1 04/25/85  make_dpda, md
 4 Syntax:  make_dpda result_file_path {table_path} {control_args}
 7 Function:  produces a table containing the DPDA extracted from
 8    the result file of a previous LALR generation.  This table is
 9    the same as the one produced by the lalr command when it is
10    invoked with the -table control argument.
13 Arguments:
14 result_file_path
15    is the pathname of the result file from a previous LALR
16    generation from which the DPDA is to be extracted.  The
17    grammar suffix is assumed if not supplied.  This argument may
18    be an archive component pathname.
19 table_path
20    is the pathname of the table to be produced.  If this argument
21    is given with the suffix incl.pl1, the suffix is ignored.  Any
22    other suffix is retained as given.  The default is "=_t".
25 Control arguments:
26 -alm
27    produce the table as an alm segment named X.alm and a Multics
28    PL/1 include file named X.incl.pl1.
29 -no_production_names, -npn
30    does not include the production names in the table.  Note that
31    -production_names -no_production_names has the same effect as
32    -variables_list.
33 -no_synonyms, -nsyn
34    do not include the terminal encoding as a field in the
35    terminals list unless the grammar explicitly names one or more
36    synonyms.
37 -no_terminals_hash_list, -nthl
38    does not include the terminals hash list in the table.  Note
39    that -terminals_hash_list -no_terminals_hash_list has the same
40    effect as -terminals_list.
43 -no_terminals_list, -ntl
44    include neither the terminals list nor terminals hash list in
45    the table.
46 -no_variables_list, -nvl
47    include neither the production names nor the variables list in
48    the table.
49 -production_names, -pn
50    include the production names (table) in the table.  This
51    control argument implies the -variables_list control argument
52    described below.  (Default)
55 -separate_semantics {N}, -sep_sem {N}
56    The optional argument N positionally specifies which argument
57    in the parser's call to the semantics will be the rule or
58    production number required by the transfer vector used with
59    the Multics object segment or alm source segment form of the
60    parse tables produced from a result file generated from a
61    separate semantics format LALR source segment.  The
62    lalr_parser_ subroutine requires N to be 3.  If the optional
63    argument N is omitted, the first argument is used by the
64    transfer vector.  If the -separate_semantics control argument
65    is not used with this command, the value specified or implied
66    to the lalr command when the result file was created is used.
67    If the result file was created from an embedded semantics
68    format LALR source segment, this control argument is ignored.
71 -synonyms, -syn
72    include the terminal encoding as a field in the terminals list
73    instead of using the index to the terminals list as the
74    encoded value.  This option is forced if the grammar
75    explicitly names one or more synonyms.  This control argument
76    implies the -terminals_list control argument described below.
77    (Default)
78 -terminals_hash_list, -thl
79    include the terminals list and terminals hash list in the
80    table.  (Default)
81 -terminals_list, -tl
82    include the terminals list in the table.
83 -variables_list, -vl
84    include the variables list in the table.
87 Notes:
88 As used above X is the name given, or assumed, for the table.