1 04/25/85 make_dpda_dcl, mdd
3 Syntax: make_dpda_dcl result_file_path output_path
6 Function: The make_dpda_dcl command produces a Multics PL/1
7 include file containing the DPDA extracted from the result
8 file of a previous LALR generation. This include file
9 declares the DPDA as an internal static constant structure.
12 Arguments:
13 result_file_path
14 is the pathname of the result file from a previous LALR
15 generation from which the DPDA is to be extracted. The
16 grammar suffix is assumed if not supplied. This argument may
17 be an archive component pathname.
18 output_path
19 is the pathname of the include file to be produced. The
20 incl.pl1 suffix is assumed if not supplied. This argument may
21 not be an archive component pathname. The default is
22 "=.incl.pl1".