PR_BITNO          167 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h     word6  PR_BITNO;  // The number of the bit within PRn.WORDNO that is the
PR_BITNO         1987 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h #define GET_PR_BITNO(n) (cpu.PAR[n].PR_BITNO)
PR_BITNO         1992 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h      cpu.PAR[n].PR_BITNO = b;
PR_BITNO         1999 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.h      cpu.PAR[n].PR_BITNO = c * 9 + b;
PR_BITNO         4087 src/dps8/dps8_sys.c     { "cpus[].PAR[].PR_BITNO",  SYM_STRUCT_OFFSET, SYM_UINT8_6,   offsetof (struct par_s,          PR_BITNO)    },
PR_BITNO          467 src/dps8/hdbg.c                     p->,
PR_BITNO          491 src/dps8/hdbg.c                  p->,
PR_BITNO          600 src/dps8/panelScraper.c     SETL (bank_d, 0+3, cpu.PAR[cpu.DATA_panel_d2_sw].PR_BITNO, 6);