1 04/25/85  kwsl
 3 Syntax:  kwsl result_file_path {synonyms_path {output_path
 4                {structure_name}}}
 7 Function:  produces a Multics PL/1 include file that declares an
 8    array containing a sorted list of terminal symbols and their
 9    encoded values in an LALR grammar.  One or more synonyms may
10    be specified for each terminal symbol.
13 Arguments:
14 result_file_path
15    the pathname of the result file from a previous LALR
16    generation from which the encoded values for the terminals are
17    to be taken.  The grammar suffix is assumed if not supplied.
18    This argument may be an archive component pathname.
19 synonyms_path
20    is the pathname of an unstructured file naming the terminal
21    symbols and synonyms to be included in the output.  Each line
22    of this file begins with the name of a terminal symbol in the
23    first position of the line.  The terminal symbol may
24    optionally be followed by a list of synonyms for it.  The
25    synonyms are separated from the terminal symbol and from each
26    another by single occurrences of the horizontal tab (HT)
27    character.
28 output_path
29    is the pathname of the include file to be produced.  If
30    output_path is given without the suffix incl.pl1, it is
31    assumed.  This argument may not be an archive component
32    pathname.  The default is "=.incl.pl1".
33 structure_name
34    is the name to be used for the level 1 structure in the output
35    include file.  If this argument is omitted, the structure will
36    be named keyword.
39 Notes:
40 -all (or -a) may be specified instead of synonyms_path.  In this
41 case all of the terminals and synonyms defined by the grammar
42 are included in the output.
44 If synonyms_path is given without the suffix syn, it is assumed.
45 This argument may be an archive component pathname.  If this
46 argument is not given, the first argument (result_file_path)
47 with the suffix grammar changed to syn is used if such a segment
48 exists otherwise -all is assumed.