uint8             211 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word1;
uint8             212 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word2;
uint8             213 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word3;
uint8             214 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word4;
uint8             215 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word5;
uint8             216 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word6;
uint8             217 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word7;
uint8             218 src/dps8/dps8.h typedef uint8        word8;
uint8             373 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c static uint8 glyph_char_patterns [NUM_GLYPH_CHAR_PATTERNS][CHAR_MATRIX_BYTES] =
uint8             476 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c static uint8 glyph_char_word_offset [11] =
uint8             481 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c static uint8 glyph_nibble_offset [11] =
uint8             501 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c static void log_char_matrix_pattern(uint8* char_matrix)
uint8             529 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c static char search_glyph_patterns(uint8* matrix)
uint8             577 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c     uint8 char_matrix[CHAR_MATRIX_BYTES];
uint8             646 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c       uint8 byte_buffer[120];
uint8             657 src/dps8/dps8_crdpun.c           uint8 nibble = (in_buffer[word36_offset] >> ((8 - nibble_offset) * 4)) & 0xF;
uint8             427 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c         uint8 ch;
uint8             693 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c         buffer [i] = extr36 ((uint8 *) rawCardImage, i);
uint8             705 src/dps8/dps8_crdrdr.c 
uint8             895 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     uint8 diskBuffer[p72ByteCnt];
uint8             987 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     uint8 diskBuffer[p72ByteCnt];
uint8              30 src/dps8/dps8_mt.h     uint8 buf [BUFSZ];
uint8             302 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 newlines[128] = {
uint8             321 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 spaces[128] = {
uint8             340 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 newlines[128] = { [0 ... 127] = '\n' };
uint8             341 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8   spaces[128] = { [0 ... 127] = ' ' };
uint8             343 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 formfeed[1] = { '\f' };
uint8             344 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 crlf[4]     = { '\r', '\n', '\r', '\n' };
uint8             345 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c static const uint8 cr[2]       = { '\r', '\n' };
uint8             748 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c                 uint8 bytes[nchars];
uint8             854 src/dps8/dps8_prt.c                 uint8 bytes[nchars];
uint8            1766 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c static word36 extrASCII36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
uint8            1768 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + woffset * 4;
uint8            1788 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c word36 extr36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
uint8            1792 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + dwoffset * 9;
uint8            1815 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c static void putASCII36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
uint8            1817 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + woffset * 4;
uint8            1824 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c void put36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset)
uint8            1828 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c     uint8 * p = bits + dwoffset * 9;
uint8            1861 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c int extractASCII36FromBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 *wordp)
uint8            1880 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c int extractWord36FromBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 *wordp)
uint8            1899 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c int insertASCII36toBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 word)
uint8            1917 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c int insertWord36toBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 word)
uint8             881 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h word36 extr36 (uint8 * bits, uint woffset);
uint8             882 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h void put36 (word36 val, uint8 * bits, uint woffset);
uint8             883 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h int extractASCII36FromBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 *wordp);
uint8             884 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h int extractWord36FromBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 *wordp);
uint8             885 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h int insertASCII36toBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 word);
uint8             886 src/dps8/dps8_utils.h int insertWord36toBuffer (uint8 * bufp, t_mtrlnt tbc, uint * words_processed, word36 word);
uint8             366 src/dps8/udplib.c 
uint8             394 src/dps8/udplib.c 
uint8             246 src/simh/scp.c     if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) v = *(((uint8 *) mb) + ((uint32) j));        \
uint8             252 src/simh/scp.c     if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) *(((uint8 *) mb) + j) = (uint8) v;                    \
uint8            3776 src/simh/scp.c uint8 dbuf[CBUFSIZE];
uint8            7045 src/simh/scp.c     (sz == sizeof (uint8)))
uint8            7046 src/simh/scp.c     val = *(((uint8 *) rptr->loc) + idx);
uint8            7160 src/simh/scp.c     (sz == sizeof (uint8)))
uint8            7161 src/simh/scp.c     PUT_RVAL (uint8, rptr, idx, (uint32) val, (uint32) mask);
uint8            7728 src/simh/scp.c t_stat sim_decode_quoted_string (const char *iptr, uint8 *optr, uint32 *osize)
uint8            7731 src/simh/scp.c uint8 *ostart = optr;
uint8            7743 src/simh/scp.c         *(optr++) = (uint8)(*(iptr++));
uint8            7798 src/simh/scp.c                     *optr = ((*optr)<<4) + (uint8)(c-hex_digits);
uint8            7803 src/simh/scp.c                     *optr = ((*optr)<<4) + (uint8)(c-hex_digits);
uint8            7831 src/simh/scp.c char *sim_encode_quoted_string (const uint8 *iptr, size_t size)
uint8            7892 src/simh/scp.c void fprint_buffer_string (FILE *st, const uint8 *buf, size_t size)
uint8            9793 src/simh/scp.c uint8 *match_buf;
uint8            9798 src/simh/scp.c match_buf = (uint8 *)calloc (strlen (match) + 1, 1);
uint8            9810 src/simh/scp.c     sim_data_trace(exp->dptr, exp->dptr->units, (const uint8 *)match, "", strlen(match)+1, "Expect Match String", exp->dbit);
uint8            9846 src/simh/scp.c match_buf = (uint8 *)calloc (strlen (match) + 1, 1);
uint8            9857 src/simh/scp.c     sim_data_trace(exp->dptr, exp->dptr->units, (const uint8 *)match, "", strlen(match)+1, "Expect Match String", exp->dbit);
uint8            9892 src/simh/scp.c         exp->buf = (uint8 *)realloc (exp->buf, compare_size + 2); /* Extra byte to null terminate regex compares */
uint8            9972 src/simh/scp.c t_stat sim_exp_check (EXPECT *exp, uint8 data)
uint8            10088 src/simh/scp.c t_stat sim_send_input (SEND *snd, uint8 *data, size_t size, uint32 after, uint32 delay)
uint8            10098 src/simh/scp.c     snd->buffer  = (uint8 *)realloc(snd->buffer, snd->bufsize);
uint8            10571 src/simh/scp.c void sim_data_trace(DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, const char *position, size_t len, const char *txt, uint32 reason)
uint8             151 src/simh/scp.h t_stat sim_decode_quoted_string (const char *iptr, uint8 *optr, uint32 *osize);
uint8             152 src/simh/scp.h char *sim_encode_quoted_string (const uint8 *iptr, size_t size);
uint8             153 src/simh/scp.h void fprint_buffer_string (FILE *st, const uint8 *buf, size_t size);
uint8             181 src/simh/scp.h t_stat sim_send_input (SEND *snd, uint8 *data, size_t size, uint32 after, uint32 delay);
uint8             192 src/simh/scp.h t_stat sim_exp_check (EXPECT *exp, uint8 data);
uint8             200 src/simh/scp.h void sim_data_trace(DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, const char *position, size_t len, const char *txt, uint32 reason);
uint8            2412 src/simh/sim_console.c     mbuf = sim_encode_quoted_string ((uint8 *)mbuf2, strlen (mbuf2));
uint8            2428 src/simh/sim_console.c     uint8 *rbuf;
uint8            2433 src/simh/sim_console.c     rbuf = (uint8 *)malloc (1 + strlen(cptr));
uint8             626 src/simh/sim_defs.h     uint8               *match;                          /* match string */
uint8             647 src/simh/sim_defs.h     uint8               *buf;                            /* buffer of output data which has produced */
uint8             661 src/simh/sim_defs.h     uint8               *buffer;                         /* buffer */
uint8             242 src/simh/sim_disk.c static t_stat _sim_disk_rdsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectsread, t_seccnt sects)
uint8             268 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_stat sim_disk_rdsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectsread, t_seccnt sects)
uint8             304 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8 *tbuf = (uint8*) malloc (sects*ctx->sector_size + 2*ctx->storage_sector_size);
uint8             335 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_stat sim_disk_rdsect_a (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectsread, t_seccnt sects, DISK_PCALLBACK callback)
uint8             344 src/simh/sim_disk.c static t_stat _sim_disk_wrsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectswritten, t_seccnt sects)
uint8             368 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_stat sim_disk_wrsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectswritten, t_seccnt sects)
uint8             373 src/simh/sim_disk.c uint8 *tbuf = NULL;
uint8             422 src/simh/sim_disk.c         tbuf = (uint8*) malloc (sects * ctx->sector_size);
uint8             438 src/simh/sim_disk.c     tbuf = (uint8*) malloc (sects*ctx->sector_size + 2*ctx->storage_sector_size);
uint8             476 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_stat sim_disk_wrsect_a (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectswritten, t_seccnt sects, DISK_PCALLBACK callback)
uint8             523 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_b_strucver;
uint8             524 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_b_struclev;
uint8             545 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_b_window;
uint8             546 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_b_lru_lim;
uint8             551 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_r_min_class[20];
uint8             552 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_r_max_class[20];
uint8             553 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_r_reserved[320];
uint8             555 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_t_strucname[12];
uint8             556 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_t_volname[12];
uint8             557 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_t_ownername[12];
uint8             558 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  hm2_t_format[12];
uint8             565 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  fh2_b_idoffset;
uint8             566 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  fh2_b_mpoffset;
uint8             567 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  fh2_b_acoffset;
uint8             568 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  fh2_b_rsoffset;
uint8             625 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  scb_b_strucver;   /* 1 */
uint8             626 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  scb_b_struclev;   /* 2 */
uint8             636 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  scb_t_volockname[12];
uint8             640 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8  scb_b_reserved[446];
uint8             681 src/simh/sim_disk.c if (sim_disk_rdsect (uptr, 1, (uint8 *)&Home, NULL, 1))
uint8             704 src/simh/sim_disk.c if (sim_disk_rdsect (uptr, Home.hm2_l_ibmaplbn+Home.hm2_w_ibmapsize+1, (uint8 *)&Header, NULL, 1))
uint8             726 src/simh/sim_disk.c if (sim_disk_rdsect (uptr, ScbLbn, (uint8 *)&Scb, NULL, 1))
uint8             882 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8 *secbuf = (uint8 *)calloc (1, ctx->sector_size);       /* alloc temp sector buf */
uint8             898 src/simh/sim_disk.c         uint8 *init_buf = (uint8*) malloc (1024*1024);
uint8             947 src/simh/sim_disk.c     uint8 *verify_buf = (uint8*) malloc (1024*1024);
uint8            1179 src/simh/sim_disk.c void sim_disk_data_trace(UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, size_t lba, size_t len, const char* txt, int detail, uint32 reason)
uint8              74 src/simh/sim_disk.h t_stat sim_disk_rdsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectsread, t_seccnt sects);
uint8              75 src/simh/sim_disk.h t_stat sim_disk_rdsect_a (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectsread, t_seccnt sects, DISK_PCALLBACK callback);
uint8              76 src/simh/sim_disk.h t_stat sim_disk_wrsect (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectswritten, t_seccnt sects);
uint8              77 src/simh/sim_disk.h t_stat sim_disk_wrsect_a (UNIT *uptr, t_lba lba, uint8 *buf, t_seccnt *sectswritten, t_seccnt sects, DISK_PCALLBACK callback);
uint8              92 src/simh/sim_disk.h void sim_disk_data_trace (UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, size_t lba, size_t len, const char* txt, int detail, uint32 reason);
uint8             119 src/simh/sim_tape.c static void sim_tape_data_trace (UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, size_t len, const char* txt, int detail, uint32 reason);
uint8             305 src/simh/sim_tape.c static void sim_tape_data_trace(UNIT *uptr, const uint8 *data, size_t len, const char* txt, int detail, uint32 reason)
uint8             403 src/simh/sim_tape.c uint8 c;
uint8             553 src/simh/sim_tape.c             (void)sim_fread (&c, sizeof (uint8), 1, uptr->fileref);
uint8             617 src/simh/sim_tape.c uint8 c;
uint8             743 src/simh/sim_tape.c             (void)sim_fread (&c, sizeof (uint8), 1, uptr->fileref);
uint8             791 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_rdrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max)
uint8             813 src/simh/sim_tape.c i = (t_mtrlnt)sim_fread (buf, sizeof (uint8), rbc, uptr->fileref);/* read record */
uint8             827 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_rdrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
uint8             856 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_rdrecr (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max)
uint8             873 src/simh/sim_tape.c i = (t_mtrlnt)sim_fread (buf, sizeof (uint8), rbc, uptr->fileref);/* read record */
uint8             884 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_rdrecr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
uint8             908 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_wrrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt bc)
uint8             936 src/simh/sim_tape.c         (void)sim_fwrite (buf, sizeof (uint8), sbc, uptr->fileref);
uint8             947 src/simh/sim_tape.c         (void)sim_fwrite (buf, sizeof (uint8), sbc, uptr->fileref);
uint8             948 src/simh/sim_tape.c         (void)sim_fwrite (buf, sizeof (uint8), 1, uptr->fileref); /* delimit rec */
uint8             960 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_wrrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt bc, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
uint8            1002 src/simh/sim_tape.c     uint8 buf = P7B_EOF;                                /* eof mark */
uint8            1897 src/simh/sim_tape.c uint8 *recbuf = NULL;
uint8            1915 src/simh/sim_tape.c recbuf = (uint8 *)malloc (65536);
uint8             160 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_rdrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max);
uint8             161 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_rdrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
uint8             162 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_rdrecr (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max);
uint8             163 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_rdrecr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt *bc, t_mtrlnt max, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
uint8             164 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_wrrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt bc);
uint8             165 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_wrrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint8 *buf, t_mtrlnt bc, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
uint8             987 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 lp->telnet_sent_opts = (uint8 *)realloc (lp->telnet_sent_opts, 256);
uint8            1120 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                                     lp->telnet_sent_opts = (uint8 *)realloc (lp->telnet_sent_opts, 256);
uint8            1285 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 lp->telnet_sent_opts = (uint8 *)realloc (lp->telnet_sent_opts, 256);
uint8            1512 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_stat tmxr_get_packet_ln (TMLN *lp, const uint8 **pbuf, size_t *psize)
uint8            1517 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_stat tmxr_get_packet_ln_ex (TMLN *lp, const uint8 **pbuf, size_t *psize, uint8 frame_byte)
uint8            1526 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->rxpb = (uint8 *)realloc (lp->rxpb, lp->rxpbsize);
uint8            1548 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->rxpb[lp->rxpboffset++] = (uint8)(((1 + lp->rxbpi - lp->rxbpr) >> 8) & 0xFF);
uint8            1549 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->rxpb[lp->rxpboffset++] = (uint8)((1 + lp->rxbpi - lp->rxbpr) & 0xFF);
uint8            1891 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_stat tmxr_put_packet_ln (TMLN *lp, const uint8 *buf, size_t size)
uint8            1896 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_stat tmxr_put_packet_ln_ex (TMLN *lp, const uint8 *buf, size_t size, uint8 frame_byte)
uint8            1909 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     lp->txpb = (uint8 *)realloc (lp->txpb, lp->txpbsize);
uint8             136 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h     uint8               *telnet_sent_opts;              /* Telnet Options which we have sent a DON'T/WON'T */
uint8             157 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h     uint8               *rxpb;                          /* rcv packet buffer */
uint8             168 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h     uint8               *txpb;                          /* xmt packet buffer */
uint8             222 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h t_stat tmxr_get_packet_ln (TMLN *lp, const uint8 **pbuf, size_t *psize);
uint8             223 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h t_stat tmxr_get_packet_ln_ex (TMLN *lp, const uint8 **pbuf, size_t *psize, uint8 frame_byte);
uint8             226 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h t_stat tmxr_put_packet_ln (TMLN *lp, const uint8 *buf, size_t size);
uint8             227 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h t_stat tmxr_put_packet_ln_ex (TMLN *lp, const uint8 *buf, size_t size, uint8 frame_byte);