1 04/25/85 lalr, lrk
3 Syntax: lalr path control_args
6 Function: Invokes the LALR compiler to translate a source
7 segment containing the text of the LALR source into a set of
8 tables located in an object segment. The object segment is
9 given two names consisting of the entryname portion of the
10 source segment with the suffixes grammar and result. A
11 listing segment is optionally produced. Packaged forms of
12 the tables may be requested. These segments are placed in
13 your working directory.
16 Arguments:
17 path
18 is the pathname of the LALR source segment containing the
19 grammar to be processed. The lalr suffix is assumed if not
20 supplied. This argument may be an archive component
21 pathname.
24 Control arguments:
25 -brief, -bf
26 suppresses the display to the user_output I/O switch of the
27 inadequate sets encountering indefinite or infinite look
28 ahead or exceeding the maximum allowed look ahead see
29 Chapter 8 LALR Theory in the LALR Manual. Such sets are
30 still displayed in the listing.
31 -long, -lg
32 causes inadequate sets leading to indefinite or infinite look
33 ahead or exceeding the maximum allowed look ahead to be
34 identified on the user_output I/O switch see Chapter 8 LALR
35 Theory in the LALR Manual. Default
36 -dpda
37 causes the complete LALR procedure to be executed to generate
38 a new result segment. Default
39 -no_dpda, -nd
40 causes only the first pass and the listing passes of LALR to
41 be executed. This allows a new semantics segment to be created
42 and/or listings to be produced at considerably less expense
43 than a normal LALR generation. When this option is used, the
44 result segment or a link to it from a previous LALR generation
45 using the source named by the path argument must exist in the
46 working directory. Also the current grammar must be
47 equivalent to the grammar from which result segment was
48 generated. Each rule or alternative if the -production control
49 was used must have the same semantic action as the same rule
50 or alternative in the original grammar.
53 -embedded_semantics
54 indicates that the source segment is in the embedded semantics
55 format. Default
56 -end_of_information X, -end_of_info X, -eoi X
57 causes the generated parser to use a production whose right
58 hand side is your start symbol followed by an
59 end-of-information symbol to create the augmented grammar.
60 Default. If the optional argument X is present,
61 it is made a synonym of the anonymous end-of-information
62 terminal.
63 -no_end_of_information, -no_end_of_info, -neoi
64 causes the generated parser to use a production whose right
65 hand side is simply your start symbol to create the augmented
66 grammar.
67 -hash N
68 set the hash value of the variable and terminal tables to N.
69 The default is 1021.
70 -mark X
71 marks terminal X as an alternative to an unreserved keyword.
72 see Unreserved Keywords in Chapter 2 of the LALR Manual.
73 -no_mark
74 generates a parser with no marked terminal. Default
77 -optimize, -ot
78 is the same as -optimize_reads, -optimize_applies, and
79 -optimize_looks altogether.
80 -no_optimize, -not
81 is the same as -no_optimize_reads, -no_optimize_applies, and
82 -no_optimize_looks altogether.
83 -optimize_applies
84 performs certain optimizations on the generated DPDA that
85 primarily affect apply states.
86 -no_optimize_applies
87 does not perform the optimizations primarily affecting apply
88 states. Default
89 -optimize_looks
90 performs certain optimizations on the generated DPDA that
91 primarily affect look states.
92 -no_optimize_looks
93 does not perform the optimizations primarily affecting apply
94 states. Default
95 -optimize_reads
96 performs certain optimizations on the generated DPDA that
97 primarily affect read states.
98 -no_optimize_reads
99 does not perform the optimizations primarily affecting read
100 states. Default
103 -production, -prod
104 causes the DPDA to be generated with apply state tables that
105 contain the production number but not the rule and
106 alternative numbers. This control argument also affects the
107 generation of the semantics segment.
108 -rule
109 causes the DPDA to be generated with apply state tables that
110 contain the rule, alternative, and the production number.
111 Default. This control argument may be overridden by a
112 later -production or -rule_only control argument.
113 This control argument also affects the generation of the
114 semantics segment.
115 -rule_only
116 causes the DPDA to be generated with apply state tables that
117 contain the rule number but not the alternative and production
118 numbers. This form of DPDA offers greater opportunity for
119 optimization than that produced when either the -production or
120 -rule control is in effect. This control argument also
121 affects the generation of the semantics segment.
122 -semantics X, -sem X
123 produces a semantics segment named X. X may not be
124 The equals convention is applied to the entryname of X and
125 the entryname or component name of the source segment.
126 The suffixes of the resultant entryname must be pl1 or
127 incl.pl1 PL/1 source. If no suffix is present, incl.pl1 is
128 assumed. If incl is present, it is treated as incl.pl1. If
129 X is not given, "=_s.pl1" is assumed. Note: this control
130 argument is meaningless with a separate semantics format
131 source segment.
132 -no_semantics, -nsem
133 does not produce a semantics segment. Default
136 -semantics_header, -semhe
137 causes a "program header" to be generated for the semantics
138 segment. Default
139 -no_semantics_header, -nsemhe
140 causes the "program header" to be omitted from the generated
141 semantics segment.
142 -separate_semantics N, -sep_sem N
143 indicates that the source segment is in the separate
144 semantics format. The optional argument N positionally
145 specifies which argument in the parser's call to the
146 semantics will be the rule or production number required by
147 the transfer vector used with the Multics packaged tables
148 object segment and alm source segment forms of the parse
149 tables. The lalr_parser_ subroutine used in the lalrp
150 command requires N to be 3. If N is omitted, the first
151 argument is used.
154 -table X.incl.pl1, -tb X.incl.pl1
155 produces a packaged form of the result segment in a table
156 named X and an appropriately named source segment declaring
157 the components of the table. X may not be an archive
158 component pathname. The equals convention is applied to the
159 entryname of X and the entryname or component name in case
160 of an archive component of the source segment. The table is
161 produced as a Multics object segment. If X is not given,
162 "=_t" is assumed. This control argument implies the
163 -terminals_hash_list, -terminals_list, -variables_list,
164 -production_names and -synonyms control arguments described
165 below.
166 -no_table, -ntb
167 does nt produce the table described above. This control
168 argument implies the -no_terminals_list,
169 -no_terminals_hash_list, -no_production_names, and
170 -no_variables_list control arguments described below.
171 Default
172 -alm
173 produce the table as an alm segment X.alm and a Multics PL/1
174 include segment named X.incl.pl1. X is the name supplied
175 with the -table control argument less all suffixes. If -alm
176 is in effect but the -table parameter is not, -table =_t is
177 assumed.
178 -no_alm
179 does not produce the table in the form described above for
180 the -alm control argument.
181 -production_names, -pn
182 include the production names in the table. This control
183 argument implies the -variables_list control argument
184 described below.
185 -no_production_names, -npn
186 does not include the production names in the table.
187 Note that -production_names -no_production_names has the
188 same effect as -variables_list. Default
191 -synonyms, -syn
192 include the terminal encoding as a field in the terminals
193 list instead of using the index to the terminals list as the
194 encoded value. This option is forced if the grammar names
195 one or more synonyms. This option is meaningless unless the
196 -terminals_list control argument is also specified or
197 implied.
198 -no_synonyms, -nsyn
199 do not include the terminal encoding as a field in the
200 terminals list unless the grammar explicitly names one or
201 more synonyms.
202 -terminals_hash_list, -thl
203 include the terminals list and terminals hash list in the
204 table.
205 -no_terminals_hash_list, -nthl
206 does not include the terminals hash list in the table.
207 Note that -terminals_hash_list -no_terminals_hash_list
208 has the same effect as -terminals_list. Default
209 -terminals_list, -tl
210 include the terminals list in the table.
211 -no_terminals_list, -ntl
212 does not include the terminals list in the table.
213 This control argument implies the -no_terminals_hash_list
214 control argument. Default
215 -variables_list, -vl
216 include the variables list in the table.
217 -no_variables_list, -nvl
218 does not include the variables list in the table.
219 This control argument implies the -no_production_names
220 control argument. Default
223 -controls, -ctl
224 includes the grammar's control lines, if any, in the output
225 list. This control argument implies -source.
226 -no_controls, -nctl
227 does not include the grammar's control lines, if any, in the
228 output list if one is produced. Note that
229 -controls -no_controls is equivalent to -source. Default
230 -count, -ct
231 produces a list of statistics about the tables. This will go
232 to user_output if no other option is present which provides a
233 list segment.
234 -no_count, -nct
235 does not produce a list of statistics about the tables.
236 Default
237 -dpda_xref, -dx
238 includes cross reference lists of states, terminals, and
239 variables in the "machine" listing of the DPDA. If the
240 source segment is in the separate semantics format, the
241 semantic actions are also cross referenced. This control
242 argument implies the -dpda control argument.
243 -no_dpda_xref, -ndx
244 does not include any DPDA cross reference lists in the
245 "machine" listing of the DPDA. Note that -dpda_xref
246 -no_dpda_xref is equivalent to -dpda. Default
249 -line_length N, -ll N
250 causes the listing to be prepared with lines no longer than N
251 characters. If this control argument is not specified, a
252 line length of 136 characters is assumed.
253 -list, -ls
254 produces a "machine" listing of the DPDA resulting from the
255 LALR execution.
256 -no_list, -nls
257 does not produce a "machine" listing of the DPDA resulting
258 from the LALR execution. Default
259 -long_source, -lgsc
260 produces a line-numbered listing of the rules of the grammar
261 and the associated semantics. If this control argument is
262 used with separate semantics format source segments, it has
263 the same effect as -source.
264 -no_long_source, -nlgsc
265 does not include the semantics in the source listing.
266 Note that -long_source -no_long_source is equivalent
267 to -source. Default
268 -page_length N, -pl N
269 prints the "machine" listing of the DPDA so that no more than
270 N lines are on a page. If this control argument is not
271 specified, a page length of 60 lines is assumed.
274 -source, -sc
275 produces a line-numbered listing of the rules of the grammar.
276 No semantics are listed, only the rules.
277 -no_source, -nsc
278 does not produce a listing of the grammar or the associated
279 semantics. Default
280 -ss
281 produces source and symbols.
282 -nss
283 is the same as -no_source -no_symbols
284 -ssl
285 produces source, symbols, and list.
286 -nssl
287 is the same as -no_source -no_symbols -no_list
288 -symbols, -sb
289 produces a cross reference listing of the terminals and
290 variables used in the grammar. If the source segment is in
291 the separate semantics format, a cross reference listing of
292 the semantic actions used is also produced.
293 -no_symbols, -nsb
294 does not produce a listing of the terminals and variables
295 used in the grammar. Default
298 -terminals, -terms, -term
299 produces a listing of the terminals in encoding order,
300 showing the encoding. If the source segment is in the
301 separate semantics format, a listing of semantic actions
302 indexed by the referencing rule number or production number,
303 as appropriate, is also produced.
304 -no_terminals, -no_terms, -no_term
305 does not produce a listing of the terminals in encoded order.
306 Default
307 -time, -tm
308 prints a table after translation giving the time in CPU
309 seconds, the number of page faults, and measures of other
310 resources used by each phase of the translator. This output
311 will go to the user_output I/O switch if no other option
312 which provides a list segment is present. This information
313 is also available from the command lalr$times invoked
314 immediately after a translation.
315 -no_time, -ntm
316 does not print a table after translation giving the amounts
317 of CPU time and other resources used by each of the phases of
318 the translator. Default
321 Notes:
322 If the source segment is named X.lalr, the list segment will be
323 named X.g.list. This is done so that if you choose to have your
324 semantics segment named X.pl1, the generation listing and
325 compilation listing will not be in conflict.
327 If the -separate_semantics or -alm control arguments are used,
328 the -table control argument must also be in effect.
330 Use of a DPDA with optimized reads requires a parser PL/1
331 procedure designed or generated according to the requirements
332 given in the June 13, 1981 or later version of this
333 specification.
335 Use of a DPDA with optimized looks requires a parser PL/1
336 procedure designed or generated according to the requirements
337 given in the September 18, 1982 or later version of this
338 specification.
340 The LALR command supports the program_interrupt command by
341 continuing after receiving a program_interrupt signal as if the
342 -brief control argument had been specified in the command line.
344 For a description and syntax of the grammar source input, see
345 Chapter 3 of the LALR Manual.