1 1976-11-10  columns, col
  3 Syntax as a command: col path {-control_args}
  6 Function: reformats the lines of a segment so that they form
  7 columns that read vertically down the page, thereby greatly
  8 decreasing the amount of paper required to print a segment
  9 containing many short lines.
 12 Arguments:
 13 path
 14    is the pathname of the segment to reformat.
 17 Control arguments:
 18 -segment, -sm
 19    specifies that the reformatted segment is to be placed in
 20    another segment in the working directory with the
 21    same name as the original plus the suffix col.  Default, if this
 22    argument is not specified, is to print the segment on
 23    user_output, which is normally connected to the terminal.
 24 -line_length n, -ll n
 25    specifies the line length to be used for output.  The default is
 26    136 when segment is specified, and the terminal line length when
 27    segment is not specified.  If the line length cannot be determined,
 28    as when file_output is being used, the default is 136.
 31 -page_length n, -pl n
 32    specifies the page length to be used for output.  This is the
 33    number of printable lines on the page.  The default is 60.
 34 -top_margin n, -tmg n
 35    specifies the number of blank lines that are to appear at the top
 36    of each page, in addition to the page_length printable lines.
 37    For segment output, this value must be at least 3.  Default is 3,
 38    except when output is to the terminal and no_pagination is
 39    specified, in which case the default is 0.
 40 -bottom_margin n, -bmg n
 41    specifes the number of blank lines to appear at the bottom of each
 42    page.  This control argument may not appear if segment is specified.
 43    Default is 3, except when output is to the terminal and
 44    no_pagination is specified, in which case the default is 0.
 47 -margin n, -mg n
 48    sets both the top and bottom margins at the same time.  This value
 49    must be at least 3 if segment is specified.  The default values of
 50    the top and bottom margins are specified above.  This control
 51    argument may not be specified if top_margin or bottom_margin are
 52    specified.
 53 -no_pagination, -npgn
 54    specifies that the page_length is assumed to be infinite.  In
 55    this case the vertical length of the output will be the minimum
 56    required to contain all the columns of the entire segment.  The
 57    column lengths will all be equal, except for the last column,
 58    which may contain unused positions.  This control argument is
 59    incompatible with the use of the page_length argument.
 62 -indent n, -in n
 63    specifies the left margin.  The default is 0.  The use of this
 64    control argument effectively reduces the available line length
 65    specified by the line_length control argument.
 66 -minimize, -mn
 67    If this control argument is not specified, all columns in the
 68    reformatted segment will be the same width, which is determined
 69    from the values of additional control arguments described below.
 70    If this argument is specified, each column will only be as wide as
 71    the longest line in that column, thereby minimizing the amount of
 72    space required to print the reformatted segment.  Thus, for
 73    example, if one column happens to contain only short lines, that
 74    column will be narrower than columns containing longer lines.
 77 -column_width n, -cw n
 78    If minimize is not specified, this control argument specifies the
 79    width of each column.  The default is to use the longest line in
 80    the segment as the column width (except when number_columns is
 81    specified).  If minimize is specified, this is the maximum width
 82    of any column.  Lines in a column exceeding this width are either
 83    truncated, folded, or extended into adjacent columns depending on
 84    other control arguments discussed below.  The default maximum
 85    column width when minimize is specified is the available line
 86    length.
 89 -number_columns n, -nc n
 90    specifies the number of columns to print on each page.  This
 91    control argument is not permitted when minimize is specified.  The
 92    default is to put as many columns as possible across the page,
 93    subject to the column_width and other restrictions specified by
 94    additional control arguments.
 95 -space n, -sp n
 96    specifies the width of the blank space between each column.  The
 97    default is one blank space.  Note that if minimize is not
 98    specified the actual number of blanks between the longest line in
 99    any particular column and the next column may be greater than this
100    amount if that line is shorter than the column_width.
103 -adjust, -ad
104    specifies that the space between the columns is to be adjusted so
105    that the rightmost column is as far to the right as possible
106    within the line_length.  This control argument can effectively
107    increase the value of space.  The space will always be equal
108    between columns, so that the rightmost column may not necessarily
109    end up at the right margin.  This control argument is incompatible
110    with the specification of minimize.  The default is not to adjust.
111 -truncate, -tc
112    specifies that a line longer than the default column_width is
113    truncated at the column_width.
116 -full, -fl
117    specifies that lines longer than the column_width are to be
118    extended into the inter-column space and possibly into adjacent
119    columns for the full length of the line.  When a line extends into
120    other columns, the spot taken up by the extended line in those
121    columns will be skipped over.  This argument is useful when a few
122    lines in a segment are longer than most of the others.  It can
123    produce strange (but perfectly correct) results if many lines
124    overflow the column_width.
127    When minimize is specified, the length  of the overflowing lines
128    is not used in determining the width of the column.  Thus, if the
129    maximum column_width is specified as 20, and one line in a
130    column of 10 character lines is 30 characters long, the actual
131    width of that column will only be 10.  If the column_width were
132    equal to or greater than 30, that column would be 30 characters
133    wide.  This control argument may not be specified unless a
134    column_width is also specified.
137 -fold n, -fd n
138    specifies that lines longer than the column_width are to be folded
139    at the column_width and subsequent portions of the line are to be
140    continued below the first part of the line in the same column,
141    indented n spaces from the column's left border.
144 -blocks, -bk
145    The columns command normally interprets the vertical tab character
146    (octal 013) as a "tab" to the top of the next column.  The current
147    column may end before the bottom of the page, and a new column
148    will be started.  If the blocks control argument is specified,
149    columns treats the input segment as if it were a series of blocks
150    of lines separated by the vertical tab character.  The vertical
151    tab, in this case, does not cause a tab to the next column, except
152    when such a tab is required to make the block fit totally within
153    one column.  Thus, a block of lines will never be split between
154    two columns, unless that block of lines is longer than the
155    page_length.  If a block of lines is too long to fit on the
156    current column, and it did not begin the column, a new column will
157    be started.
160    The vertical tab character is only recognized if it appears as the
161    first character of a line.  This control argument may not be
162    specified when the no_pagination argument is used.  If
163    no_pagination is specified, vertical tabs in the first position of
164    a line are ignored.
167 -full_last_page, -flp
168    Normally, if the last page of output is not completely full,
169    columns tries to minimize the number of printed lines on that page
170    by shortening the page_length.  This tends to spread the output
171    more across the page, maximizing the number of columns used and
172    minimizing their lengths.  As an example, assume that the last
173    page contains 15 entries, where n_columns is 4 and page_length is
174    6.  The last page would then have the following format:
176             x  x  x  x
177             x  x  x  x
178             x  x  x  x
179             x  x  x
182    Note that the page_length of 6 is not used, since only 4 lines are
183    required to contain the 15 entries.  The full_last_page control
184    argument specifies that the last page minimization not be done.
185    This results in columns that may reach down to the bottom of the
186    page, even though subsequent columns are empty.  In this same
187    example, the last page would look as follows:
189             x  x  x
190             x  x  x
191             x  x
192             x  x
193             x  x
194             x  x
196    The last page in this case uses all 6 lines.
199 Notes:
200      The defaults are such that if no control arguments are
201 specified, columns searches for the longest line in the segment
202 and uses its length as the column_width.  All columns are this
203 same width.  The segment is printed on the terminal paged, with 60
204 lines per page and three lines of top and bottom margin on each
205 page.
207      The longest line in the segment is always used as the
208 column_width when neither column_width nor n_columns is specified.
209 If the column_width is longer than the line_length (minus any
210 indent), and neither fold nor truncate are specified, an error
211 message is printed.  Note that only one of the three control
212 arguments full, truncate, or fold may be specified.
215      This command handles the following control characters
216 properly: newline, backspace, and tab.  In addition, newpage
217 characters in the original segment are ignored, and vertical tab
218 characters appearing in the first position of a line are treated
219 as described above for the blocks control argument.  All other
220 characters are assumed to occupy one horizontal printing position.
221 The columns may not line up properly if non-printing or escape
222 sequences appear in the output.
225      The segment produced by columns contains a newpage character
226 at the top of each page, except the first.  It is assumed that the
227 first printing position after the newpage is line 4.  Thus, a top
228 margin of 4 would result in one extra blank line after each
229 newpage.  Bottom margins do not appear on segment output.  Note
230 that if the page_length plus top_margin is greater than 62 (the
231 defaults result in 63) the user must specify -no_endpage when
232 dprinting the segment, or extra blank lines may be inserted into
233 the output.
236      The following combinations of control arguments are
237 inconsistent:
239   minimize & n_columns
240   minimize & adjust
241   blocks & no_pagination
242   full & ^column_width & ^n_columns
243   margin & (top_margin | bottom_margin)
244   fold & (truncate | full)
245   truncate & full
246   full_last_page & no_pagination
247   page_length & no_pagination
250      The use of the no_pagination control argument (or specifying
251 a very large value of page_length), together with minimize, full,
252 or fold, considerably increases the execution time of this
253 command.  It is recommended that no_pagination only be used to
254 print relatively short segments on the terminal.  Little paper is
255 saved by specifying no_pagination when the output is to be
256 dprinted.  There is no significant additional cost in using
257 no_pagination, however, when neither minimize, full, nor fold are
258 specified.