM83-00A
444 Manual Name: Multics_PL/1_Reference_Manual
445 Short Name: pl/1_Reference, pl/1_Ref, pl/1_Ref_Guide, pl1_Reference,
446 pl1_Ref, pl1_Reference_Manual, pl/1_Reference_Manual, pl1_Ref_Guide
447 Description: Provides expanded detail and examples of Multics PL/1 usage
448 as defined in AG94
449 Audience: System and applications programmers.
450 Table of Contents:
451 Introduction
452 Values
453 Value Storage
454 Value Conversion
455 Program Syntax
456 Declarations
457 Storage Management
458 Expressions
459 Operations
460 Value Assignment
461 Program Flow
462 Procedure Invocation
463 Condition Handling
464 Stream Input/Output
465 Record Input/Output
466 New Features:
467 Addendum A changes:
468 begin statement
469 on statement
470 procedure statement
471 translate built-in
472 search built-in
473 verify built-in
474 Additions:
475 acos, asin built-ins maxlength built-in
476 clock, vclock built-ins octal, hexadecimal constants
477 collate9, high9 built-ins optionsconstant
478 currentsize built-in stacq built-in
479 fixed, scaled constants read statement
480 ltrim, rtrim built-ins write statement
481 4-bit decimal stackbaseptr
482 codeptr stackframeptr
483 environmentptr stop statement
484 nonvar keyword unsigned binary
485 optionsmain
486 Release Supported: MR7.0
488 Order No.: AN05-01B
489 Manual Name: GCOS_Environment_Simulator
490 Short Name: GCOS, GCOS_Simulator, GCOS_Sim, GCOS_Environment
491 Description: Provides an introduction to the GCOS Environment Simulator
492 and instructions for using it.
493 Audience: System programmers as well as applications programmers and
494 general end users with Multics experience.
495 Table of Contents:
496 GCOS Simulation Within Multics
497 GCOS Batch-Environment Simulator Design and Operation
498 User Utility Commands
499 Master Mode Entries
500 Control Cards
501 GCOS Time-Sharing-Environment Simulator
502 Multics GCOS Daemon
503 GCOS Administrator Utility Commands
504 GCOS Environment Simulator and Native GCOS Differences
505 Administration of GTSS Installation Values
506 New Features:
507 Addendum B changes:
508 Revised command:
509 gcos
510 gcos_tss
511 gcos_create_file
512 Sections 4, 5, 6 reformatted
513 Release Supported: MR9.0
515 Order No.: AN50-07
516 Manual Name: Guide_to_Multics_Manuals
517 Short Name: Guide, Index, Manuals, Multics_Manuals, Manuals_Guide,
518 Manuals_Index
519 Description: Describes the contents of all Multics manuals and lists all
520 documented modules.
521 Audience: Multics users
522 Table of Contents:
523 Description of Multics Manuals
524 List of Modules
525 Topical Headings of Interest
526 Alphabetized List of Multics Manuals
527 New Features:
528 Revision 7 changes:
529 New manuals:
530 Operator's Guide to Multics
531 Multics Satellite 6M Reference Manual
532 Multics HASP Service and Utility Manual
533 Hardware Diagnostic Aids renamed Multics System Diagnostic Aids
534 Release Supported: MR10.2
536 Order No.: AN52-01A
537 Manual Name: System_Metering
538 Short Name: Metering, Meter
539 Description: Describes techniques and tools used to meter Multics
540 supervisor functions.
541 Audience: System and project administrators, with or without
542 programming experience.
543 Table of Contents:
544 Introduction
545 Data Bases
546 Metering Design
547 Commands
548 Subroutines
549 New Features:
550 This manual is obsolete. Commands previously contained in it are now in
551 Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands GB64 and
552 all other material is in Multics System Maintenance Procedures AM81.
553 Release Supported: MR9.0
555 Order No.: AN76-02
556 Manual Name: Multics_Carry_Facility
557 Short Name: Carry_Facility, Carry
558 Description: Describes the facility used to transfer segments and
559 directory subtrees from one Multics site to another.
560 Audience: Site support personnel such as operators, with or without
561 Multics and programming experience.
562 Table of Contents:
563 Introduction
564 Carry Administrator
565 Sample Carry Facility
566 Sample exec_coms
567 Commands
568 New Features:
569 Revision 2 changes:
570 New Section 2--Carry Administrator
571 Section 3 and 4--changes in exec_coms
572 New control arguments to following commands:
573 carry_load
574 carry_retrieve
575 cancel_carry_request
576 enter_carry_request
577 list_carry_requests
578 Release Supported: MR9.0
580 Order No.: AR97-03A
581 Manual Name: Multics_System_Diagnostic_Aids
582 Short Name: Hardware_Aids, Diagnostic_Aids, Diagnostic, HDA, SDA,
583 System_Diagnostic_Aids, Hardware_Diagnostic_Aids,
584 Multics_Hardware_Diagnostic_Aids
585 Description: Describes the standard Multics commands and facilities
586 useful in diagnosing system problems.
587 Audience: Operators, with or without Multics and programming
588 experience.
589 Table of Contents:
590 Contents of Syserr Log
591 Multics Commands
592 Multics HEALS
593 New Features:
594 Addendum A changes:
595 New Commands:
596 monitor_cache
597 display_cache_threshold
598 Release Supported: MR11.
600 Order No.: AS40-01A
601 Manual Name: Multics_Graphics_System
602 Short Name: Graphics, Multics_Graphics
603 Description: Describes the Multics graphics system. This
604 primer/reference manual includes information on commands and subroutines
605 used to create, edit, store, display, and animate graphics constructs.
606 Audience: Applications programmers and general end users, with or
607 without Multics experience.
608 Table of Contents:
609 Introduction
610 Graphics Users' Guide
611 Structure of the System
612 Commands
613 Subroutines
614 Graphic-Device Tables
615 Graphic-Character Tables
616 Graphic-Include Files
617 Subroutine Abbreviations
618 New Features:
619 Addendum A changes:
620 Programming considerations for Fortran
621 New description of Search List
622 Specification of the Virtual Graphic Terminal expanded
623 Graphic-Support Procedures changed
624 Graphic Character Table describes special format characters
625 New subroutine: graphic_gsp_utility_
626 Changed subroutines:
627 graphic_chars_
628 graphic_compiler_
629 graphic_error_table_
630 graphic_manipulator_
631 gui_
632 New GDT: RetroGraphics 512
633 Changed GDTs:
634 tek_4002
635 tek_4012
636 tek_4014
637 tek_4662
638 Release Supported: MR9.0
640 Order No.: AS43-01E
641 Manual Name: Multics_COBOL_Users'_Guide
642 Short Name: COBOL_UG, COBOL_Users'_Guide, COBOL_Users_Guide,
643 COBOL_User's_Guide
644 Description: Provides information on creation of Multics COBOL programs
645 and efficient techniques for using Multics COBOL.
646 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
647 programming experience in COBOL.
648 Table of Contents:
649 Introduction
650 COBOL Source Program
651 Compiling the COBOL Program
652 Input/Output Processing
653 Executing a COBOL Program
654 Error Processing and Debugging
655 Efficiency Considerations
656 COBOL Message Control System
657 File Ordering--Sort and Merge
658 Debug Facility
659 Report Writer
660 Order of COBOL Source Program
661 New Features:
662 Addendum E changes:
663 New command:
664 expand_cobol_source
665 New section:
666 Section XI--Report Writer
667 Release Supported: MR9.0
669 Order No.: AS44-01F
670 Manual Name: Multics_COBOL_Reference_Manual
671 Short Name: COBOL_Reference, COBOL_Ref, COBOL_Ref_Guide,
672 COBOL_Reference_Manual, COBOL_Reference_Guide
673 Description: Describes the Multics COBOL language, including rules,
674 syntax, formats, and usage.
675 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
676 programming experience in COBOL.
677 Table of Contents:
678 Introduction
679 Language Concepts
680 Reference Format
681 Notation Used in Formats and Rules
682 Control Division
683 Nucleus of Multics COBOL
684 Procedure Division for the Nucleus
685 Table Handling
686 File Input/Output
687 Sort/Merge
688 Segmentation
689 Library Facility
690 Debug Facility
691 Interprogram Communication
692 Communication-Facility Reserved Words
693 Report Writer
694 Reserved Words
695 Glossary
696 Collating Sequence and Bit Configuration Charts
697 FIPS Leveling
698 New Features:
699 Addendum E changes:
700 Level 68 extensions to American National Standard COBOL
701 New section:
702 Section XVI--Report Writer
703 Revised section:
704 Appendix A--Reserved Words
705 Release Supported: MR9.0
707 Order No.: AS68-00D
708 Manual Name: Multics_Administrators'_Manual--Registration_and_Accounting
709 Short Name: MAM-R&A, MAM-Accounting, MAM-Registration_and_Accounting
710 Description: Describes commands and procedures used by registration and
711 accounting administrators. This guide to the operation of Multics billing
712 and accounting programs is also helpful to system administrators.
713 Audience: System and project administrators, with or without
714 programming experience.
715 Table of Contents:
716 Introduction
717 Project Registration and Administration
718 User Registration
719 Daily Processing
720 Billing
721 Administrator Commands
722 Sample Forms
723 New Features:
724 This manual is obsolete. Commands previously contained in it are now in
725 Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands GB64 and
726 all other material is in Multics System Administration Procedures AK50.
727 Release Supported: MR10.0
729 Order No.: AT58-03C
730 Manual Name: Multics_FORTRAN_Reference_Manual
731 Short Name: FORTRAN_Manual, FORTRAN_Ref_Guide,
732 FORTRAN_Reference_Guide
733 Description: Describes the Multics FORTRAN language, including
734 fundamental concepts and definitions of the syntactic form and meaning of
735 each language construct.
736 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
737 programming experience in FORTRAN.
738 Table of Contents:
739 Basic Elements of a FORTRAN Program
740 Data Modes
741 Expressions
742 Executable Statements
743 Input/Output
744 Declarative Statements
745 Functions
746 Subprograms
747 Multics FAST Subsystem Environment
748 FORTRAN and the Multics Input/Output
749 Examples
750 FORTRAN Comparison
751 Differences Between Ansi66 and Ansi77
752 Hexadecimal Floating Point Mode
753 New Features:
754 Addendum C changes:
755 Addition of hexadecimal floating point
756 Addition of typeless data type
757 Release Supported: MR11.0
759 Order No.: AT59-00
760 Manual Name: Multics_DFAST_Subsystem_Users'_Guide
761 Short Name: DFAST, DFAST_Users'_Guide, DFAST_UG, Multics_DFAST
762 Description: Describes the Multics DFAST subsystem, a time-sharing
763 facility supporting BASIC and FORTRAN program development. The command
764 language and repertoire are based on the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System;
765 the programmer need not be familiar with Multics.
766 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
767 experience in BASIC or FORTRAN.
768 Table of Contents:
769 Introduction
770 Sample Session^H
771 Command-Language Overview
772 Command Descriptions
773 Text Editing
774 Command Summary
776 New Features: This manual has not been changed since its original
777 publication.
778 Release Supported: MR3.1
780 Order No.: AU25-01A
781 Manual Name: Multics_FAST_Subsystem_Users'_Guide
782 Short Name: FAST_Users'_Guide, FAST_UG, Multics_FAST, FAST
783 Description: Describes the Multics FAST subsystem, a time-sharing
784 facility supporting BASIC and FORTRAN program development. Though the
785 command language and repertoire of this subsystem are based on that of the
786 Multics system, the programmer need not be familiar with Multics.
787 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
788 programming experience in BASIC or FORTRAN.
789 Table of Contents:
790 Introduction
791 Using the Multics Fast Subsystem
792 Multics Storage System
793 Access Control
794 Commands
795 Multics edm Text Editor
796 New Features:
797 Addendum A changes:
798 New commands:
799 help
800 run
801 Release Supported: MR8.0
803 Order No.: AU77-02B
804 Manual Name: Multics_Online_Test_and_Diagnostics_Reference_Manual
805 Short Name: T_and_D, Online_Test, Test, Test_and_Diagnostic,
806 T_and_D_Guide, T_&_D, T&D, T&D_Guide
807 Description: Describes the online maintenance capabilities of the
808 Multics system.
809 Audience: Site support personnel, with or without Multics
810 experience.
811 Table of Contents:
812 Introduction
813 TOLTS Installation
814 TOLTS Executive
815 MOLTS Executive
816 POLTS Executive
817 ISOLTS Executive
818 COLTS Executive
819 Firmware Loading Facility
820 New Features:
821 Addendum B changes:
822 New section:
823 COLTS Executive
824 Media Test and Analysius Routines
825 MTR/RMC Options
826 MTR/RMC User Communications Messages
827 Release Supported: MR9.0
829 Order No.: AW17-05
830 Manual Name: Multics_Pocket_Guide--Commands_and_Active_Functions
831 Short Name: Pocket_Guide, Pocket, MPG
832 Description: Describes commands and active functions in an abbreviated
833 pocket edition.
834 Audience: Programmers and nonprogrammers who use commands and active
835 functions and are familiar with the Multics command environment
836 conventions.
837 Table of Contents:
838 Introduction
839 How to Use This Document
840 Commands and Active Functions
841 Access to the System
842 New Features: Revision 5 incorporates the changes made in the Pocket
843 Guide's parent document--Multics Commands and Active Functions AG92-05A
844 Release Supported: MR10.1
846 Order No.: AW32-00
847 Manual Name: Multics_SORT/MERGE
848 Short Name: Sort/Merge, Sort, Merge
849 Description: Describes the generalized file-sorting and file-merging
850 capability on the Multics system. Relevant commands and subroutines are
851 included.
852 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users who are
853 familiar with the Multics system.
854 Table of Contents:
855 Functions
856 Commands
857 Subroutines
858 Sort/Merge Description
859 Exit Procedures
860 Examples
861 New Features: This manual has not been changed since its original
862 publication.
863 Release Supported: MR4.0
865 Order No.: AW53-04A
866 Manual Name: Multics_Relational_Data_Store_MRDS_Reference_Manual
867 Short Name: MRDS_Ref, MRDS, MRDS_Ref_Guide, MRDS_Manual
868 Description: Describes the Multics Relational Data Store. This
869 primer/reference manual includes information on the functions and
870 subroutine interfaces to that part of the Multics data-base manager that
871 supports the relational type of data-base organization.
872 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users, with or
873 without programming experience, though a basic understanding of the
874 simpler features of PL/1 is assumed.
875 Table of Contents:
876 Introduction
877 Users' Guide
878 Commands
879 Data Sublanguage Subroutines
880 Built-In and Installation-Defined Functions
881 Subsystem Writers' Guide
882 Security
883 Data Base Backup
884 Data Base Development Tools
885 Obsolete Interfaces
886 Changes in MRDS
887 Effect of Data Base Version on Commands & Subroutines
888 Performance Considerations
889 Error Tables
890 MRDS Data
891 Bibliography
892 Set Operators
893 Administrator-Written Procedures
894 MRDS Include Files
895 New Features:
896 Addendum A changes:
897 Revised commands and subroutines
898 create_mrds_dm_include
899 create_mrds_dm_table
900 create_mrds_dsm
901 display_mrds_dm
902 dsl_$declare
903 New commands
904 restructure_mrds_db
905 Release Supported: MR10.1
907 Order No.: AX49-01C
908 Manual Name: MPM--Peripheral_Input/Output
909 Short Name: Peripheral_I/O, PI/O
910 Description: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
911 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
912 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
913 Input/Output Modules AG93.
914 Audience: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
915 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
916 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
917 Input/Output Modules AG93.
918 Table of Contents:
919 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
920 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
921 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
922 Input/Output Modules AG93.
923 New Features:
924 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
925 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
926 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
927 Input/Output Modules AG93. The last edition of this manual is AX49-01C.
928 Release Supported: MR10.0
930 Order No.: AZ03-02A
931 Manual Name: Multics_System_Programming_Tools
932 Short Name: Tools, System_Tools
933 Description: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
934 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
935 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
936 Input/Output Modules AG93.
937 Audience: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
938 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
939 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
940 Input/Output Modules AG93.
941 Table of Contents:
942 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
943 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
944 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
945 Input/Output Modules AG93.
946 New Features:
947 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
948 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
949 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
950 Input/Output Modules AG93. The last edition of this manual is AZ03-02A.
951 Release Supported: MR10.0
953 Order No.: AZ49-02A
954 Manual Name: Logical_Inquiry_and_Update_System_Reference_Manual
955 Short Name: LINUS, LINUS_Ref, LINUS_Ref_Guide, LINUS_Manual,
956 LINUS_Reference_Manual, LINUS_Reference_Guide
957 Description: Describes the Multics Logical Inquiry and Update System
958 LINUS, a facility used to access Multics Relational Data Store data
959 base and to prepare data for report generation.
960 Audience: Applications programmers and general end users with a
961 basic knowledge of Multics.
962 Table of Contents:
963 Selection Language
964 Built-In and Installation-Defined Functions
965 Data-Base Creation
966 Command Description
967 Static Data Parameters
968 New Features:
969 Addendum A changes:
970 linus command
971 LINUS requests changed:
972 assign_values
973 create_list
974 define_temp_table
975 delete
976 delete_temp_table
977 execute
978 lila
979 list_db
980 list_scope
981 print
982 set_scope
983 store
984 New appendix
985 Static Data Parameters
986 Release Supported: MR9.0
988 Order No.: AZ98-02
989 Manual Name: WORDPRO_Reference_Guide
990 Short Name: WP_Ref, WORDPRO_Ref_Guide, WORDPRO_Reference,
991 WORDPRO_Manual
992 Description: Describes the Multics word-processing system WORDPRO,
993 including: text editor, speedtype, text composer, dictionaries for
994 hyphenation and spelling, list processing, and electronic mail.
995 Audience: Nonprogrammers and programmers, with basic knowledge of
996 Multics system, who need to edit, format, and process text.
997 Table of Contents:
998 General Information
999 Wordpro Text Formatter
1000 Wordpro Commands
1001 WORDPRO Dictionaries
1002 Speedtype
1003 List Processing
1004 Compose Metacharacter Table
1005 Reference to Commands/Subroutines by Function
1006 Device Support Tools
1007 Glossary
1008 New Features:
1009 Revision 2 changes:
1010 The following commands and subroutine have either changed, been
1011 deleted, or are new in this version.
1015 add_symbols append_list qedx
1016 change_symbols compdv
1017 compose compose_index
1018 process_list convert_runoff
1019 sort_list describe_list
1020 display_comp_dsm
1021 display_list
1022 expand_device_writer
1023 expand_list
1024 format_document
1025 hyphenate_word_
1026 modify_list
1027 process_compout
1029 Many of the formatting controls in Section 2 were revised and are not
1030 identified in the following list. Only deleted and new controls are
1031 included. The deleted controls were undocumented in this release, but
1032 will remain fully supported for an indefinite period.
1036 .~ .fl .spc .+ .cfl .ett .pfl
1037 .bb .fla .tb .. .chl .fnt .phl
1038 .bbc .fle .tbb .* .ecf .frf .spt
1039 .bbe .flo .tbe .bbt .ech .fth .tac
1040 .bbi .hl .tlc .bcf .else .ftr .tcl
1041 .be .hla .tlh .bch .elseif .gl .then
1042 .bec .hle .tre .bet .endif .hit .trn
1043 .bee .hlo .trf .bpf .epf .if .ttl
1044 .br .ps .unn .bph .eph .ift .unb
1045 .cbn .sp .wi .btc .eqc .indctl .unh
1046 .btt .etc
1048 The section on "Electronic Mail" was deleted; refer to _^HM_^Ha_^Hi_^Hl _^HS_^Hy_^Hs_^Ht_^He_^Hm _^HU_^Hs_^He_^Hr_^Hs_^H'
1049 _^HG_^Hu_^Hi_^Hd_^He, Order No. CH23.
1050 Release Supported: MR10.0
1052 Order No.: CC70-01C
1053 Manual Name: Multics_FORTRAN_Users'_Guide
1054 Short Name: FUG, FORTRAN_Users, FORT_UG, FORTRAN_User's_Guide,
1055 FORTRAN_Users'_Guide, FORTRAN_Users_Guide
1056 Description: Provides information on the creation and debugging of
1057 Multics FORTRAN programs and efficient techniques for using the language.
1058 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
1059 programming experience in FORTRAN.
1060 Table of Contents:
1061 Introduction to Multics
1062 Entering Your FORTRAN Source Program
1063 Compiling and Executing the FORTRAN
1064 Constraints
1065 Input/Output in Multics FORTRAN
1066 Conversion to FORTRAN 77
1067 Debugging
1068 Optimization
1069 Compatibility with Non-FORTRAN Programs
1070 Error Messages
1071 New Features:
1072 Addendum C changes:
1073 Implementation of Large Arrays and Very Large Arrays
1074 Addition of managed storage
1075 Addition of -long_profile control argument
1076 Several machine-dependent global optimizations now
1077 performed by the compiler:
1078 Global Pointer Register Use
1079 Global Index Register
1080 Processor Instruction Fetch Padding
1081 Release Supported: MR10.2
1083 Order No.: CC74-00C
1084 Manual Name: Multics_Administrators'_Manual--Resource_Control
1085 Short Name: MAM-Resource, Resource, Resource_Control, MAM_Resource,
1086 MAM_Resource_Control
1087 Description: Describes the commands and procedures to be used with the
1088 Resource Control Package RCP Resource Management Facility.
1089 Audience: System and project administrators, with or without
1090 programming experience.
1091 Table of Contents:
1092 Introduction
1093 Administrative Interfaces
1094 Resource Type Master File
1095 Administrative Commands
1096 User Commands
1097 Registry Checkpoint and Recovery
1098 Administrators' Guide to Tapes at a Sample Site
1099 New Features:
1100 This manual is obsolete. All material previously contained in it is now
1101 in Multics System Administration Procedures AK50.
1102 Release Supported: MR10.1
1104 Order No.: CC75-01C
1105 Manual Name: Multics_Administrators'_Manual--Communications
1106 Short Name: Communications, MAM-Comm, MAM-Communications, MAM_Comm
1107 Description: Provides information needed by system administrators for
1108 the management of Multics communications systems and communications
1109 channels.
1110 Audience: System and project administrators with or without
1111 programming experience.
1112 Table of Contents:
1113 Overview of Multics Communication System
1114 Terminal Types and Line Types
1115 Modems and Terminal Connections
1116 Channel Master File
1117 Modifying Communications Channels
1118 FNP Core Images
1119 Commands
1120 Subroutines
1121 Directions for Setting Up System-Supplied Multiplexers
1122 Multics Communication System Memory Configurator
1123 Space Requirements in tty_buf
1124 New Features:
1125 Addendum C changes:
1126 access_class statement in channel master file
1127 check_acs statement replaces check_acs attribute
1128 Release Supported: MR11.0
1130 Order No.: CC69-00A
1131 Manual Name: Multics_Report_Program_Generator_Reference_Manual
1132 Short Name: MRPG, MRPG_Ref, MRPG_Ref_Guide, MRPG_Reference_Manual,
1133 MRPG_Reference_Guide
1134 Description: Defines the Multics Report Program Generator MRPG
1135 language used to prepare, generate, and execute programs that produce
1136 formatted reports.
1137 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with basic
1138 knowledge of Multics, including one of the text editors.
1139 Table of Contents:
1140 Introduction
1141 A Complete Example
1142 Language Concepts
1143 Notation Definition and Explanation
1144 Definition of the Language
1145 Data Types
1146 Expressions
1147 Program Preparation, Generation, and Execution
1148 Physically Printing a Report
1149 The Reserved Keywords
1150 Additional Sample Programs
1151 The report_I/O Module
1152 General Format Diagrams
1153 New Features:
1154 Addendum A changes:
1155 Built-in funtions
1156 %MONTH %DAY
1157 Group Names
1158 Declare_Input_File
1159 Detail
1160 Heading
1161 Report_Control
1162 Report_Field_Def
1163 Release Supported: MR10.1
1165 Order No.: CC92-01A
1166 Manual Name: MPM--Communications_Input/Output
1167 Short Name: MPM-Communications, Communications_Manual,
1168 Communications_I/O, Comm_I/O, MPM_Communications
1169 Description: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1170 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1171 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1172 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1173 Audience: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1174 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1175 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1176 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1177 Table of Contents:
1178 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1179 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1180 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1181 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1182 New Features:
1183 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1184 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1185 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1186 Input/Output Modules AG93. The last edition of the manual is CC92-01A.
1187 Release Supported: MR10.0
1189 Order No.: CC96-01
1190 Manual Name: Transaction_Processing
1191 Short Name: Trans_Proc, Transaction
1192 Description: Description of the Multics Transaction Processing Subsystem
1193 for performing data-base-related operations.
1194 Audience: Programmers and other end users with basic knowledge of
1195 Multics.
1196 Table of Contents:
1197 Introduction
1198 Running and Operation
1199 TP Commands and Subroutines
1200 vfile_ Transaction Interfaces
1201 Error Handling and Recovery
1202 Guidelines for Writing TPRs
1203 New Features: Because Revision 1 is so old, its changes are no longer
1204 listed separately.
1205 Release Supported: MR7.0
1207 Order No.: CG40-01A
1208 Manual Name: qedx_Text_Editors'_User's_Guide
1209 Short Name: qedx_editor, qedx_Users, qedx_User's_Guide, qedx_UG,
1210 qedx_Users'_Guide, qedx, qedx_Users_Guide
1211 Description: Detailed description of the Multics qedx text editor,
1212 including a comprehensive discussion of the related requests and editing
1213 techniques.
1214 Audience: New as well as experienced users of the qedx text editor,
1215 with basic knowledge of Multics system.
1216 Table of Contents:
1217 Introduction
1218 Entering New Text
1219 Editing an Existing Document
1220 Sample Terminal Session
1221 Advanced Edit Requests
1222 Glossary
1223 qedx Command
1224 Summary of Addressing Conventions
1225 Request Descriptions
1226 qedx Error Messages
1227 New Features:
1228 Addendum A changes:
1229 Buffer check before quiting
1230 Recursive invocation of qedx
1231 Force when quiting
1232 Release Supported: MR11.
1234 Order No.: CH24-00
1235 Manual Name: New_User's_Introduction_to_Multics--Part_I
1236 Short Name: Intro-1, MUG-1, New_Users'_Intro-1, New_Users_Intro-1,
1237 New_User's_Intro-1
1238 Description: The basic introduction to the Multics system.
1239 Audience: Users who are new to computers and/or to Multics.
1240 Table of Contents:
1241 The Multics System
1242 Manual Conventions
1243 Multics Conventions
1244 Entering and Leaving Multics
1245 Basic Multics Commands
1246 Creating and Editing Text
1247 emacs Editor--Video Terminals
1248 Segments
1249 Access
1250 New Features: This is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are
1251 published, changes will be noted here.
1252 Release Supported: MR8.0
1254 Order No.: CH25-00
1255 Manual Name: New_User's_Introduction_to_Multics--Part_II
1256 Short Name: Intro-2, MUG-2, New_Users'_Intro-2, New_Users_Intro-2,
1257 New_User's_Intro-2
1258 Description: Provides a more advanced introduction to Multics than CH24,
1259 including a basic introduction to exec_coms.
1260 Audience: Users who are new to computers and/or to Multics and who
1261 have read the New Users' Introduction--Part I.
1262 Table of Contents:
1263 Introduction
1264 Multics Command Language
1265 Active Functions
1266 Important Command-Language Features
1267 Abbreviation and Argument Substitution
1268 exec_com
1269 Additional Concepts
1270 Glossary
1271 Functional Breakdown of Selected Multics Commands
1272 Functional Breakdown of Selected Active Functions
1273 New Features: This is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are
1274 published, changes will be noted here.
1275 Release Supported: MR8.0
1277 Order No.: CH27-00E
1278 Manual Name: Emacs_Text_Editor_User's_Guide
1279 Short Name: emacs_Users, emacs_UG, emacs_Users'_Guide,
1280 emacs_User's_Guide, emacs_Users_Guide
1281 Description: Tutorial introduction to the emacs text editor, fully
1282 describing the editing requests available and instructions for using
1283 special features of emacs.
1284 Audience: New as well as experienced users of the emacs text editor,
1285 with basic knowledge of Multics system.
1286 Table of Contents:
1287 Introduction
1288 Getting Started
1289 Entering Text and Simple Cursor Movements
1290 Simple Deleting and Killing
1291 Writing and Reading Files
1292 Locating a Sequence of Characters
1293 Working with Blocks of Text
1294 Repeating and Undoing Requests
1295 Working With Words
1296 Manipulating Screens and Buffers
1297 Help
1298 Sentences and Paragraphs
1299 Indentation and Spacing
1300 Moving Blocks of Text
1301 Keyboard Macros
1302 Multiple Windows and the Buffer Editor
1303 Summary of Emacs Fundamental Mode Requests
1304 The Multics emacs Command
1305 Emacs Mail
1306 Programming-Language Modes
1307 Macro Edit Mode
1308 Using Emacs on Printing Terminals and Glass Teletypes
1309 The Message Facility
1310 Emacs Start-ups
1311 Pop-up Windows
1312 Listing Emacs Terminal Types
1313 Overwrite Mode
1314 New Features:
1315 Addendum E changes:
1316 Emacs Send Mail now recognizes following address forms:
1317 Entries in the Mail Table
1318 Mailing lists
1319 Forum meetings
1320 Inter-system ARPANET
1321 Release Supported: MR10.2
1323 Order No.: AN53-00
1324 Manual Name: System_Dump_Analysis_PLM
1325 Short Name: Dump, Dump_Analysis, Dump_PLM, System_Dump_PLM,
1326 Dump_Analysis_PLM
1327 Description: Describes techniques for analysis of system failure and
1328 malfunction.
1329 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1330 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.
1331 Table of Contents:
1332 Crash Procedures
1333 Crash Analysis
1334 Crashes with No Message
1335 Crashes with a Message
1336 Major System Data Bases
1337 Types of Crashes
1338 System Performance Degradation
1339 Command and Subroutine Descriptions
1340 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1341 Release Supported: N/A
1343 Order No.: AN57-00
1344 Manual Name: Multics_User_Ring_Input/Output_System_SDN
1345 Short Name: Ring_I/O, User_Ring_I/O, I/O_SDN
1346 Description: Describes the operation of the I/O switching mechanism.
1347 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1348 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1349 operation.
1350 Table of Contents:
1351 Introduction
1352 Design
1353 Procedures in the I/O Switching Mechanism
1354 Design of the IOS Compatability Package
1355 Procedures in the IOS Compatability Package
1356 Synonym I/O Module
1357 Teletype I/O Module
1358 Discard I/O Module
1359 The vfile_ I/O Module
1360 Design of the ANSI Standard and IBM Physical I/O Section
1361 Procedures in the ANSI Standard and IBM Standard I/O Modules
1362 The tape_mult_ I/O Module
1363 The tape_nstd_ I/O Module
1364 The rdisk_ I/O Module
1365 The record_stream_ I/O Module
1366 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1367 Release Supported: N/A
1369 Order No.: AN61-00A
1370 Manual Name: Multics_Storage_System_PLM
1371 Short Name: Storage_System, Storage_PLM, Storage_System_PLM
1372 Description: Describes the construction, modularization, operation, and
1373 interaction of those supervisor subsystems segment control page control
1374 and volume management that implement the Multics virtual memory.
1375 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1376 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1377 operation.
1378 Table of Contents:
1379 Introduction
1380 Segment-Control Overview and Concepts
1381 The VTOC Manager
1382 Services of Segment Control
1383 Page-Control Overview and Concepts
1384 Page-Control Data Bases
1385 Address Management Policy
1386 Mechanisms
1387 Services of Page Control
1388 Peripheral Services of Page Control
1389 Quota Management
1390 Ring-Zero Volume Management
1391 Data Bases of Ring-Zero Volume Management
1392 Operations of Ring-Zero Volume Management
1393 Physical Volume Salvager Interaction
1394 Scenarios
1395 Glossary
1396 Changes for MR 6.0
1397 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1398 Release Supported: MR6.0
1400 Order No.: AN63-00
1401 Manual Name: ALM_Assembler_SDN
1402 Short Name: ALM, ALM_SDN, ALM_Assembler
1403 Description: Describes the implementation of the Multics assembler.
1404 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1405 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1406 operation.
1407 Table of Contents:
1408 Overview
1409 Overall Operation
1410 Details of Internal Operation
1411 Subroutine Summary
1412 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1413 Release Supported: N/A
1415 Order No.: AN69-00
1416 Manual Name: Message_Segment_Facility_SDN
1417 Short Name: Message_Segment, MSF, Message_Seg,
1418 Message_Segment_Facility, MSG, MSG_Facility
1419 Description: Describes the internal interfaces of the Multics message
1420 segment facility. The user interfaces are described in AK50.
1421 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1422 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1423 operation.
1424 Table of Contents:
1425 Introduction
1426 Design Goals
1427 Properties and Structure
1428 The Primitive Message-Segment Facility
1429 Message-Segment Applications
1430 extended_access_data
1431 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1432 Release Supported: N/A
1434 Order No.: AN70-00
1435 Manual Name: System_Initialization_PLM
1436 Short Name: System_Init, Sys_Init, Initialization_PLM, System_Initialization
1437 Description: Describes the procedures, data bases, strategies, and
1438 policies used during Multics system initialization.
1439 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1440 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1441 operation.
1442 Table of Contents:
1443 Overview
1444 Collection 1
1445 Collection 2
1446 Shutdown
1447 Module Descriptions
1448 abs_segs
1449 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1450 Release Supported: MR3.0
1452 Order No.: AN71-01
1453 Manual Name: Multics_Reconfiguration_PLM
1454 Short Name: Reconfiguration, Reconfig, Reconfig_PLM,
1455 Reconfiguration_PLM
1456 Description: Describes the implementation and design of the Multics
1457 dynamic reconfiguration software for the major hardware modules of the
1458 system.
1459 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1460 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.
1461 Table of Contents:
1462 Introduction
1463 Terminology
1464 Data Structures
1465 Data-Base Initialization
1466 Hardcore Reconfiguration Entries
1467 Processor Reconfiguration
1468 Memory Reconfiguration
1469 Bulk-Store Reconfiguration
1470 The Command Interface
1471 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1472 Release Supported: N/A
1474 Order No.: AN85-01
1475 Manual Name: Communication_System_SDN
1476 Short Name: Communication_System, Comm_System, Communication_SDN,
1477 Comm_SDN
1478 Description: Describes the software residing in the central system and
1479 the Front-End Network Processor that manages communications devices.
1480 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1481 other who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.
1482 Table of Contents:
1483 Overview of Ring-Zero Multics Communication
1484 Hardcore Data Bases
1485 Multiplexing
1486 FNP Interface Module
1487 Interfaces to the User Ring
1488 Hardcore Utilities
1489 Initialization of Hardcore Data Bases
1490 Tools and Debugging Aids
1491 Overview of the FNP Software
1492 FNP Data Bases
1493 Scheduler
1494 Terminal and Line Control
1495 FNP Hardware Managers
1496 FNP Utility Functions
1497 Loading and Initialization
1498 FNP Crash Analysis
1499 FNP-Related Commands
1500 Mailbox Operation Codes
1501 Command Descriptions
1502 FNP Memory Configurator
1503 Layout of FNP Memory
1504 Automatic Baud Rate Detection
1505 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1506 Release Supported: MR7.0
1508 Order No.: AN87-00A
1509 Manual Name: Hardware_and_Software_Formats_PLM
1510 Short Name: Formats, HS_Formats, Formats_PLM, Hardware_and_Software_Formats, HS_Formats_PLM
1511 Description: Describes the formats of status words, control-unit data,
1512 fault codes, and other information read or shared by hardware.
1513 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1514 other who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.
1515 Table of Contents:
1516 Level 68 Processor
1517 Series 60 System Controller and Memory
1518 Level 68 Input/Output Multiplexer
1519 Level 68 Bulk Store
1520 Peripherals
1521 DATANET 6600 Front-End Network Processor
1522 Multics Environment
1523 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1524 Release Supported: N/A
1526 Order No.: CG18-00
1527 Manual Name: Remote_Batch_Facility
1528 Short Name: Remote_Batch, RB, RB_Facility, RBF, Multics_RBF
1529 Description: Describes the Level 6 Remote Batch Facility and its
1530 interaction with Multics operating procedures.
1531 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users.
1532 Table of Contents:
1533 Introduction
1534 Description of RBF Capabilities
1535 Description of RBF Software
1536 Installing RBF Software
1537 Multics User Interface
1538 Operating Instructions
1539 Using the Card Reader for Command Input
1540 Remote-Site Optional Multics Commands
1541 Implementation Notes, Limitations, Problems
1542 Printable Characters
1543 Punch Code Representations
1544 CLM Examples
1545 Modem Checkout
1546 Examples of an iod_admin.ec
1547 New Features: This manual has not changed since its original publication.
1548 Release Supported: MR7.0
1550 Order No.: CJ97-00
1551 Manual Name: Multics_Page_Processing_System_Utility_Manual
1552 Short Name: PPS, Page_Processing, Page_Proc_System, Page_Proc,
1553 PPS_System
1554 Description: Documents the Multics software used on the Honeywell Page-
1555 Processing System.
1556 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users familiar with
1557 the procedure for making input/output tape attachments.
1558 Table of Contents:
1559 Introduction
1560 Use of the pps_ I/O Module
1561 Limitations of PPS Support on Multics
1562 Multics Commands Used With PPS
1563 PPS I/O Module
1564 Multics PPS Character Sets
1565 Multics PPS Tape Format
1566 New Features: This manual has not changed since its original
1567 publication.
1568 Release Supported: MR8.0
1570 Order No.: CP31-00A
1571 Manual Name: Introduction_to_Emacs_Text_Editor
1572 Short Name: Emacs_Intro, Introduction_to_Emacs, Intro_to_Emacs
1573 Description: Describes the most general purpose emacs requests.
1574 Audience: New or general users of the emacs text editor.
1575 Table of Contents:
1576 Introduction
1577 Entry and Editing of Text
1578 Requests for Moving the Cursor
1579 Deletions
1580 Files
1581 Spacing and Formatting
1582 Searches and Substitutions
1583 Typing Shortcuts
1584 Help
1585 Alphabetized List of Fundamental Mode Requests
1586 List of Fundamental Mode Requests by Function
1587 Glossary
1588 New Features:
1589 Addendum A changes:
1590 New and changed requests:
1591 ^S string-search now accepts numeric args
1592 ^R reverse-search-string also accepts numeric args
1593 ESC % query-replace now accepts six new responses
1594 Release Supported: MR10.1
1596 Order No.: CJ52-01A
1597 Manual Name: Multics_Emacs_Extension_Writers'_Guide
1598 Short Name: Emacs_Extension, Extension_Writers'_Guide,
1599 Emacs_Extension_Writers'_Guide, Emacs_Extension_Writers'_Guide,
1600 Emacs_Extension_Writers_Guide, Extension_Writers_Guide,
1601 Extension_Writer's_Guide
1602 Description: Describes how to write user extensions to the Multics
1603 Emacs editor. Also describes the methods for writing terminal control
1604 modules CTLs to support additional terminal types.
1605 Audience: Users who are thoroughly familiar with the Emacs editor,
1606 proficient in its use, and acquainted with its visible organization.
1607 Table of Contents:
1608 Introduction
1609 An Introduction to Lisp
1610 Writing Emacs Extensions
1611 Ldebug Mode
1612 Writing Emacs Terminal Control Modules
1613 The Backquote Facility
1614 Quick Reference
1615 New Features:
1616 Addendum A changes:
1617 New Emacs functions:
1618 kill-pop
1619 kill-ring-top
1620 reverse-regexp-search
1621 rotate-kill-ring
1622 New defcom keywords:
1623 &cleanup
1624 &epilogue
1625 &inverse
1626 &numeric-function
1627 Release Supported: MR10.1
1629 Order No.: CT38-00
1630 Manual Name: Resource_Control_Users'_Guide
1631 Short Name: RUG, Resource_Control_Guide, RCUG, RC_Users'_Guide,
1632 RC_Users_Guide, RC_User's_Guide
1633 Description: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1634 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1635 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1636 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1637 Audience: This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1638 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1639 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1640 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1641 Table of Contents:
1642 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1643 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1644 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1645 Input/Output Modules AG93.
1646 New Features:
1647 This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed
1648 between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG91, Multics
1649 Commands and Active Functions AG92, and Multics Subroutines and
1650 Input/Output Modules AG93. The last edition of this manual is CT38-00.
1651 Release Supported: MR9.0
1653 Order No.: CH23-01A
1654 Manual Name: Mail_System_User's_Guide
1655 Short Name: Mail, Mail_System, Mail_System_Users_Guide,
1656 Mail_System_Users'_Guide
1657 Description: Provides a tutorial introduction to the Multics Electronic
1658 Mail System.
1659 Audience: Programmers and nonprogrammers who have a basic knowledge
1660 of the Multics system.
1661 Table of Contents:
1662 Introduction
1663 The print_mail Command
1664 The send_mail Command
1665 The read_mail Command
1666 More on Sending a Message
1667 Storing Your Mail
1668 Advanced Mail Features
1669 The Mail Table
1670 Mail System Commands
1671 Mailbox Commands
1672 Glossary
1673 New Features:
1674 Addendum A changes:
1675 Mail system supports 3 new types of addresses:
1676 Entries in the Mail Table
1677 Mailing lists
1678 Forum meetings
1679 New User commands:
1680 display_mailing_address
1681 set_mailing_address
1682 Release Supported: MR10.1
1684 Order No.: CY73-01
1685 Manual Name: Inter-Multics_File_Transfer_Facility_Reference_Guide
1686 Short Name: IMFT, File_Transfer, IMFT_File_Transfer, IMFT_Ref_Guide,
1687 IMFT_Reference_Guide, IMFT_Manual
1688 Description: Explains how to transfer files from one Multics site to
1689 another. It also contains the information necessary for a system
1690 administrator to configure IMFT, a system operator to run IMFT, and a
1691 user to delete, list, and move IMFT requests.
1692 Audience: System administrators, system operators, and all users,
1693 nonprogrammers as well as programmers.
1694 Table of Contents:
1695 Introduction
1696 Administration of an IMFT Connection
1697 Operator Procedures
1698 User Commands
1699 New Features:
1700 Revision 1 changes:
1701 Use of X.25 multiplexed channel
1702 Updated material on running IMFT driver processes
1703 Users can now pull file from foreign site to host
1704 The print_imft_sites command is new
1705 Release Supported: MR10.2
1707 Order No.: CY74-02
1708 Manual Name: Multics_Forum_Interactive_Meeting_System_Users'_Guide
1709 Short Name: Forum, Forum_Users'_Guide, Interactive_Meetings,
1710 Forum_Users_Guide, Forum_User's_Guide
1711 Description: Explains how to attend an interactive meeting and how to
1712 read and add comments to a meeting. Also explains the procedures for
1713 chairing an interactive meeting and for installing and maintaining the
1714 Forum facility.
1715 Audience: All users, whether they have experience with Multics or
1716 not, though they are expected to be familiar with the basic Multics
1717 concepts.
1718 Table of Contents:
1719 Introduction
1720 What Is Multics Forum?
1721 Getting Started
1722 Listing and Printing Transactions
1723 Speaking
1724 How To Get Help
1725 Advanced Forum Features
1726 Forum Request Descriptions
1727 Users' Commands
1728 Duties of the Chairman
1729 Chairman's Commands
1730 Administrative Information
1731 Subroutine Descriptions
1732 New Features:
1733 Revision 2 changes:
1734 New commands:
1735 forum_add_meeting forum_announce_meeting
1736 forum_check_meetings forum_remove_meeting
1737 New requests:
1738 add_meeting announce_meeting
1739 announcement_info check_meetings
1740 mail next_meeting
1741 remove_meeting
1742 Release Supported: MR11.
1744 Order No.: CP50-00
1745 Manual Name: Multics_Text_Editor_TED_Reference_Manual
1746 Short Name: ted, Ted_Manual, Ted_Ref_Guide, Ted_Reference_Guide,
1747 Ted_Reference_Manual
1748 Description: Provides a detailed description of Ted, including all the
1749 information necessary to edit text and programs online, describe text
1750 processing, perform arithmetic manipulation and evaluation processing.
1751 Audience: Programmers and non-programmers who have a basic knowledge
1752 of the Multics system.
1753 Table of Contents:
1754 Introduction
1755 General Information
1756 ted_coms
1757 Using Debug Features
1758 Evaluations
1759 Ted Command
1760 ted Requests
1761 Abbreviations, Metasymbols, and Special Characters
1762 Error Messages
1763 Writing an External Request
1764 New Features: This is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are
1765 published, their changes will be noted here.
1766 Release Supported: MR9.0
1768 Order No.: CP51-01D
1769 Manual Name: Multics_Menu_Creation_Facilities
1770 Short Name: Menu_Manager, Menu_Manual, Menu_Creation, Menu,
1771 Menu_Creation_Facilities
1772 Description: Describes the terminal-management software that provides
1773 a means of dividing the terminal screen into different regions and of
1774 performing real-time editing. Describes the commands, subroutines, and
1775 I/O modules that support this function.
1776 Audience: Application programmers who are building menu interfaces
1777 to existing software.
1778 Table of Contents:
1779 Introduction to the Menu System
1780 Introduction to the Video System
1781 Menu Applications
1782 Video System Details
1783 Commands
1784 Subroutines
1785 I/O Modules
1786 I/O Attachments
1787 New Features:
1788 Addendum D changes:
1789 window_status info structure
1790 Video system support for edited mode, vertical windows, and user
1791 settable output conversion tables
1792 Release Supported: MR11.
1794 Order No.: CX20-05
1795 Manual Name: Multics_Executive_Mail_Facility_Pocket_Guide
1796 Short Name: xmail_Pocket_Guide, Exec_Mail_Pocket_Guide, xmail_Guide,
1797 xmail_Facility, Executive_Mail_Pocket_Guide, Executive_Mail_Guide
1798 Description: Explains the basic operations of Multics' Executive Mail
1799 facility.
1800 Audience: Users of the Executive Mail facility.
1801 Table of Contents:
1802 Getting Help
1803 Getting Out
1804 Prompts
1805 Function Keys
1806 Mail Files
1807 Mailing Lists
1808 Current Messages
1809 Selecting Current Messages
1810 Editing Mail
1811 New Features:
1812 Revision 5 changes:
1813 New options for personalizing Exec Mail:
1814 Destroy menu window
1815 Choose escape sequences over function keys
1816 Saveboxes
1817 Automatic dynamic menus
1818 Multics command mode
1819 Full name in outgoing mailbox
1820 New editor features:
1821 ESC ?
1822 Insert file capability
1823 Go to start and end of text
1824 Other:
1825 Blind carbon copies
1826 Writing messages to segments
1827 Automatically list current messages
1828 Improved Multics mode
1829 Release Supported: MR11.0
1831 Order No.: CX72-05
1832 Manual Name: Executive_Mail_Editing_Operations
1833 Short Name: xmail_Editing, xmail_Reference_Card,
1834 Exec_Mail_Reference_Card, Exec_Mail_Ref_Card, xmail_Ref_Card,
1835 Executive_Mail_Editing_Operations_Reference_Card
1836 Description: Lists the editing requests available in the Executive Mail
1837 facility.
1838 Audience: Users of the Executive Mail facility.
1839 Table of Contents:
1840 None
1841 New Features:
1842 Revision 5 changes:
1843 ESC ?
1844 Insert file capability
1845 Go to start and end of text
1846 Release Supported: MR11.0
1848 Order No.: DUO6-01
1849 Manual Name: Fundamentals_of_Multics_Forum_Interactive_Meeting_System
1850 Short Name: Forum_Brochure
1851 Description: Promotional brochure that briefly describes the salient
1852 features of the Multics Forum Interactive Meeting Facility.
1853 Audience: Multics users
1854 Table of Contents:
1855 Accessing Forum
1856 Listing Meetings
1857 Attending a Meeting
1858 Listing Transaction in a Meeting
1859 Reading Transactions
1860 Searching a Meeting
1861 Speaking in a Meeting
1862 Online Help and Documentation
1863 Exiting Forum
1864 New Features: This manual has not been changed since its original
1865 publication.
1866 Release Supported: MR10.0
1869 Order No.: GB59-00
1870 Manual Name: Multics Satellite 6M Reference Manual
1871 Short Name: Satellite_Manual, Satellite, Satellite_6M
1872 Description: Explains how to use the Satellite 6M product and how to
1873 configure it on both the DPS 6 and Multics.
1874 Audience: Users and system administrators.
1875 Table of Contents:
1876 Introduction to Satellite 6M
1877 File Transfer Facilities
1878 Packet Assembler/Disassembler Facility
1879 Using Multics Remote Batch Facility
1880 Using DPS 6 Remote Batch Facility
1881 Introduction to Satellite 6M--Configuration
1882 Configuring the DPS 6 X.25 Protocol Handler
1883 Multics X.25 Protocol Configuration
1884 RBF Configuration
1885 RBF Configuration Requirements for Multics
1886 Pad Reference Tables
1887 Remote Batch Commands
1888 DPS 6 X.25 Utilities
1889 X.25 Console Messages
1890 New Features: This is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes
1891 will be shown here.
1892 Release Supported: MR10.2
1894 Order No.: GB58-00
1895 Manual Name: Multics_Common_Commands
1896 Short Name: Common_Commands, Com_Commands, Com_Com
1897 Description: Contains selected commands that implement frequently used
1898 procedures such as system access, file/directory creation and management,
1899 I/O operations, absentee usage, use of display and reporting
1900 capabilities, and protection implementation. Also describes tools for
1901 sending messages and mail, obtaining accounting information, and using
1902 file/directory search facilities.
1903 Audience: Users who require concise reference information for basic
1904 tasks.
1905 Table of Contents:
1906 Manual Use and Term Definition
1907 Functional Grouping of Commands and Active Functions
1908 Commands and Active Functions
1909 New Features: This is a new manual. When addenda and revisions are
1910 published, changes will be noted here.
1911 Release Supported: MR10.1
1913 Order No.: DJ18-01
1914 Manual Name: Guide_to_Multics_WORDPRO_for_New_Users
1915 Short Name: WORDPRO_Guide, WORDPRO_for_New_Users, Guide_to_WORDPRO
1916 Description: Describes how to use the Multics Word Processing System.
1917 Audience: All users, with or without Multics experience, who wish to
1918 use wordprocessing facilities.
1919 Table of Contents:
1920 Logging in and Logging out
1921 Creating a File
1922 Editing a File
1923 Editing Refinements
1924 Formatting a File
1925 Using the WORDPRO Text Formatter
1926 Formatting Header and Footers
1927 Formatting Footnotes and Tables
1928 Formatting Refinements
1929 Dictionary Usage
1930 Speedtype
1931 List Processing
1932 Using Listed Records
1933 Electronic Mail
1934 Summary of Qedx or Ted Requests
1935 Summary of format_document Command Control Lines and Control Arguments
1936 Helpful Hints for New WORDPRO Users
1937 Speedtype Symbol Dictionary Start
1938 New Features: Revision 1 is for formatting changes to the manual.
1939 Release Supported: MR10.0
1941 Order No.: AN82-00
1942 Manual Name: Standards_SDN
1943 Short Name: Standards_SDN
1944 Description: Describes the standards, conventions, and guidelines used
1945 in the development of all Multics software and documentation.
1946 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1947 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system
1948 operation, and also application programmers and subsystem writers.
1949 Table of Contents:
1950 Introduction
1951 Interface Standards
1952 General Programming Standards
1953 Modularity
1954 Environment Independence
1955 Program Format
1956 Include File Format and Constraints
1957 PL/I Language Conventions
1958 Storage Management
1959 Documentation Standards
1960 Info Segments
1961 Rules for Translator Writers
1962 Registered Control Arguments
1963 Registered Suffixes
1964 Registered I/O Switch Names
1965 Registered Condition Names
1966 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
1967 Release Supported: MR8.0
1969 Order No.: CH26-00
1970 Manual Name: Multics Error Messages--Primer and Reference Manual
1971 Short Name: Error Messages, Error Messages Primer, Errors, Error
1972 Message, Error Message Primer, Error Messages Reference Manual, Error
1973 Message Reference Manual, Error Manual, Errors Manual, Error Ref Guide,
1974 Errors Ref Guide, Error Messages Ref Guide, Error Message Ref Guide
1975 Description: Explains the standard Multics error reporting mechanism,
1976 the meaning of error messages, possible causes of errors, and when
1977 applicable, methods for recovering from or circumventing an error.
1978 Audience: New users and programmers new to the Multics programming
1979 environment.
1980 Table of Contents:
1981 Introduction
1982 Common Error Messages for Everyone
1983 Common Errors for Programmers
1984 Alphabetical Reference to Errors
1985 New Features: This is a new manual. When addenda and revisions are
1986 published, changes will be noted here.
1987 Release Supported: MR8.0
1989 Order No.: AN80-00A
1990 Manual Name: Multics Library Maintenance SDN Preliminary Edition
1991 Short Name: Library Maintenance, Library Maintenance SDN, Library SDN
1992 Description: Describes modules that serve as internal interfaces and
1993 perform special system functions. This SDN used to be a PLM.
1994 Audience: System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and
1995 others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.
1996 Table of Contents:
1997 Introduction to Library Maintenance
1998 Library Organization
1999 The Multics System Library
2000 The Library Descriptor Commands
2001 Maintaining User Libraries with the Library Tools
2002 Protecting Library Software
2003 Online Library Modification
2004 Supervisor Library Modification
2005 Bootload Library Modification
2006 When the System Libraries Self-Destruct
2007 Library Maintenance exec_com's
2008 Library Tools
2009 Library Subroutines and Data Bases
2010 Planned Documentation Additions
2011 New Features: This manual is obsolete and no longer available.
2012 Release Supported: NA
2014 Order No.: GB62-00
2015 Manual Name: Pascal_User's_Guide
2016 Short Name: Pascal, PUG, Pascal_Guide
2017 Description: Describes the Multics specific features of the
2018 standard Pascal language. It is not meant as a reference manual for
2019 Pascal.
2020 Audience: Applications programmers and other end users with
2021 programming experience in Pascal.
2022 Table of Contents:
2023 Introduction
2024 Compiling and Executing a Pascal Program
2025 Multics Pascal Extensions
2026 Pascal in the Multics Environment
2027 Multics Deviations from Standard Pascal
2028 French Symbol Translations
2029 New Features: This is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes
2030 will be shown here.
2031 Release Supported: MR10.2
2033 Order No.: GB61-01
2034 Manual Name: Operator's_Guide_to_Multics
2035 Short Name: Operator's_Guide, Op_Guide
2036 Description: Provides practical information needed to operate Multics
2037 a on daily basis, emphasizing step-by-step instruction for performing the
2038 most common operator tasks.
2039 Audience: Operators
2040 Table of Contents:
2041 Introduction
2042 Hardware Overview
2043 Software Overview
2044 Your Responsibilities
2045 Using The Bootload Console
2046 Using An Initializer Terminal
2047 Dealing with System Messages
2048 Powering On the Machines
2049 Checking Switch Settings
2050 Bootloading BOS
2051 Bootloading BCE
2052 Editing the Config Deck to Change Hardware States
2053 Bootloading Multics
2054 Logging in the Daemons--I/O
2055 Logging in the Daemons--Incremental Backup
2056 Bringing the System Up--The Whole Procedure
2057 Shutting the System Down
2058 Powering Off the Machines
2059 Managing Tapes
2060 Managing User I/O Disks
2061 Managing Storage System Disks
2062 Managing I/O Daemons--Printers
2063 Managing I/O Daemons--Card Punches and Readers
2064 Managing Remote Devices at the Central Site
2065 Managing Remoste Devices at a Remote Site
2066 Managing Backup Daemons--Dumps
2067 Managing Backup Daemons--Retrievals
2068 Communicating with Users
2069 Managing User Logins, Logouts, and Channels
2070 Managing Absentee Jobs
2071 Setting Attended/Unattended Mode and Manual/Automatic Mode
2072 Doing Dynamic Reconfiguration
2073 Leaving a Note in the System Log Book
2074 Using the DPU and the DMP/VIP
2075 Failures that Crash the System
2076 Failures that Don't Crash the System
2077 Automatic Recovery Failure
2078 Storage System Failures
2079 FNP Failures
2080 Managing the Data Management Daemon
2081 Startup Checklists of Switch Settings
2082 Glossary
2083 New Features:
2084 Revision 1 changes:
2085 Bootload Command Environment BCE, a new phase of initialization
2086 Some information moved from obsolete Bulk I/O manual CC34
2087 Log in/start up procedures for printer, puch, and reader I/O daemons
2088 Adding and deleting tape drives, disk drives, IOMs, and logical channels
2089 Data Management daemon
2090 Release Supported: MR11.0
2092 Order No.: GB60-00
2093 Manual Name: Multics_HASP_Service_and_Utility_Manual
2094 Short Name: HASP, HASP_Manual, HASP_Service, Multics_HASP, HASP_Utility
2095 Description: Contains information necessary for setting up a HASP
2096 workstation, using the Multics system as the host or as a workstation
2097 simulator.
2098 Audience: System administrators, site support personnel, and system
2099 operators.
2100 Table of Contents:
2101 Introduction
2102 Administrative Setup--Communications
2103 Administrative Setup--I/O Daemons
2104 Operating a HASP Workstation
2105 Commands for Device/Drivers
2106 I/O Modules
2107 Test Mode
2108 Checklist
2109 New Features: This is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes
2110 will be shown here.
2111 Release Supported: MR10.2
2113 Order No.: GL71-00
2114 Manual Name: Multics Simplified Computing and Filing Facility
2115 Short Name: Cardex, MSP, Spread Sheet, MSFF, Filing Facility
2116 Description: Explains in detail how to use the Multics card system for
2117 filing information and the Multics spread sheet.
2118 Audience: All users, whether or not they have experience with
2119 Multics or any other computer.
2120 Table of Contents:
2121 Introduction to the Multics Simplified Filing Facility
2122 Accessing the Multics Simplified Filing Facility
2123 Creating Card Files
2124 Reordering a Card File
2125 Information Selection and Retrieval
2126 Open and Active Card Files
2127 Numerical Calculations
2128 Report Generation
2129 Card Files From Multics Segments
2130 Multics Simplified Filing Facility Programs
2131 Card File Command Abbreviations
2132 Encoding Information
2133 Introduction to the Multics Spreadsheet Program
2134 Using the Multics Spreadsheet Program
2135 MSP Functions, Commands, and Controls
2136 Defining an MSP Model
2137 Financial Computation
2138 Graphic Plotting
2139 Debugging Facility
2140 The Memo Facility
2141 The Filing Facility to Spreadsheet Connection
2142 Command Summary
2143 New Features: This is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes
2144 will be shown here.
2145 Release Supported: MR10.2
2147 Order No.: GB64-00
2148 Manual Name: Multics_Administration_Maintenance_and_Operations_Commands
2149 Short Name: AMOC, Admin_Commands, Administration_Commands,
2150 Maintenance_Commands, Operations_Commands
2151 Description: Describes commands used for system and project
2152 administration, bulk I/O, communication, registration and accounting,
2153 system metering, system maintenance, and machine operations.
2154 Audience: System and project administrators, machine operators, and
2155 other system maintenance personnel.
2156 Table of Contents:
2157 Command Environments
2158 Privileged Multics Commands
2159 Registration and Accounting Commands
2160 Initializer Commands
2161 Exec Commands
2162 Daemon Commands
2163 BCE Commands
2164 BOS Commands
2165 New Features: This is a new manual made up of commands previously
2166 contained in the System Administrators Manual, Registration and
2167 Accounting, Bulk I/O, System Metering manuals, and the Multics Operators
2168 Handbook. In addition, it contains commands that are also contained in
2169 the Project Administrators Manual and MAM-Communications. When the
2170 manual is updated, changes will be noted here.
2171 Release Supported: MR11.0
2173 Order No.: GB63-00
2174 Manual Name: Multics_Report_Writer_Reference_Manual
2175 Short Name: Report_Writer, Multics_Report_Writer,
2176 Report_Writer_Reference_Manual
2177 Description: Provides reference material, tutorials, and command and
2178 subroutine descriptions for the Multics Report Writer.
2179 Audience: Casual and experienced users with a basic knowledge of
2180 Multics.
2181 Table of Contents:
2182 Report Writer System
2183 Report Writer Tutorial
2184 Subroutine Tutorial
2185 Command Descriptions
2186 Subroutine Entrypoint Descriptions
2187 Display_Employee PL/I Example
2188 New Features: This is a new manual. When it is updated, changes will be
2189 noted here.
2190 Release Supported: MR11.0