1 change_acl, change_iacl_seg, change_iacl_dir
 3 Syntax:
 4    change_acl path match_1 new_1 ... match_n new_n {-control_args}
 5    change_iacl_seg  path match_1 new_1 ... match_n new_n {-control_args}
 6    change_iacl_dir path match_1 new_1 ... match_n new_n {-control_args}
 9 Function: Examines an existing ACL for entries that match a given
10 access control name and adds a new entry to the ACL for each match,
11 as specified by a second access control name.
14 Arguments:
15 path
16    is the pathname of the segment or directory.  The star convention
17    is allowed.
18 match_i
19    is the access control name to be matched with an existing
20    ACL entry, according the the ACL matching strategy.
21 new_i
22    is the access control name that is to be added to the ACL
23    for each match, using the same mode as was on the matching entry.
24    If it contains null components, those components are replaced by
25    corresponding components from the matching entry.
28 Control arguments:
29 -replace, -rp
30    specifies that new entries are to replace existing entries,
31    instead of being added.
32 -brief, -bf
33    specifies that no message is to be printed if a match could
34    not be found.
35 -segment, -sm
36    specifies that, when a starname is used for path, only
37    segments are to be used.  Default is to used directories and
38    segments.
39 -directory, -dr
40    specifies that directories only are to be used.
43 Notes: The -segment and -directory arguments are not permitted for
44 change_iacl_seg and change_iacl_dir (directories are always assumed
45 for those commands).  Care should be exercised when supplying more
46 than one pair of arguments, since it is possible for an ACL entry
47 that was modified by a given pair of arguments to subsequently be
48 modified by another pair of arguments.