1 04/24/85  lalrp, lalr_parse, new_lalrp
  3 Syntax: new_lalrp path {source} {control_args}
  6 Function:  provides a means for testing an LALR produced parser
  7    table and the associated scanner and semantics routines.
  8    This program is an adequate parser in many applications.
 11 Arguments:
 12 path
 13    is the pathname of the result segment generated when the
 14    grammar was processed.  The grammar or result suffix is
 15    assumed if not supplied.  This argument may be an archive
 16    component pathname.
 17 source
 18    is the pathname of the sample input source segment to be
 19    parsed.  If not supplied, lines will be read from user_input.
 20    This is true of the default scanner.  If your own scanner is
 21    supplied, it must provide for reading user_input if no source
 22    is specified, or it must report an error.  This argument may
 23    be an archive component pathname.
 26 Control arguments:
 27 -defer
 28    causes calls to the semantics procedure to be deferred until
 29    a read transition is about to be made, an empty production is
 30    about to be applied, or the final state is reached. (Default)
 31 -no_defer
 32    causes semantic actions to be performed as soon as the
 33    productions are recognized.
 34 -local_reads N, -lr N
 35    requires the parser's local recovery facility (see Chapter 7,
 36    Error Recovery) to accept N symbols beyond the bad symbol in
 37    order for a particular recovery to be considered successful.
 38    N must be in the range 1 to 9.  The default is 2.
 39 -max_recover N, -mr N
 40    allows the parser to perform at most N local recoveries (see
 41    Chapter 7, Error Recovery) in succession.  If N is zero,
 42    local recovery is disabled.  The default is 1.
 45 -print, -pr
 46    causes each line from source to be printed (with line
 47    numbers) as it is scanned.  This is true of the default
 48    scanner.  If your own scanner is supplied, it determines
 49    whether or not printing is available.
 50 -no_print, -npr
 51    does not print the source as it is scanned.  (Default)
 52 -recovery
 53    is the same as -max_recover 1.
 54 -no_recovery, -nr
 55    is the same as -max_recover 0.
 56 -scanner P, -scan P
 57    specifies the pathname of a scanner procedure which
 58    corresponds to the grammar.  The scanner procedure must have
 59    entry points named E and init.  A default scanner,
 60    lalr_scanner_, is provided.
 63 -semantics {P}, -sem {P}
 64    enables calls to the semantic actions.  If the grammar's
 65    source is in the embedded semantics format, the pathname of a
 66    semantics segment which corresponds to the grammar must be
 67    given by P and this segment must have an entry point named E.
 68    It is this entry point which is called to perform a semantic
 69    action.  If the grammar's source is in the separate semantics
 70    format, P may be given; however, its only use is to specify an
 71    initialization entry point as discussed in the interface
 72    description below.  (In the separate semantics format the
 73    result segment contains the names of any semantic routines to
 74    be called.)
 75 -no_semantics, -nsem
 76    disables calls to the semantics actions.  (Default)
 79 -skip_depth N, -sd N
 80    specifies that skip recovery (see Chapter 7, Error Recovery
 81    in the LALR Manual) shall not make more than N attempts, each
 82    from deeper in the parse stack, to recover after discarding a
 83    particular skip symbol.
 84 -skip_reads N, -sr N
 85    specifies that skip recovery (see Chapter 7, Error Recovery)
 86    must be able to accept the next N input symbols following a
 87    skip symbol in order to recover following the skip symbol.
 88    If fewer than N symbols can be accepted, skipping continues
 89    until another skip symbol is found.  N must be in
 90    the range 1 to 9.
 91 -trace
 92    causes a trace of the parsing and error recovery procedures
 93    to be printed.
 94 -no_trace
 95    does not trace the execution of the parsing and error
 96    recovery procedures.  (Default)
 99 Notes:
100 P represents a pathname, other than an archive component
101 pathname, with an entryname portion of E; if P is given as a
102 simple name, it is found according to the search rules.
104 The use of the -defer argument usually improves the parser's
105 ability to perform local error recovery but the performance of
106 the semantics actions becomes some what unsynchronized with
107 respect to the reading of the symbols by the scanner procedure.